[pkg-java] r6990 - in trunk/commons-csv: . debian debian/patches

janpascal-guest at alioth.debian.org janpascal-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Sep 10 18:58:35 UTC 2008

Author: janpascal-guest
Date: 2008-09-10 18:58:33 +0000 (Wed, 10 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 6990

Move build.xml to debian/

Deleted: trunk/commons-csv/build.xml
--- trunk/commons-csv/build.xml	2008-09-10 16:56:40 UTC (rev 6989)
+++ trunk/commons-csv/build.xml	2008-09-10 18:58:33 UTC (rev 6990)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!--build.xml generated by maven from project.xml version 0.1-SNAPSHOT
-  on date September 18 2006, time 2225-->
-<project default="jar" name="commons-csv" basedir=".">
-  <property name="defaulttargetdir" value="target">
-  </property>
-  <property name="libdir" value="target/lib">
-  </property>
-  <property name="classesdir" value="target/classes">
-  </property>
-  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
-  </property>
-  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
-  </property>
-  <property name="testreportdir" value="target/test-reports">
-  </property>
-  <property name="distdir" value="dist">
-  </property>
-  <property name="javadocdir" value="dist/docs/api">
-  </property>
-  <property name="final.name" value="commons-csv-0.1-SNAPSHOT">
-  </property>
-  <path id="build.classpath">
-    <fileset dir="${libdir}">
-      <include name="**/*.jar">
-      </include>
-    </fileset>
-  </path>
-  <target name="init" description="o Initializes some properties">
-    <mkdir dir="${libdir}">
-    </mkdir>
-    <condition property="noget">
-      <equals arg2="only" arg1="${build.sysclasspath}">
-      </equals>
-    </condition>
-    <!--Test if JUNIT is present in ANT classpath-->
-    <available property="Junit.present" classname="junit.framework.Test">
-    </available>
-  </target>
-  <target name="compile" description="o Compile the code">
-    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}">
-    </mkdir>
-    <javac destdir="${classesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true"
-    optimize="true" excludes="**/package.html" source="1.4" target="1.4">
-      <src>
-        <pathelement location="src/java">
-        </pathelement>
-      </src>
-      <classpath refid="build.classpath">
-      </classpath>
-    </javac>
-    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
-    </mkdir>
-    <copy todir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
-      <fileset dir=".">
-        <include name="NOTICE.txt">
-        </include>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <target name="jar" description="o Create the jar" depends="compile,test">
-    <jar jarfile="${defaulttargetdir}/${final.name}.jar" excludes="**/package.html" basedir="${classesdir}">
-    </jar>
-  </target>
-  <target name="clean" description="o Clean up the generated directories">
-    <delete dir="${defaulttargetdir}">
-    </delete>
-    <delete dir="${distdir}">
-    </delete>
-  </target>
-  <target name="dist" description="o Create a distribution" depends="jar, javadoc">
-    <mkdir dir="dist">
-    </mkdir>
-    <copy todir="dist">
-      <fileset dir="${defaulttargetdir}" includes="*.jar">
-      </fileset>
-      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="LICENSE*, README*">
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <target name="test" description="o Run the test cases" if="test.failure" depends="internal-test">
-    <fail message="There were test failures.">
-    </fail>
-  </target>
-  <target name="internal-test" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile-tests">
-    <mkdir dir="${testreportdir}">
-    </mkdir>
-    <junit dir="./" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="yes" fork="true" haltonerror="true">
-      <sysproperty key="basedir" value=".">
-      </sysproperty>
-      <formatter type="xml">
-      </formatter>
-      <formatter usefile="false" type="plain">
-      </formatter>
-      <classpath>
-        <path refid="build.classpath">
-        </path>
-        <pathelement path="${testclassesdir}">
-        </pathelement>
-        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
-        </pathelement>
-      </classpath>
-      <batchtest todir="${testreportdir}">
-        <fileset dir="src/test">
-          <include name="**/*Test.java">
-          </include>
-        </fileset>
-      </batchtest>
-    </junit>
-  </target>
-  <target name="junit-present" unless="Junit.present" depends="init">
-    <echo>================================= WARNING ================================</echo>
-    <echo>Junit isn't present in your ${ANT_HOME}/lib directory. Tests not executed.</echo>
-    <echo>==========================================================================</echo>
-  </target>
-  <target name="compile-tests" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile">
-    <mkdir dir="${testclassesdir}">
-    </mkdir>
-    <javac destdir="${testclassesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" optimize="false" excludes="**/package.html">
-      <src>
-        <pathelement location="src/test">
-        </pathelement>
-      </src>
-      <classpath>
-        <path refid="build.classpath">
-        </path>
-        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
-        </pathelement>
-      </classpath>
-    </javac>
-  </target>
-  <target name="javadoc" description="o Generate javadoc">
-    <mkdir dir="${javadocdir}">
-    </mkdir>
-    <tstamp>
-      <format pattern="2005-yyyy" property="year">
-      </format>
-    </tstamp>
-    <property name="copyright" value="Copyright &amp;copy;  The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.">
-    </property>
-    <property name="title" value="Commons CSV 0.1-SNAPSHOT API">
-    </property>
-    <javadoc use="true" private="true" destdir="${javadocdir}" author="true" version="true" sourcepath="src/java" packagenames="org.apache.commons.csv.*">
-      <classpath>
-        <path refid="build.classpath">
-        </path>
-      </classpath>
-    </javadoc>
-  </target>

