[Pkg-haskell-commits] darcs: haskell-happstack-server: New upstream version 7.3.7.

Clint Adams clint at debian.org
Tue Jul 22 02:24:17 UTC 2014

Tue Jul 22 02:23:51 UTC 2014  Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
  * New upstream version 7.3.7.

    M ./changelog -2 +6
    M ./control -11 +12
    R ./patches/missing-test-module.diff
    R ./patches/series

Tue Jul 22 02:23:51 UTC 2014  Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>
  * New upstream version 7.3.7.
diff -rN -u old-haskell-happstack-server/changelog new-haskell-happstack-server/changelog
--- old-haskell-happstack-server/changelog	2014-07-22 02:24:17.888226043 +0000
+++ new-haskell-happstack-server/changelog	2014-07-22 02:24:17.888226043 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
-haskell-happstack-server (7.1.7-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+haskell-happstack-server (7.3.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  [ Joachim Breitner ]
   * Fix Vcs-Darcs url: http://darcs.debian.org/ instead of
   * Adjust watch file to new hackage layout
- -- Joachim Breitner <nomeata at debian.org>  Sat, 25 May 2013 17:01:33 +0200
+  [ Clint Adams ]
+  * New upstream version.
+ -- Clint Adams <clint at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:14:02 -0400
 haskell-happstack-server (7.1.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
diff -rN -u old-haskell-happstack-server/control new-haskell-happstack-server/control
--- old-haskell-happstack-server/control	2014-07-22 02:24:17.888226043 +0000
+++ new-haskell-happstack-server/control	2014-07-22 02:24:17.888226043 +0000
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  , libghc-base64-bytestring-dev (<< 1.1)
  , libghc-base64-bytestring-prof
  , libghc-blaze-html-dev (>= 0.5)
- , libghc-blaze-html-dev (<< 0.7)
+ , libghc-blaze-html-dev (<< 0.8)
  , libghc-blaze-html-prof
  , libghc-extensible-exceptions-dev
  , libghc-extensible-exceptions-prof
@@ -25,28 +25,29 @@
  , libghc-monad-control-dev (<< 0.4)
  , libghc-monad-control-prof
  , libghc-mtl-dev (>= 2)
- , libghc-mtl-dev (<< 2.2)
+ , libghc-mtl-dev (<< 2.3)
  , libghc-mtl-prof
  , libghc-network-dev (>= 2.2.3)
+ , libghc-network-dev (<< 2.6)
  , libghc-network-prof
  , libghc-parsec3-dev
  , libghc-parsec3-prof
  , libghc-sendfile-dev (>= 0.7.1)
  , libghc-sendfile-dev (<< 0.8)
  , libghc-sendfile-prof
- , libghc-system-filepath-dev (>= 0.3.1)
- , libghc-system-filepath-prof
  , libghc-syb-dev
  , libghc-syb-prof
+ , libghc-system-filepath-dev (>= 0.3.1)
+ , libghc-system-filepath-prof
  , libghc-text-dev (>= 0.10)
- , libghc-text-dev (<< 0.12)
+ , libghc-text-dev (<< 1.2)
  , libghc-text-prof
- , libghc-time-compat-dev
- , libghc-time-compat-prof
  , libghc-threads-dev (>= 0.5)
  , libghc-threads-prof
+ , libghc-time-compat-dev
+ , libghc-time-compat-prof
  , libghc-transformers-dev (>= 0.1.3)
- , libghc-transformers-dev (<< 0.4)
+ , libghc-transformers-dev (<< 0.5)
  , libghc-transformers-prof
  , libghc-transformers-base-dev (>= 0.4)
  , libghc-transformers-base-dev (<< 0.5)
@@ -69,17 +70,17 @@
  , libghc-mtl-doc
  , libghc-network-doc
  , libghc-sendfile-doc
- , libghc-system-filepath-doc
  , libghc-syb-doc
+ , libghc-system-filepath-doc
  , libghc-text-doc
- , libghc-time-compat-doc
  , libghc-threads-doc
+ , libghc-time-compat-doc
  , libghc-transformers-doc
  , libghc-transformers-base-doc
  , libghc-utf8-string-doc
  , libghc-xhtml-doc
  , libghc-zlib-doc
-Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+Standards-Version: 3.9.5
 Homepage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/happstack-server
 Vcs-Darcs: http://darcs.debian.org/pkg-haskell/haskell-happstack-server
 Vcs-Browser: http://darcs.debian.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=pkg-haskell/haskell-happstack-server
diff -rN -u old-haskell-happstack-server/patches/missing-test-module.diff new-haskell-happstack-server/patches/missing-test-module.diff
--- old-haskell-happstack-server/patches/missing-test-module.diff	2014-07-22 02:24:17.884226045 +0000
+++ new-haskell-happstack-server/patches/missing-test-module.diff	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-Index: happstack-server-7.1.7/tests/Happstack/Server/Tests.hs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ happstack-server-7.1.7/tests/Happstack/Server/Tests.hs	2013-04-13 05:06:15.078487088 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
-+-- |HUnit tests and QuickQuick properties for Happstack.Server.*
-+module Happstack.Server.Tests (allTests) where
-+import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZ
-+import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib as Z
-+import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
-+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-+import Control.Monad
-+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8     (pack, unpack)
-+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
-+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as L
