Abigail Daniels plenz at
Tue Oct 11 18:54:36 UTC 2011

Invitation to Seminar:

Dear Sir

The USA International Business Guide Organization (UIBGO) has the pleasure of inviting you to an international Business Uplifting Seminar that will be coming up on 21st November 2011 and will last till 25th November. The venue of the Seminar will be in Madrid Spain, as our Orgaizers and Sponsors has chose that for the location.

The seminar aims at the Uplifting of your business as in taking you and your business up for the year 2012 and beyond. We will present new strategies, Action plans and best practices concerning Electronic services for Businesses.

There will presentations from highly successful business dignitaries. Note: we will be providing free air tickets to all delegates coming from abroad and we will also be assisting does who needs visa to visit Madrid Spain but that will be after they have been fully register for the event.

We are looking forward to meeting you at the seminar, which we hope will provide an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange experiences.

Please get your registration form from Mrs Emma J. Noah (UIBGO Secretary) by Email: emma.j.noah at

You can also call our Toll free Number: 22768723627


Miss Abigail Daniels
abigail_daniels at
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