[Pkg-haskell-commits] [SCM] haskell-testpack branch, master, updated. debian/1.0.2-1-4-gb0d6b36

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Fri Apr 23 14:44:49 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f11929cb78a3f21200ca068b8ceab44922a3045f
Author: John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
Date:   Wed Oct 20 08:15:17 2004 +0100

    Added WASHMail 0.3.6 files
    (jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--1.0--patch-77)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index eb4a956..1923c74 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
 # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jgoerzen at complete.org--projects/missingh--head--1.0
+2004-10-20 02:15:17 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-77
+    Summary:
+      Added WASHMail 0.3.6 files
+    Revision:
+      missingh--head--1.0--patch-77
+    new files:
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/Email.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/EmailConfig.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/HeaderField.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/LICENSE.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/MIME.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/MailParser.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/.arch-ids/Message.hs.id
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Email.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/EmailConfig.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/HeaderField.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/LICENSE
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MIME.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MailParser.hs
+     libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Message.hs
+    modified files:
+     ChangeLog
 2004-10-20 02:14:47 GMT	John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>	patch-76
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Email.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Email.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa6172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Email.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+-- © 2001, 2002 Peter Thiemann
+module Email (
+	sendmail, inventMessageId, exitcodeToSYSEXIT,
+	module MIME, module HeaderField) where
+-- from standard library
+import IO
+import System
+-- from utility
+import Auxiliary
+import Unique
+-- from package
+import EmailConfig
+import HeaderField
+import MIME
+-- |from sysexit.h
+data SYSEXIT =
+	EX_OK		--		0	/* successful termination */
+      | EX_USAGE	--		64	/* command line usage error */
+      | EX_DATAERR	--		65	/* data format error */
+      | EX_NOINPUT	--		66	/* cannot open input */
+      | EX_NOUSER	--		67	/* addressee unknown */
+      | EX_NOHOST	--		68	/* host name unknown */
+      | EX_UNAVAILABLE	--		69	/* service unavailable */
+      | EX_SOFTWARE	--		70	/* internal software error */
+      | EX_OSERR	--		71	/* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
+      | EX_OSFILE	--		72	/* critical OS file missing */
+      | EX_CANTCREAT	--		73	/* can't create (user) output file */
+      | EX_IOERR	--		74	/* input/output error */
+      | EX_TEMPFAIL	--		75	/* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
+      | EX_PROTOCOL	--		76	/* remote error in protocol */
+      | EX_NOPERM	--		77	/* permission denied */
+      | EX_CONFIG	--		78	/* configuration error */
+      | EX_UNKNOWN Int
+exitcodeToSYSEXIT :: ExitCode -> SYSEXIT
+exitcodeToSYSEXIT exitcode =
+  case exitcode of
+    ExitSuccess -> EX_OK
+    ExitFailure 64 -> EX_USAGE
+    ExitFailure 65 -> EX_DATAERR
+    ExitFailure 66 -> EX_NOINPUT
+    ExitFailure 67 -> EX_NOUSER
+    ExitFailure 68 -> EX_NOHOST
+    ExitFailure 69 -> EX_UNAVAILABLE
+    ExitFailure 70 -> EX_SOFTWARE
+    ExitFailure 71 -> EX_OSERR
+    ExitFailure 72 -> EX_OSFILE
+    ExitFailure 73 -> EX_CANTCREAT
+    ExitFailure 74 -> EX_IOERR
+    ExitFailure 75 -> EX_TEMPFAIL
+    ExitFailure 76 -> EX_PROTOCOL
+    ExitFailure 77 -> EX_NOPERM
+    ExitFailure 78 -> EX_CONFIG
+    ExitFailure sc -> EX_UNKNOWN sc
+instance Show SYSEXIT where
+  showsPrec i se = case se of
+      EX_OK	-> showString "successful termination"
+      EX_USAGE	-> showString "command line usage error"
