Processed: Re: Bug#906774: Bug#906790: libtasn1-6 FTBFS during arch-only: missing makeinfo

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sat Aug 25 16:45:23 BST 2018

Processing control commands:

> reassign 906790 automake
Bug #906790 [src:libtasn1-6] libtasn1-6 FTBFS during arch-only: missing makeinfo
Bug reassigned from package 'src:libtasn1-6' to 'automake'.
No longer marked as found in versions libtasn1-6/4.13-3.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #906790 to the same values previously set
> reassign 906778 automake
Bug #906778 [src:guile-gnome-platform] guile-gnome-platform: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug reassigned from package 'src:guile-gnome-platform' to 'automake'.
No longer marked as found in versions guile-gnome-platform/2.16.4-5.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #906778 to the same values previously set
> reassign 906775 automake
Bug #906775 [src:hamlib] hamlib: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug reassigned from package 'src:hamlib' to 'automake'.
No longer marked as found in versions hamlib/3.1-8.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #906775 to the same values previously set
> reassign 906557 automake
Bug #906557 [src:ratpoison] ratpoison: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug reassigned from package 'src:ratpoison' to 'automake'.
No longer marked as found in versions ratpoison/1.4.8-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #906557 to the same values previously set
> reassign 906426 automake
Bug #906426 [gnuchess] gnuchess: FTBFS: makeinfo: command not found (missing build-dependency on texinfo)
Bug reassigned from package 'gnuchess' to 'automake'.
No longer marked as found in versions gnuchess/6.2.5-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #906426 to the same values previously set
> forcemerge -1 906790 906778 906775 906557 906426
Bug #906774 [automake] dico: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug #906774 [automake] dico: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Added tag(s) sid, fixed, buster, patch, confirmed, and pending.
Bug #906790 [automake] libtasn1-6 FTBFS during arch-only: missing makeinfo
Added indication that 906790 affects src:libtasn1-6,src:dico
Marked as found in versions automake-1.16/1:1.16.1-1.
Added tag(s) pending, confirmed, patch, sid, buster, and fixed.
Bug #906426 [automake] gnuchess: FTBFS: makeinfo: command not found (missing build-dependency on texinfo)
Added indication that 906426 affects src:libtasn1-6,src:dico
Marked as found in versions automake-1.16/1:1.16.1-1.
Added tag(s) fixed, sid, buster, confirmed, and pending.
Bug #906775 [automake] hamlib: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Added indication that 906775 affects src:libtasn1-6,src:dico
Marked as found in versions automake-1.16/1:1.16.1-1.
Added tag(s) patch, sid, and buster.
Bug #906778 [automake] guile-gnome-platform: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Added indication that 906778 affects src:libtasn1-6,src:dico
Marked as found in versions automake-1.16/1:1.16.1-1.
Added tag(s) fixed, sid, buster, patch, confirmed, and pending.
Bug #906557 [automake] ratpoison: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Added indication that 906557 affects src:libtasn1-6,src:dico
Marked as found in versions automake-1.16/1:1.16.1-1.
Added tag(s) patch, fixed, confirmed, and pending.
Merged 906426 906557 906774 906775 906778 906790
> affects -1 src:guile-gnome-platform src:hamlib src:ratpoison src:gnuchess
Bug #906774 [automake] dico: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug #906426 [automake] gnuchess: FTBFS: makeinfo: command not found (missing build-dependency on texinfo)
Bug #906557 [automake] ratpoison: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug #906775 [automake] hamlib: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug #906778 [automake] guile-gnome-platform: FTBFS in buster/sid (makeinfo: command not found)
Bug #906790 [automake] libtasn1-6 FTBFS during arch-only: missing makeinfo
Added indication that 906774 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess
Added indication that 906426 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess
Added indication that 906557 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess
Added indication that 906775 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess
Added indication that 906778 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess
Added indication that 906790 affects src:guile-gnome-platform, src:hamlib, src:ratpoison, and src:gnuchess

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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