[Pkg-gtkpod-devel] Re: [Gtkpod-devel] Using older gtkpod with new libgpod?

Jorg Schuler jorg.schuler at gmx.de
Wed Oct 4 02:48:10 UTC 2006

> On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 09:43:49AM +0900, Jorg Schuler wrote:
> > gtkpod compiled with libgpod 0.3.2 will NOT run with libgpod 0.4.0. Most
> > likely even compilation would not work.
> Hmm. After investigating the problem and possible solutions, I
> really fail the see the technical merit of shipping a shared library
> with a broken soname. Especially for me as a packager this is an awful
> situation. One can deal with often changing sonames, it's not fun,
> but if the API isn't stable yet, so be it. But a broken soname requires
> some kind of workaround which will either be ugly, or much work,
> or leave some use cases broken.
> If only gtkpod would use libgpod, this would probably not be a 
> "real" problem. But at least some audio players (amarok and rhythmbox) are
> already using it, too.
> So I have essentially three options:
> 1) I suggest to the amarok and rhythmbox maintainers that libgpod isn't
>    really that stable yet and that it would probably better to not use
>    it currently.

That's for amarok and rhythmbox to decide -- no need asking me.

> 2) I try to work around the soname (by either incrementing it myself,
>    in a way so that the name will not clash with later sonames used by
>    you, or by only changing the package name, which kinda "simulates"
>    a new soname but leaves some corner cases broken)
> 3) I convince you to change the soname :)

3) sounds fine -- have a look at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=36647909 and tell me if that would work, if not send a new patch. I just don't like to increment the version from V0 to V1 to V2 to V3 everytime we have to change the API (getting quite stable for music-related stuff, not stable for photos yet).



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