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<p>One difference between the two systems that may or may not be
relevant: the one where this problem is occurring has a
fingerprint reader, the other one does not.</p>
<p>If I disable automatic login on the system having this problem
and then log in with my password, this problem does not occur. If
on the other hand with automatic login disabled I log in with my
fingerprint, this problem does occur.</p>
<p>So it appears that on the system where I'm not having this
problem, something in the login sequence is forcing GNOME to
prompt for my keyring password on login and that happens before
gnome-remote-desktop starts up, whereas on the system where I'm
having this problem, that's not happening so when
gnome-remote-desktop starts up it can't get to the password stored
in the keyring to it creates a new, random password.</p>