[pkg-gnupg-maint] Rugby World Cup Final 2023 - Ticket Waiting List 🌹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🎟️

Privè Global daniel.derusso at priveglobalevents.com
Sat Oct 21 11:59:57 BST 2023

Excitement is building to see if England can get past the springboks team this weekend.....

As England are preparing for one of their biggest games in history we at privé will be here to deliver world class hospitality if called upon.

If they clinch the win, we'll be offering limited hospitality tickets to the Rugby World Cup Final with full hospitality in the official Rugby House facility. If you do have an interest in attending the final please reply with your name, contact number and number of spaces required and we will add you to our waiting list.

Join us in cheering on the England rugby team and stay tuned for your chance to experience the Rugby World Cup Final like never before. Go boys! 🌹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Do not delay as these exclusive tickets will be sold on a first come first serve basis, so if you do wish to make a reservation, please reply to this email or give me a call on 020 7088 8349.   


Kind regards, 

Daniel De'Russo 

Head of Global Corporate Sales 

Privè Global Events

Hospitality Area 
- Shared space
- Service team
- Limited private space available within Rugby House
- Stade de France: Offsite Hospitality Venue
  (5 minute walk to stadium gate)

- Gold category tickets


- Stade de France: Early access 3 hours before kick-off
- Stade de Marseille: Access 1.5 hours before kick-off and 2.5 hours after
- Priority access into stadium

- Generous grazing menus
- Stands with different culinary delights
- Rugby House Cheese Bar

- Wine, beer, soft drinks
- Post-match open bar

- 1 Parking Pass for each 4 tickets
- Parking upon request (subject to availability)


To reserve this private table, please do not hesitate to call me or reply to this email and I be happy to assist you further.

Daniel De'Russo 

Head of Global Corporate Sales 

Privè Global Events 

  t: [+44 207 088 8349](https://ct.klclick.com/f/a/PKEwsyNnn8NLtWUVQKDwRw~~/AASl5QA~/RgRnFjQtP4QFAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnByaXZlZ2xvYmFsZXZlbnRzLmNvLnVrL3NvLzdkT2ZXdkZRdC9jP3c9S0NpVTlzZFFtdTQ2Vzc4TkR0WW9MV19RUlR6ZlVWZHJ3bEgzeGQ5N1lNQS5leUoxSWpvaWRHVnNPakF5TURjbE1qQXdPRGc0TXpRNUlpd2ljaUk2SWpBeE1ERTFPRGhsTFdZMVpHSXROREV4TkMwNE9ERXlMVFU1TXpoalpXSTVZekEyTUNJc0ltMGlPaUp0WVdsc0lpd2lZeUk2SW1GallXWmpOalE1TFRkaFptSXROREV6WmkwNU16ZGxMV0kwWVRZNVpXTTJOelprTVNKOVcDc3BjQgplMS2vM2XiPkfoUidwa2ctZ251cGctbWFpbnRAbGlzdHMuYWxpb3RoLmRlYmlhbi5vcmdYBAAOQig~)



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Registered Company Name - Prive Global Sports. Company no. - 12537476  

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