Bug#766732: Caught in the act...

Brian Drummond brian at shapes.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 18 16:22:55 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-11-18 at 15:21 +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> Control: reassign 766732 gvfs-backends

> So there are probably two bugs here:
> * whatever software you are using to serve your music over DAV (what is
>   it?) is encoding paths incorrectly; and
> * gvfs isn't coping gracefully with that.

Simplified testcase : on the remote machine, in ~home/Public, create a
directory named '100% Silly' 
(and allow it to be shared across the network)

On the local machine, "browse network" and select "simon's public files
on remote_host".

Display contents of that folder.

Here, that makes the newly mounted public partition unmount rather
sharply. I take it that's not expected behaviour.

But does this happen on anyone else's machine?

- Brian

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