-+import qualified Data.Map              as Map
-+import Happstack.Server                      ( Request(..), Method(..), Response(..), ServerPart, Headers, RqBody(Body), HttpVersion(..)
-+                                             , ToMessage(..), HeaderPair(..), ok, dir, simpleHTTP'', composeFilter, noContentLength, matchMethod)
-+import Happstack.Server.FileServe.BuildingBlocks (sendFileResponse)
-+import Happstack.Server.Cookie
-+import Happstack.Server.Internal.Compression
-+import Happstack.Server.Internal.Cookie
-+import Happstack.Server.Internal.Multipart
-+import Happstack.Server.Internal.MessageWrap
-+import Happstack.Server.SURI(ToSURI(..), path, query)
-+import Test.HUnit as HU (Test(..), (~:), (@?=), (@=?), assertEqual)
-+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-+-- |All of the tests for happstack-util should be listed here.
-+allTests :: Test
-+allTests =
-+    "happstack-server tests" ~: [ cookieParserTest
-+                                , acceptEncodingParserTest
-+                                , multipart
-+                                , compressFilterResponseTest
-+                                , matchMethodTest
-+                                ]
-+cookieParserTest :: Test
-+cookieParserTest =
-+    "cookieParserTest" ~:
-+    [parseCookies "$Version=1;Cookie1=value1;$Path=\"/testpath\";$Domain=example.com;cookie2=value2"
-+        @?= (Right [
-+            Cookie "1" "/testpath" "example.com" "cookie1" "value1" False False
-+          , Cookie "1" "" "" "cookie2" "value2" False False
-+          ])
-+    ,parseCookies "  \t $Version = \"1\" ; cookie1 = \"randomcrap!@#%^&*()-_+={}[]:;'<>,.?/\\|\" , $Path=/  "
-+        @?= (Right [
-+            Cookie "1" "/" "" "cookie1" "randomcrap!@#%^&*()-_+={}[]:;'<>,.?/|" False False
-+          ])
-+    ,parseCookies " cookie1 = value1  "
-+        @?= (Right [
-+            Cookie "" "" "" "cookie1" "value1" False False
-+          ])
-+    ,parseCookies " $Version=\"1\";buggygooglecookie = valuewith=whereitshouldnotbe  "
-+        @?= (Right [
-+            Cookie "1" "" "" "buggygooglecookie" "valuewith=whereitshouldnotbe" False False
-+          ])
-+    , parseCookies "foo=\"\\\"bar\\\"\""
-+        @?= (Right [
-+              Cookie "" "" ""  "foo" "\"bar\"" False False
-+             ])
-+    ]
-+acceptEncodingParserTest :: Test
-+acceptEncodingParserTest =
-+    "acceptEncodingParserTest" ~:
-+    map (\(str, result) -> either (Left . show) Right (parse encodings "" str) @?= (Right result)) acceptEncodings
-+    where
-+      acceptEncodings =
-+       [ (" gzip;q=1,*, compress ; q = 0.5 ", [("gzip", Just 1),("*", Nothing),("compress", Just 0.5)])
-+       , (" compress , gzip", [ ("compress", Nothing), ("gzip", Nothing)])
-+       , (" ", [])
-+       , (" *", [("*", Nothing)])
-+       , (" compress;q=0.5, gzip;q=1.0", [("compress", Just 0.5), ("gzip", Just 1.0)])
-+       , (" gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0", [("gzip", Just 1.0), ("identity",Just 0.5), ("*", Just 0)])
-+       , (" x-gzip",[("x-gzip", Nothing)])
-+       ]
-+multipart :: Test
-+multipart =
-+    "split multipart" ~:
-+    [ ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary.with.dot")
-+                      (pack "--boundary.with.dot\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\r\n--boundary.with.dot--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "beg\r\n--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1\n")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "beg\r\n--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\n\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1\r\n")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "beg\r\n--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\r\n\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "1\n\r")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "beg\r\n--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n1\n\r\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    , ([BodyPart (pack "content-type: text/plain\r\n") (pack "\r\n1\n\r")], Nothing) @=?
-+           parseMultipartBody (pack "boundary")
-+                      (pack "beg\r\n--boundary\r\ncontent-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n\r\n1\n\r\r\n--boundary--\r\nend")
-+    ]
-+compressFilterResponseTest :: Test
-+compressFilterResponseTest =
-+    "compressFilterResponseTest" ~:
-+     [ uncompressedResponse
-+     , uncompressedSendFile
-+     , compressedResponseGZ
-+     , compressedResponseZ
-+     , compressedSendFile
-+     , compressedSendFileNoIdentity
-+     ]
-+mkRequest :: Method -> String -> [(String, Cookie)] -> Headers -> L.ByteString -> IO Request
-+mkRequest method uri cookies headers body =
-+    do let u = toSURI uri
-+       ib <- newEmptyMVar
-+       b  <- newMVar (Body body)
-+       return $ Request { rqMethod      = method
-+                        , rqPaths       = (pathEls (path u))
-+                        , rqUri         = (path u)