+      EX_DATAERR	-> showString "data format error"
+      EX_NOINPUT	-> showString "cannot open input"
+      EX_NOUSER	-> showString "addressee unknown"
+      EX_NOHOST	-> showString "host name unknown"
+      EX_UNAVAILABLE	-> showString "service unavailable"
+      EX_SOFTWARE	-> showString "internal software error"
+      EX_OSERR	-> showString "system error (e.g., can't fork)"
+      EX_OSFILE	-> showString "critical OS file missing"
+      EX_CANTCREAT	-> showString "can't create (user) output file"
+      EX_IOERR	-> showString "input/output error"
+      EX_TEMPFAIL	-> showString "temp failure; user is invited to retry"
+      EX_PROTOCOL	-> showString "remote error in protocol"
+      EX_NOPERM	-> showString "permission denied"
+      EX_CONFIG	-> showString "configuration error"
+      EX_UNKNOWN sc -> showString "unknown return code: " . shows sc
+-- facilities for sending email
+sendmailFlags   = 
+	["-i"			    -- ignore dots alone on a line
+	,"-t"			    -- read message for recipients
+	,"--"                       -- end of flag arguments
+	]			    -- , "-v" for verbose mode
+sendmail :: Mail -> IO ExitCode
+sendmail mail =
+  do filename <- inventBoundary
+     let tempfilename  = emailTmpDir ++ filename
+         tempfilename2 = emailTmpDir ++ "T" ++ filename
+     h <- openFile tempfilename WriteMode
+     hSend smtpSendControl{ sendH = h } mail
+     hClose h
+     exitcode <- system (sendmailProgram ++ pFlags sendmailFlags ++ " < " ++ tempfilename ++ " > " ++ tempfilename2)
+     system ("rm " ++ tempfilename)
+     system ("rm " ++ tempfilename2)
+     return exitcode
+pFlags [] = ""
+pFlags (flag:flags) = ' ' : flag ++ pFlags flags
+inventMessageId :: IO Header
+inventMessageId =
+  do randomKey <- inventStdKey
+     hostname  <- protectedGetEnv "SERVER_NAME" "localhost"
+     let messageId = "<" ++ randomKey ++ ".Email@" ++ hostname ++ ">"
+     return (Header ("Message-Id", messageId))
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/EmailConfig.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/EmailConfig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da7e3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/EmailConfig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module EmailConfig where
+tmpDir, varDir, emailTmpDir, sendmailProgram :: String
+-- |temporary storage
+tmpDir = "/tmp/"
+-- |persistent, mutable storage
+varDir = "/tmp/"
+-- |temporary email files
+emailTmpDir 	= tmpDir
+-- |path of sendmail program
+sendmailProgram	= "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/HeaderField.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/HeaderField.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ffb60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/HeaderField.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module HeaderField where
+import RFC2047
+newtype Header = Header (String, String)
+newtype KV = KV (String, String)
+newtype MediaType = MediaType (String, String)
+instance Show Header where
+  show (Header (key, value)) = 
+    if null value then "" else
+    key ++ ':' : ' ' : encodeValue value ++ "\r\n"
+instance Show KV where
+  show (KV (key, value)) =
+    key ++ '=' : value
+instance Show MediaType where
+  show (MediaType (ty, subty)) =
+    ty ++ '/' : subty
+mimeHeader = 
+  Header ("MIME-Version", "1.0")
+identHeader =
+  Header ("X-Mailer", "WASH/Mail 0.1")
+makeContentType mtype subtype parameters = 
+  Header ("Content-Type", mtype ++ "/" ++ subtype ++ p parameters)
+  where p = concat . map p1
+	p1 parameter = ';' : show parameter
+makeContentTransferEncoding enc =
+  Header ("Content-Transfer-Encoding", enc)
+makeContentDisposition name =
+  Header ("Content-Disposition", name)
+makeX what recipients = 
+  Header (what, l recipients)
+  where l [] = []
+	l [xs] = xs
+	l (xs:xss) = xs ++ ", " ++ l xss
+makeTO = makeX "To"
+makeCC = makeX "Cc"
+makeBCC = makeX "Bcc"
+makeSubject s = makeX "Subject" [s]
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/LICENSE b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b16110c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+The WASH License
+Copyright 2001-2003, Peter Thiemann.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
+   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution. 
