<div dir="ltr"><p dir="auto"></p>
<p>Which Android phone is it ?<br></p><p dir="auto">I think your Android phone is handled by the Rhythmbox <strong>MTP plugin</strong>, when it could be handled better by the Rhythmbox <strong>Android plugin</strong>. The Android plugin first handles your phone. It checks to see if your phone is in the device list supported by it. If not, it bails out, and Rhythmbox MTP plugin starts handling your phone ( which doesn't work good ). That's the reason for the failure in your case.</p><p dir="auto">See <a href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rhythmbox/-/issues/1729">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rhythmbox/-/issues/1729</a> for more information.</p>
<p dir="auto">Refer to the above bug link on how to obtain your phone 'ID_VENDOR' and 'ID_MODEL' strings, so it can be added to the list of supported phones in the Android plugin.</p><p><br></p></div>