-+                        , rqQuery       = (query u)
-+                        , rqInputsQuery = (queryInput u)
-+                        , rqInputsBody  = ib
-+                        , rqCookies     = cookies
-+                        , rqVersion     = HttpVersion 1 1
-+                        , rqHeaders     = headers
-+                        , rqBody        = b
-+                        , rqPeer        = ("",0)
-+                        , rqSecure      = False
-+                        }
-+compressPart :: ServerPart Response
-+compressPart =
-+    do void compressedResponseFilter
-+       composeFilter noContentLength
-+       msum [ dir "response" $ ok (toResponse "compress Response")
-+            , dir "sendfile" $ ok (sendFileResponse "text/plain" "/dev/null" Nothing 0 100)
-+            ]
-+uncompressedResponse :: Test
-+uncompressedResponse =
-+    "uncompressedResponse" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/response" [] Map.empty L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 200
-+         assertEqual "body"             (unpack (rsBody res)) "compress Response"
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) Nothing
-+uncompressedSendFile :: Test
-+uncompressedSendFile =
-+    "uncompressedSendFile" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/sendfile" [] Map.empty L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 200
-+         assertEqual "filepath"         (sfFilePath res) "/dev/null"
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) Nothing
-+compressedResponseGZ :: Test
-+compressedResponseGZ =
-+    "compressedResponseGZ" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/response" [] (Map.singleton (B.pack "accept-encoding") (HeaderPair (B.pack "Accept-Encoding") [B.pack " gzip;q=1"])) L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 200
-+         assertEqual "body"             (unpack (GZ.decompress (rsBody res))) ("compress Response")
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) (Just (B.pack "Content-Encoding", [B.pack "gzip"]))
-+compressedResponseZ :: Test
-+compressedResponseZ =
-+    "compressedResponseZ" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/response" [] (Map.singleton (B.pack "accept-encoding") (HeaderPair (B.pack "Accept-Encoding") [B.pack " deflate;q=1"])) L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 200
-+         assertEqual "body"             (unpack (Z.decompress (rsBody res))) ("compress Response")
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) (Just (B.pack "Content-Encoding", [B.pack "deflate"]))
-+compressedSendFile :: Test
-+compressedSendFile =
-+    "compressedSendfile" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/sendfile" [] (Map.singleton (B.pack "accept-encoding") (HeaderPair (B.pack "Accept-Encoding") [B.pack " gzip;q=1"])) L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 200
-+         assertEqual "filepath"         (sfFilePath res) "/dev/null"
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) Nothing
-+compressedSendFileNoIdentity :: Test
-+compressedSendFileNoIdentity =
-+    "compressedSendFileNoIdentity" ~:
-+      do req <- mkRequest GET "/sendfile" [] (Map.singleton (B.pack "accept-encoding") (HeaderPair (B.pack "Accept-Encoding") [B.pack " gzip;q=1, identity: q=0.0"])) L.empty
-+         res <- simpleHTTP'' compressPart req
-+         assertEqual "respone code"     (rsCode res) 406
-+         assertEqual "body"             (unpack (rsBody res)) ""
-+         assertEqual "Content-Encoding" ((hName &&& hValue) <$> Map.lookup (B.pack "content-encoding") (rsHeaders res)) Nothing
-+matchMethodTest :: Test
-+matchMethodTest =
-+    "matchMethodTest" ~:
-+      do forM_ gethead $ \m -> matchMethod GET m @?= True
-+         forM_ others  $ \m -> matchMethod GET m @?= False
-+         forM_ gethead $ \m -> matchMethod [GET] m @?= True
-+         forM_ others  $ \m -> matchMethod [GET] m @?= False
-+         forM_ gethead $ \m -> matchMethod [GET, HEAD] m @?= True
-+         forM_ others  $ \m -> matchMethod [GET, HEAD] m @?= False
-+         matchMethod POST GET   @?= False
-+         matchMethod POST HEAD  @?= False
-+         matchMethod POST TRACE @?= False
-+         matchMethod POST POST  @?= True
-+         matchMethod [POST, PUT] GET   @?= False
-+         matchMethod [POST, PUT] HEAD  @?= False
-+         matchMethod [POST, PUT] TRACE @?= False
-+         matchMethod [POST, PUT] POST  @?= True
-+         matchMethod [POST, PUT] PUT   @?= True
-+         forM_ (others) $ \m -> matchMethod (`notElem` gethead) m @?= True
-+         forM_ (gethead ++ others) $ \m -> matchMethod () m @?= True
-+  where
-+    gethead = [GET, HEAD]
diff -rN -u old-haskell-happstack-server/patches/series new-haskell-happstack-server/patches/series
--- old-haskell-happstack-server/patches/series	2014-07-22 02:24:17.884226045 +0000
+++ new-haskell-happstack-server/patches/series	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

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