Bug#645554: gnome-shell: upgrade to version 3.2 so that extensions work

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Oct 19 16:59:58 UTC 2011

Am 17.10.2011 09:08, schrieb Vincent Danjean:
> But you are maintainer of the package, so I you really think that
> gnome-shell 3.0 is good enough for testing (ie next stable), keep
> this severity.

Don't worry, we will definitely ship the next stable with 3.2 or even 3.4.

gnome-shell needs quite a few newer bits, e.g. glib 2.30 and gtk 3.2.
Those still have some issues which we currently try to address in

Blocking the ongoing GNOME 3 transition for gnome-shell 3, would mean we
possibly stall quite a few unrelated packages from entering testing
because there is the risk that other library transitions get mixed up
with GNOME 3, which is already big enough as it is.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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