+   3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
+      products derived from this software without specific prior
+      written permission. 
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MIME.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MIME.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d847cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MIME.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+-- © 2001, 2002 Peter Thiemann
+module MIME where
+-- RFC 2045
+-- RFC 2046
+import IO
+import Random
+import Char
+import qualified Base64
+import qualified QuotedPrintable
+import HeaderField
+import qualified RFC2279				    -- UTF-8
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+textDOC subty docLines =
+  DOC {	mediatype= "text",
+	subtype= subty,
+	textLines= docLines,
+	parameters= [],
+	filename= "",
+	messageData="",
+	parts=[]
+      }
+binaryDOC ty subty bindata =
+  DOC {	mediatype= ty,
+	subtype= subty,
+	messageData= bindata,
+	textLines= [],
+	parameters= [],
+	filename= "",
+	parts=[]
+      }
+multipartDOC subty subdocs =
+  DOC {	mediatype= "multipart",
+	subtype= subty,
+	messageData= "",
+	textLines= [],
+	parameters= [],
+	filename= "",
+	parts= subdocs
+      }
+data DOC =
+     DOC {
+	mediatype :: String,			    -- type
+	subtype :: String,			    -- subtype
+	parameters  :: [KV],			    -- parameters
+	filename :: String,			    -- suggested filename
+	-- depending on mediatype only one of the following is relevant:
+	messageData :: String,			    -- data
+	textLines :: [String],			    -- lines
+	parts :: [DOC]				    -- data
+	}
+recommend_cte h doc = 
+  case mediatype doc of
+    "text" -> 
+       case sendMode h of
+         SevenBit -> "quoted-printable"
+	 EightBit -> "8bit"
+    "multipart" -> "7bit"
+    _ ->
+      case sendMode h of 
+	SevenBit -> "base64"
+	EightBit -> "8bit"
+inventBoundary =
+  inventKey 10 (init Base64.alphabet_list)
+  where
+    inventKey len chars =
+      do g <- getStdGen
+	 let candidate = take len $ map (chars !!) $ randomRs (0, length chars - 1) g
+	 return ("=_" ++ candidate ++ "=_")
+	 -- see RFC 2045, 6.7 for reasoning about this choice of boundary string
+data SendMode =
+  EightBit | SevenBit
+data SendControl = 
+  SendControl {
+    sendH :: Handle,
+    sendMode :: SendMode
+  }
+smtpSendControl = 
+  SendControl { sendH = stdout, sendMode = SevenBit }
+httpSendControl =
+  SendControl { sendH = stdout, sendMode = EightBit }
+instance Send DOC where
+  hSend h doc =
+    let cte = recommend_cte h doc in
+    do boundary <- inventBoundary
+       let extraParameter 
+	     | mediatype doc == "multipart"  = [KV ("boundary", '\"':boundary++"\"")]
+	     | mediatype doc == "text" = [KV ("charset", "utf-8")]
+	     | otherwise = []
+       hSend h (makeContentType (mediatype doc)
+       			     (subtype doc) 
+       			     (extraParameter ++ parameters doc))
+       hSend h (makeContentTransferEncoding cte)
+       hSend h (makeContentDisposition (filename doc))
+       hSend h CRLF
+       case mediatype doc of 
+	 "text" -> hSendText h doc
+	 "multipart" -> hSendMultipart h boundary doc
