Bug#1051310: sarsen: autopkgtest failures

Gianfranco Costamagna locutusofborg at debian.org
Wed Sep 6 06:14:20 BST 2023

Source: sarsen
Version: 0.9.3+ds-2
Severity: serious

Hello, looks like something (new python-xarray?) broke autopkgtests for this package:


  63s autopkgtest [23:46:19]: test python3: [-----------------------
  63s === python3.11 ===
  64s ============================= test session starts ==============================
  64s platform linux -- Python 3.11.5, pytest-7.4.0, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/bin/python3.11
  64s cachedir: .pytest_cache
  64s rootdir: /tmp/autopkgtest-lxc.1xlnzicc/downtmp
  64s collecting ... collected 30 items / 2 deselected / 28 selected
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_chunking.py::test_compute_chunk_1d PASSED [  3%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_chunking.py::test_compute_chunks PASSED   [  7%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_chunking.py::test_map_ovelap PASSED       [ 10%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_datamodel.py::test_SarProduct PASSED      [ 14%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_orbit.py::test_OrbitPolyfitIterpolator_datetime64 PASSED [ 17%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_orbit.py::test_OrbitPolyfitIterpolator_timedelta64 PASSED [ 21%]
  64s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_scene.py::test_convert_to_dem_3d PASSED   [ 25%]
  65s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_scene.py::test_transform_dem_3d PASSED    [ 28%]
  65s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_scene.py::test_compute_dem_oriented_area FAILED [ 32%]
  65s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_20_geocoding.py::test_secant_method PASSED   [ 35%]
  65s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_20_geocoding.py::test_zero_doppler_plane_distance PASSED [ 39%]
  65s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_20_geocoding.py::test_backward_geocode PASSED [ 42%]
  66s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_20_sentinel1.py::test_product_info PASSED    [ 46%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_30_radiometry.py::test_compute_gamma_area FAILED [ 50%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_gtc[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 53%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_gtc[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 57%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_fast_rtc[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 60%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_fast_rtc[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 64%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_rtc[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 67%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_rtc[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 71%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_gtc_dask[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 75%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_gtc_dask[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 78%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_fast_rtc_dask[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 82%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_fast_rtc_dask[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 85%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_rtc_dask[data_path0-IW/VV] SKIPPED [ 89%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_50_apps.py::test_terrain_correction_rtc_dask[data_path1-IW1/VV] SKIPPED [ 92%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_60_main.py::test_main PASSED                 [ 96%]
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_90_sarsen.py::test_version PASSED            [100%]
  67s =================================== FAILURES ===================================
  67s ________________________ test_compute_dem_oriented_area ________________________
  67s dem_raster = <xarray.DataArray 'dem' (y: 360, x: 360)>
  67s [129600 values with dtype=float32]
  67s Coordinates:
  67s   * x            (x) float64....05
  67s     spatial_ref  int64 ...
  67s Attributes:
  67s     AREA_OR_POINT:  Area
  67s     units:          m
  67s     long_name:      elevation
  67s     def test_compute_dem_oriented_area(dem_raster: xr.DataArray) -> None:
  67s         dem_3d = scene.convert_to_dem_3d(dem_raster)
  67s >       res = scene.compute_dem_oriented_area(dem_3d)
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_scene.py:39:
  67s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarsen/scene.py:110: in compute_dem_oriented_area
  67s     cross_2 = xr.cross(dx2, dy2, dim="axis") / 2
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:1609: in cross
  67s     c = apply_ufunc(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:1197: in apply_ufunc
  67s     return apply_dataarray_vfunc(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:288: in apply_dataarray_vfunc
  67s     args = deep_align(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:847: in deep_align
  67s     aligned = align(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:783: in align
  67s     aligner.align()
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:568: in align
  67s     self.align_indexes()
  67s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  67s self = <xarray.core.alignment.Aligner object at 0x7f9478e9f250>
  67s     def align_indexes(self) -> None:
  67s         """Compute all aligned indexes and their corresponding coordinate variables."""
  67s         aligned_indexes = {}
  67s         aligned_index_vars = {}
  67s         reindex = {}
  67s         new_indexes = {}
  67s         new_index_vars = {}
  67s         for key, matching_indexes in self.all_indexes.items():
  67s             matching_index_vars = self.all_index_vars[key]
  67s             dims = {d for coord in matching_index_vars[0].values() for d in coord.dims}
  67s             index_cls = key[1]
  67s             if self.join == "override":
  67s                 joined_index = matching_indexes[0]
  67s                 joined_index_vars = matching_index_vars[0]
  67s                 need_reindex = False
  67s             elif key in self.indexes:
  67s                 joined_index = self.indexes[key]
  67s                 joined_index_vars = self.index_vars[key]
  67s                 cmp_indexes = list(
  67s                     zip(
  67s                         [joined_index] + matching_indexes,
  67s                         [joined_index_vars] + matching_index_vars,
