[pkg-gnupg-maint] Bug#872368: gpgme: please adjust libgpgme11 dependency on gnupg package

RjY rjy at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Aug 18 12:51:29 UTC 2017

RjY wrote:
>It seems in recent unstable the gnupg package has turned into a
>metapackage pulling in the whole gpg suite. Thus the dependency chain
>  mutt -> libgpgme11 -> gnupg -> [lots of stuff]
>is pulling in a lot of stuff I don't need.

As a test I created an empty package to subvert the dependency and see
if anything breaks. The control file was thus:

Package: no-full-gnupg-install
Maintainer: RjY <rjy at users.sourceforge.net>
Architecture: all
Version: 1
Depends: gpg (>= 2.1.23-2)
Recommends: gpg-agent (>= 2.1.23-2)
Provides: gnupg (= 2.1.23-2)
Description: No full GNUPG install
 This package "provides" gnupg, to avoid libgpgme11
 pulling in the full gnupg suite, until 872368 is fixed.

This allowed installing only gpg and gpg-agent. So far, things still
seem to be working as expected: mutt appears fine, I can still use gpg
to encrypt/decrypt backups, and so on. It would still be good to get
this fixed in src:gpgme, though!

Thanks in advance.


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