+	 _ -> hSendBinary h doc
+hSendText h doc =
+  case sendMode h of
+    EightBit -> 
+      hPutStr hdl str
+    SevenBit ->
+      hPutStr hdl (QuotedPrintable.encode str)
+  where hdl = sendH h
+	str = RFC2279.encode $ flat (textLines doc)
+	flat [] = []
+	flat (xs:xss) = xs ++ "\r\n" ++ flat xss
+hSendBinary h doc =
+  case sendMode h of
+    SevenBit ->
+      hPutStr (sendH h) (Base64.encode (messageData doc))
+    EightBit ->
+      hPutStr (sendH h) (messageData doc)
+hSendMultipart h boundary doc =
+  do -- may send a preamble for non-MIME-able MUAs at this point
+     sendParts (parts doc)
+  where hdl = sendH h
+	sendParts [] = 
+	  do hPutStr hdl "--"
+	     hPutStr hdl boundary
+	     hPutStr hdl "--"
+	     hSend h CRLF
+	sendParts (doc:docs) =
+	  do hPutStr hdl "--"
+	     hPutStr hdl boundary
+	     hSend h CRLF
+	     hSend h doc
+	     sendParts docs
+data CRLF = CRLF
+instance Send CRLF where
+  hSend h CRLF = hPutStr (sendH h) "\n"
+data Mail =
+     Mail {
+	to :: [String],
+	subject :: String,
+	cc :: [String],
+	bcc :: [String],
+	headers :: [Header],
+	contents :: DOC
+        }
+simpleMail recipients subj doc =
+  Mail { to= recipients, subject= subj, cc=[], bcc=[], headers=[], contents=doc }
+class Send m where
+  send :: m -> IO ()
+  hSend :: SendControl -> m -> IO ()
+  send = hSend smtpSendControl
+instance Send Header where
+  hSend h header = hPutStr (sendH h) (show header)
+instance Send Mail where
+  hSend h mail =
+    do hSend h (makeTO (to mail))
+       hSend h (makeSubject (subject mail))
+       hSend h (makeCC (cc mail))
+       hSend h (makeBCC (bcc mail))
+       hSend h mimeHeader
+       hSend h identHeader
+       sequence (map (hSend h) (headers mail))
+       hSend h (contents mail)
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MailParser.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MailParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a264b36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/MailParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+module MailParser where
+-- see RFC 2822
+-- TODO: check against their definition of token
+import Char
+import List
+import Maybe
+import Parsec
+import qualified Base64
+import qualified QuotedPrintable
+import RFC2047 (p_token)
+import Message
+import HeaderField
+parseMessageFromFile fname =
+  parseFromFile message fname
+parseMessageFromString str =
+  parse message "MailParser" str
+parseDateTimeFromString str =
+  parse parseDateTime "DateTimeParser" (' ':str)
+data RawMessage =
+     RawMessage
+     	{ rawHeaders	:: [Header]
+	, rawLines	:: [String]
+	}
+  deriving Show
+lexeme p = do x <- p; many ws1; return x
+literalString = do char '\"'
+		   str <- many (noneOf "\"\\" <|> quoted_pair)
+		   char '\"'
+		   return str
+no_ws_ctl_chars = map chr ([1..8] ++ [11,12] ++ [14..31] ++ [127])
+no_ws_ctl = oneOf no_ws_ctl_chars
+text_chars = map chr ([1..9] ++ [11,12] ++ [14..127])
+p_text = oneOf text_chars
+quoted_pair = do char '\\'
+		 p_text
+-- RFC 2045, 5.1 says: 
+-- "The type, subtype, and parameter names are not case sensitive."