  67s                     )
  67s                 )
  67s                 need_reindex = self._need_reindex(dims, cmp_indexes)
  67s             else:
  67s                 if len(matching_indexes) > 1:
  67s                     need_reindex = self._need_reindex(
  67s                         dims,
  67s                         list(zip(matching_indexes, matching_index_vars)),
  67s                     )
  67s                 else:
  67s                     need_reindex = False
  67s                 if need_reindex:
  67s                     if self.join == "exact":
  67s >                       raise ValueError(
  67s                             "cannot align objects with join='exact' where "
  67s                             "index/labels/sizes are not equal along "
  67s                             "these coordinates (dimensions): "
  67s                             + ", ".join(f"{name!r} {dims!r}" for name, dims in key[0])
  67s                         )
  67s E                       ValueError: cannot align objects with join='exact' where index/labels/sizes are not equal along these coordinates (dimensions): 'x' ('x',)
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:415: ValueError
  67s ___________________________ test_compute_gamma_area ____________________________
  67s dem_ecef = <xarray.DataArray 'dem_3d' (axis: 3, y: 360, x: 360)>
  67s array([[[4639071.14581699, 4639064.72787912, 4639056.85736609, .... 0
  67s   * y            (y) float64 41.95 41.95 41.95 41.95 ... 42.05 42.05 42.05 42.05
  67s   * axis         (axis) int64 0 1 2
  67s     def test_compute_gamma_area(dem_ecef: xr.DataArray) -> None:
  67s         dem_direction = xr.DataArray()
  67s >       res = radiometry.compute_gamma_area(dem_ecef, dem_direction)
  67s ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_30_radiometry.py:8:
  67s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarsen/radiometry.py:56: in compute_gamma_area
  67s     dem_oriented_area = scene.compute_dem_oriented_area(dem_ecef)
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarsen/scene.py:110: in compute_dem_oriented_area
  67s     cross_2 = xr.cross(dx2, dy2, dim="axis") / 2
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:1609: in cross
  67s     c = apply_ufunc(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:1197: in apply_ufunc
  67s     return apply_dataarray_vfunc(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/computation.py:288: in apply_dataarray_vfunc
  67s     args = deep_align(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:847: in deep_align
  67s     aligned = align(
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:783: in align
  67s     aligner.align()
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:568: in align
  67s     self.align_indexes()
  67s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  67s self = <xarray.core.alignment.Aligner object at 0x7f9478151d10>
  67s     def align_indexes(self) -> None:
  67s         """Compute all aligned indexes and their corresponding coordinate variables."""
  67s         aligned_indexes = {}
  67s         aligned_index_vars = {}
  67s         reindex = {}
  67s         new_indexes = {}
  67s         new_index_vars = {}
  67s         for key, matching_indexes in self.all_indexes.items():
  67s             matching_index_vars = self.all_index_vars[key]
  67s             dims = {d for coord in matching_index_vars[0].values() for d in coord.dims}
  67s             index_cls = key[1]
  67s             if self.join == "override":
  67s                 joined_index = matching_indexes[0]
  67s                 joined_index_vars = matching_index_vars[0]
  67s                 need_reindex = False
  67s             elif key in self.indexes:
  67s                 joined_index = self.indexes[key]
  67s                 joined_index_vars = self.index_vars[key]
  67s                 cmp_indexes = list(
  67s                     zip(
  67s                         [joined_index] + matching_indexes,
  67s                         [joined_index_vars] + matching_index_vars,
  67s                     )
  67s                 )
  67s                 need_reindex = self._need_reindex(dims, cmp_indexes)
  67s             else:
  67s                 if len(matching_indexes) > 1:
  67s                     need_reindex = self._need_reindex(
  67s                         dims,
  67s                         list(zip(matching_indexes, matching_index_vars)),
  67s                     )
  67s                 else:
  67s                     need_reindex = False
  67s                 if need_reindex:
  67s                     if self.join == "exact":
  67s >                       raise ValueError(
  67s                             "cannot align objects with join='exact' where "
  67s                             "index/labels/sizes are not equal along "
  67s                             "these coordinates (dimensions): "
  67s                             + ", ".join(f"{name!r} {dims!r}" for name, dims in key[0])
  67s                         )
  67s E                       ValueError: cannot align objects with join='exact' where index/labels/sizes are not equal along these coordinates (dimensions): 'x' ('x',)
  67s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray/core/alignment.py:415: ValueError
  67s =============================== warnings summary ===============================
  67s ../../../../usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray_sentinel/esa_safe.py:7
  67s   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/xarray_sentinel/esa_safe.py:7: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html
  67s     import pkg_resources
  67s build.0ip/src/tests/test_20_geocoding.py::test_secant_method
  67s   /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarsen/geocoding.py:46: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  67s     t_prev, t_curr = t_curr, t_curr - np.where(q != 0, p / q, 0)  # type: ignore
  67s -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
  67s =========================== short test summary info ============================
  67s FAILED ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_10_scene.py::test_compute_dem_oriented_area
  67s FAILED ../build.0ip/src/tests/test_30_radiometry.py::test_compute_gamma_area
  67s ====== 2 failed, 14 passed, 12 skipped, 2 deselected, 2 warnings in 2.85s ======
  67s autopkgtest [23:46:23]: test python3: -----------------------]
  67s autopkgtest [23:46:23]: test python3:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -
-------------- next part --------------
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