Bug#690884: qgis fails to access HDF-EOS datasets directly

Ivan Shmakov oneingray at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 19:53:24 UTC 2012

Package: qgis
Version: 1.7.4+1.7.5~20120320-1.1+b1

	Somehow, qgis fails to access HDF-EOS (MODIS L3, as per [1])
	datasets “directly.”

	E. g., trying to “Add Raster Layer” against, say,
	MCD12Q1.A2008001.h22v03.005.2011215183430.hdf [2], results in
	a warning (“Cannot get GDAL raster band:”), and also in the
	following output at the terminal:

Warning: QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider: Data provider is invalid.
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hObject' is NULL in 'GDALGetMetadata'.

	Naturally, the gdal-bin tools accept such a file (consider,
	e. g., the gdalinfo(1) output MIME'd.)

	However, should I create a .vrt dataset out of particular
	HDF-EOS “subdataset” (which a single HDF-EOS file can contain an
	arbitrary number of) with gdal_translate(1) (see below), the
	resulting dataset is accepted by qgis.

$ gdal_translate -of VRT \
      HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"/.../files/e4ftl01u.ecs.nasa.gov/MODIS_Composites/MOTA/MCD12Q1.005/2008.01.01/MCD12Q1.A2008001.h22v03.005.2011215183430.hdf":MOD12Q1:Land_Cover_Type_1 \

	ISTR, that there was some older version of QGIS (though perhaps
	not in Debian) that was presenting a list of “subdatasets”
	contained within the HDF-EOS file selected.  Thus, this bug may
	be a regression.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moderate-Resolution_Imaging_Spectroradiometer#MODIS_Level_3_datasets
[2] ftp://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MODIS_Composites/MOTA/MCD12Q1.005/2008.01.01/MCD12Q1.A2008001.h22v03.005.2011215183430.hdf

FSF associate member #7257
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