+p_parameter =
+  do lexeme $ char ';'
+     p_name <- lexeme $ p_token
+     lexeme $ char '='
+     p_value <- literalString <|> p_token
+     return (map toLower p_name, p_value)
+p_contentType = 
+  do many ws1
+     c_type <- p_token
+     lexeme $ char '/'
+     c_subtype <- lexeme $ p_token
+     c_parameters <- many p_parameter
+     return $ ContentType (map toLower c_type) (map toLower c_subtype) c_parameters
+-- RFC 2045, 6.1
+-- "these values are not case sensitive"
+p_contentTransferEncoding =
+  do many ws1
+     c_cte <- RFC2047.p_token
+     return $ ContentTransferEncoding (map toLower c_cte)
+p_contentDisposition =
+  do many ws1
+     c_cd <- RFC2047.p_token
+     c_parameters <- many p_parameter
+     return $ ContentDisposition (map toLower c_cd) c_parameters
+p_contentID = 
+  do many ws1
+     c_cid <- RFC2047.p_token
+     return $ ContentID c_cid
+p_contentDescription =
+  do many ws1
+     c_desc <- many lineChar
+     return $ ContentDescription c_desc
+crLf = try (string "\n\r" <|> string "\r\n") <|> string "\n" <|> string "\r"
+fws =
+  do many1 ws1
+     option "" (do crLf
+		   many1 ws1)
+  <|> 
+  do crLf
+     many1 ws1
+ws1 = oneOf " \t"
+lineChar = noneOf "\n\r"
+headerNameChar = noneOf "\n\r:"
+header = do name <- many1 headerNameChar
+	    char ':'
+	    line <- do many ws1; lineString
+	    crLf
+	    extraLines <- many extraHeaderLine
+	    return (Header (map toLower name, concat (line:extraLines)))
+extraHeaderLine = do sp <- ws1
+		     line <- lineString
+		     crLf
+		     return (sp:line)
+lineString = many (noneOf "\n\r")
+headerBodySep = do crLf; return ()
+body = many (do line <- many lineChar; crLf; return line)
+message =
+  do hs <- many header
+     headerBodySep
+     b <- body
+     return (RawMessage hs b)
+lookupHeader name msg =
+  lookupInHeaders name (getHeaders msg)
+lookupRawHeader name raw =
+  lookupInHeaders name (rawHeaders raw)
+lookupInHeaders name headers = g headers
+  where g [] = Nothing
+	g (Header (name', text):_) | name == name' = Just text
+	g (_:rest) = g rest
+parseHeader raw name deflt parser =
+  fromMaybe deflt $
+  do str <- lookupRawHeader name raw
+     case parse parser name str of
+       Right v -> return v
+       Left _  -> Nothing
+digestMessage :: RawMessage -> Message
+digestMessage =
+  digestMessage' (ContentType "text" "plain" [( "charset", "us-ascii")])
+digestMessage' :: ContentType -> RawMessage -> Message
+digestMessage' defcty raw =
+  let cty = parseHeader raw
+      	"content-type" defcty p_contentType
+      cte = parseHeader raw
+      	"content-transfer-encoding" (ContentTransferEncoding "7bit") p_contentTransferEncoding
+      cdn = parseHeader raw
+      	"content-disposition" (ContentDisposition "inline" []) p_contentDisposition
+      cid = parseHeader raw
+      	"content-id" (ContentID "(none)") p_contentID
+      cdc = parseHeader raw
+      	"content-description" (ContentDescription "(none)") p_contentDescription
+      defaultMessage =
+        Singlepart
+      	{ getHeaders = rawHeaders raw
+	, getLines = rawLines raw
+	, getDecoded = decode cte (unlines (rawLines raw))
+	, getContentType= cty
+	, getContentTransferEncoding= cte
+	, getContentDisposition= cdn
+	}
+  in
+  case cty of
+    ContentType "multipart" c_subtype c_parameters ->
+      case lookup "boundary" c_parameters of
+        Just boundary ->
+	  let defcte 
+	        | c_subtype == "digest" = 
+		  ContentType "message" "rfc822" []
+		| otherwise = 
+		  ContentType "text" "plain" [("charset", "us-ascii")] in
+	  Multipart
+	  	{ getHeaders = rawHeaders raw
+		, getLines = rawLines raw
+		, getParts = map (digestMessage' defcte)
