[pkg-gnupg-maint] I volunteer to maintain GnuPG and friends in the long-term

John Scott jscott at posteo.net
Tue Jul 25 12:25:45 BST 2023

On Tue, 2023-07-25 at 09:42 +0100, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> The longer term question is whether any of us are stepping up to help
> out with full package maintenance, which I believe should be a
> prerequisite of an upload to unstable if we don't hear from Eric or dkg.
I'm neither a DD nor a DM, but I do believe I have some qualifications.
I'd like to join the team and stick around for the long-haul.

- I'm familiar with MinGW, C, and cross-compilers, so I can help build
the binaries that target Windows. I'm familiar with best practices with
building for foreign (non-Debian) architectures in Debian packages,
maintaining bare-metal toolchains with the Electronics+Kernel teams to
support firmware.

- I program with GPGME and like writing small utilities with it.

- I use niche features such as LDAP searching for S/MIME certificates,
gpgsm generally, multiple smartcard support, TOFU, DANE, and more, so I
can test that these work.

- I love autopkgtests and want to write more. I have a lot to learn, but
one of my ideas is to install slapd (the OpenLDAP directory server) and
check that the GnuPG suite can fetch certificates and OpenPGP keys. I'm
familiar with LDAP programming, so my idea is to write some OpenLDAP
glue to upload the keys, then call GPGME functions to fetch them again
and see they're the same.
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