+				 (splitBody boundary (rawLines raw))
+		, getContentType= cty
+		, getContentTransferEncoding= cte
+		, getContentDisposition= cdn
+		}
+	_ ->
+	  defaultMessage
+    _ ->
+      defaultMessage
+splitBody boundary lines =
+  g False lines (showChar '\n') []
+  where 
+    finish shower showers =
+      reverse (map (\shower -> parseSuccessfully message "body part" (shower ""))
+                   (shower:showers))
+    g afterPreamble [] shower showers =
+      finish shower showers
+    g afterPreamble (xs : rest) shower showers =
+      if innerboundary `isPrefixOf` xs 
+      then if finalboundary `isPrefixOf` xs 
+           then if afterPreamble 
+	        then finish shower showers
+		else finish (showChar '\n') []
+	   else if afterPreamble
+	        then g afterPreamble rest id (shower : showers)
+		else g True rest (showChar '\n') []
+      else
+      g afterPreamble rest (shower . showString xs . showString "\n") showers
+    innerboundary = '-':'-':boundary
+    finalboundary = innerboundary ++ "--"
+decode (ContentTransferEncoding "quoted-printable") rawlines =
+  QuotedPrintable.decode rawlines
+decode (ContentTransferEncoding "base64") rawlines =
+  Base64.decode rawlines
+-- "7bit", "8bit", "binary", and everything else
+decode (ContentTransferEncoding _) rawlines =
+  rawlines
+parseSuccessfully p n inp =
+  case parse p n inp of
+    Left pError ->
+      error (show pError)
+    Right x ->
+      x
+-- |parse contents of Date field according to RFC2822
+data DateTime2822 =
+  DateTime2822 (Maybe DayOfWeek) Date2822 Time2822
+  deriving Show
+parseDateTime =
+  do mdow <- option Nothing (try $ do fws
+				      dow <- parseDayOfWeek
+				      char ','
+				      return (Just dow))
+     date <- parseDate
+     fws
+     time <- parseTime
+     return (DateTime2822 mdow date time)
+type DayOfWeek = Int
+parseDayOfWeek =
+      (try (string "Mon") >> return (1 :: DayOfWeek))
+  <|> (try (string "Tue") >> return 2)
+  <|> (try (string "Wed") >> return 3)
+  <|> (try (string "Thu") >> return 4)
+  <|> (try (string "Fri") >> return 5)
+  <|> (try (string "Sat") >> return 6)
+  <|> (try (string "Sun") >> return 7)
+data Date2822 =
+  Date2822 Int Int Int
+  deriving Show
+parseDate =
+  do d <- parseDay
+     m <- parseMonth
+     y <- parseYear
+     return (Date2822 d m y)
+parseDay =
+  do fws
+     d1 <- digit
+     md2 <- option Nothing (digit >>= (return . Just))
+     case md2 of
+       Nothing ->
+	 return (digitToInt d1)
+       Just d2 ->
+	 return (digitToInt d2 + 10 * digitToInt d1)
+monthList = 
+  ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+parseMonthName =
+  foldr1 (<|>) (zipWith g monthList [1::Int ..])
+  where 
+    g mname mnr = try (string mname) >> return mnr
+parseMonth =
+  do fws
+     m <- parseMonthName
+     fws
+     return m
+parseYear =
+  do y1 <- digit
+     y2 <- digit
+     my3 <- option Nothing (digit >>= (return . Just))
+     my4 <- option Nothing (digit >>= (return . Just))
+     case (my3, my4) of
+       (Just y3, Just y4) ->
+	 return (1000 * digitToInt y1 + 100 * digitToInt y2 
+		 + 10 * digitToInt y3 + digitToInt y4)
+       -- interpretation of obs-year from RFC2822, 4.3
+       (Just y3, Nothing) ->
+         return (1900 + 100 * digitToInt y1 + 10 * digitToInt y2 + digitToInt y3)
+       (Nothing, Nothing) ->
+         let rawVal = 10 * digitToInt y1 + digitToInt y2 in
+	 if rawVal < 50 
+	 then return (2000 + rawVal)
+	 else return (1900 + rawVal)
+       _ ->
+	 fail "parseYear"
+data Time2822 =
+  Time2822 TimeOfDay2822 Zone2822
+  deriving Show
+parseTime =
+  do tod <- parseTimeOfDay
+     fws
+     zone <- parseZone
+     return (Time2822 tod zone)
+data TimeOfDay2822 =
+  TimeOfDay2822 Int Int Int
+  deriving Show
+parseTimeOfDay =
+  do hh <- parseTwoDigits
+     char ':'
+     mm <- parseTwoDigits
+     ss <- option 0 (try $ do char ':'
+			      parseTwoDigits)
+     return (TimeOfDay2822 hh mm ss)
+zoneInfoList =
+  [( "UT",  (Zone2822 '+' 0 0))
+  ,( "GMT", (Zone2822 '+' 0 0))
+  ,( "EDT", (Zone2822 '-' 4 0))
+  ,( "EST", (Zone2822 '-' 5 0))
+  ,( "CDT", (Zone2822 '-' 5 0))
+  ,( "CST", (Zone2822 '-' 6 0))
+  ,( "MDT", (Zone2822 '-' 6 0))
+  ,( "MST", (Zone2822 '-' 7 0))
+  ,( "PDT", (Zone2822 '-' 7 0))
+  ,( "PST", (Zone2822 '-' 8 0))
+  ]
+parseZoneInfo =
+  foldr1 (<|>) (map g zoneInfoList)
+  where 
+    g (zname, zinfo) = try (string zname) >> return zinfo
+data Zone2822 =
+  Zone2822 Char Int Int
+  deriving Show
+parseZone =
+  do sign <- oneOf "+-"
+     hh <- parseTwoDigits
+     mm <- parseTwoDigits
+     return (Zone2822 sign hh mm)
+  <|> parseZoneInfo
+  -- anything else should be mapped to (Zone2822 '-' 0 0)
+parseTwoDigits =
+  do d1 <- digit
+     d2 <- digit
+     return (10 * digitToInt d1 + digitToInt d2)
diff --git a/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Message.hs b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Message.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08bc371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsrc/MissingH/WASHMail/Message.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+module Message where
+import HeaderField
+data Message =
+     Singlepart 
+     	{ getHeaders 		:: [Header]
+	, getLines   		:: [String]
+	, getDecoded		:: [Char]
+	, getContentType 	:: ContentType
+	, getContentTransferEncoding :: ContentTransferEncoding
+	, getContentDisposition :: ContentDisposition
+	}
+   | Multipart
+	{ getHeaders		:: [Header]
+	, getLines		:: [String]
+	, getParts		:: [Message]
+	, getContentType 	:: ContentType
+	, getContentTransferEncoding :: ContentTransferEncoding
+	, getContentDisposition :: ContentDisposition
+	}
+    deriving Show
+isSinglePart (Singlepart {}) = True
+isSinglePart _ = False
+isMultiPart (Multipart {}) = True
+isMultiPart _ = False
+showHeader (Header (n, v)) = n ++ ": " ++ v
+showParameters c_parameters =
+    foldr (\(n,v) f -> showString " ;" .
+    		       showString n .
+		       showString "=\"" .
+		       showString v .
+		       showChar '\"' . f) id c_parameters
+data ContentType = 
+	ContentType String -- type
+		    String -- subtype
+		    [(String, String)] -- parameters
+instance Show ContentType where
+  showsPrec i (ContentType c_type c_subtype c_parameters) =
+    showString "Content-Type: " .
+    showString c_type .
+    showChar '/' .
+    showString c_subtype .
+    showParameters c_parameters
+data ContentTransferEncoding =
+	ContentTransferEncoding String
+instance Show ContentTransferEncoding where
+  showsPrec i (ContentTransferEncoding cte) =
+    showString "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " .
+    showString cte
+data ContentDisposition =
+	ContentDisposition String [(String, String)]
+instance Show ContentDisposition where
+  showsPrec i (ContentDisposition cdn c_parameters) =
+    showString "Content-Disposition: " .
+    showString cdn .
+    showParameters c_parameters
+data ContentID =
+	ContentID String
+instance Show ContentID where
+  showsPrec i (ContentID cid) =
+    showString "Content-ID: " .
+    showString cid
+data ContentDescription =
+	ContentDescription String
+instance Show ContentDescription where
+  showsPrec i (ContentDescription txt) =
+    showString "Content-Description: " .
+    showString txt


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