Copied: trunk/commons-csv/debian/build.xml (from rev 6984, trunk/commons-csv/build.xml)
--- trunk/commons-csv/debian/build.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/commons-csv/debian/build.xml	2008-09-10 18:58:33 UTC (rev 6990)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!--build.xml generated by maven from project.xml version 0.1-SNAPSHOT
+  on date September 18 2006, time 2225-->
+<project default="jar" name="commons-csv" basedir="..">
+  <property name="defaulttargetdir" value="target">
+  </property>
+  <property name="libdir" value="target/lib">
+  </property>
+  <property name="classesdir" value="target/classes">
+  </property>
+  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
+  </property>
+  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
+  </property>
+  <property name="testreportdir" value="target/test-reports">
+  </property>
+  <property name="distdir" value="dist">
+  </property>
+  <property name="javadocdir" value="dist/docs/api">
+  </property>
+  <property name="final.name" value="commons-csv-0.1-SNAPSHOT">
+  </property>
+  <path id="build.classpath">
+    <fileset dir="${libdir}">
+      <include name="**/*.jar">
+      </include>
+    </fileset>
+  </path>
+  <target name="init" description="o Initializes some properties">
+    <mkdir dir="${libdir}">
+    </mkdir>
+    <condition property="noget">
+      <equals arg2="only" arg1="${build.sysclasspath}">
+      </equals>
+    </condition>
+    <!--Test if JUNIT is present in ANT classpath-->
+    <available property="Junit.present" classname="junit.framework.Test">
+    </available>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" description="o Compile the code">
+    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}">
+    </mkdir>
+    <javac destdir="${classesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true"
+    optimize="true" excludes="**/package.html" source="1.4" target="1.4">
+      <src>
+        <pathelement location="src/java">
+        </pathelement>
+      </src>
+      <classpath refid="build.classpath">
+      </classpath>
+    </javac>
+    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
+    </mkdir>
+    <copy todir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
+      <fileset dir=".">
+        <include name="NOTICE.txt">
+        </include>
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <target name="jar" description="o Create the jar" depends="compile,test">
+    <jar jarfile="${defaulttargetdir}/${final.name}.jar" excludes="**/package.html" basedir="${classesdir}">
+    </jar>
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean" description="o Clean up the generated directories">
+    <delete dir="${defaulttargetdir}">
+    </delete>
+    <delete dir="${distdir}">
+    </delete>
+  </target>
+  <target name="dist" description="o Create a distribution" depends="jar, javadoc">
+    <mkdir dir="dist">
+    </mkdir>
+    <copy todir="dist">
+      <fileset dir="${defaulttargetdir}" includes="*.jar">
+      </fileset>
+      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="LICENSE*, README*">
+      </fileset>
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <target name="test" description="o Run the test cases" if="test.failure" depends="internal-test">
+    <fail message="There were test failures.">
+    </fail>
+  </target>
+  <target name="internal-test" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile-tests">
+    <mkdir dir="${testreportdir}">
+    </mkdir>
+    <junit dir="./" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="yes" fork="true" haltonerror="true">
+      <sysproperty key="basedir" value=".">
+      </sysproperty>
+      <formatter type="xml">
+      </formatter>
+      <formatter usefile="false" type="plain">
+      </formatter>
+      <classpath>
+        <path refid="build.classpath">
+        </path>
+        <pathelement path="${testclassesdir}">
+        </pathelement>
+        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
+        </pathelement>
+      </classpath>
+      <batchtest todir="${testreportdir}">
+        <fileset dir="src/test">
+          <include name="**/*Test.java">
+          </include>
+        </fileset>
+      </batchtest>
+    </junit>
+  </target>
+  <target name="junit-present" unless="Junit.present" depends="init">
+    <echo>================================= WARNING ================================</echo>
+    <echo>Junit isn't present in your ${ANT_HOME}/lib directory. Tests not executed.</echo>
+    <echo>==========================================================================</echo>
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile-tests" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile">
+    <mkdir dir="${testclassesdir}">
+    </mkdir>
+    <javac destdir="${testclassesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" optimize="false" excludes="**/package.html">
+      <src>
+        <pathelement location="src/test">
+        </pathelement>
+      </src>
+      <classpath>
+        <path refid="build.classpath">
+        </path>
+        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
+        </pathelement>
+      </classpath>
+    </javac>
+  </target>
+  <target name="javadoc" description="o Generate javadoc">
+    <mkdir dir="${javadocdir}">
+    </mkdir>
+    <tstamp>
+      <format pattern="2005-yyyy" property="year">
+      </format>
+    </tstamp>
+    <property name="copyright" value="Copyright &amp;copy;  The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.">
+    </property>
+    <property name="title" value="Commons CSV 0.1-SNAPSHOT API">
+    </property>
+    <javadoc use="true" private="true" destdir="${javadocdir}" author="true" version="true" sourcepath="src/java" packagenames="org.apache.commons.csv.*">
+      <classpath>
+        <path refid="build.classpath">
+        </path>
+      </classpath>
+    </javadoc>
+  </target>

Property changes on: trunk/commons-csv/debian/build.xml
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Modified: trunk/commons-csv/debian/changelog
--- trunk/commons-csv/debian/changelog	2008-09-10 16:56:40 UTC (rev 6989)
+++ trunk/commons-csv/debian/changelog	2008-09-10 18:58:33 UTC (rev 6990)
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
   [ Jan-Pascal van Best ]
   * New upstream revision
   * Bump standards-version to 3.8.0
-  * Added build.xml for building, since commons-csv now uses a Maven-based 
-    build system.
+  * Added debian/build.xml for building, since commons-csv now uses a 
+    Maven-based build system.
   * Remove full Apache license from debian/copyright and referred to 
     /usr/share/common-licenses instead.
   * Added DM-Upload-Allowed: yes to debian/control.
   * Compile with OpenJDK (instead of gcj).
+  * Mo
- -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:14:12 +0200
+ -- Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>  Wed, 10 Sep 2008 20:58:00 +0200
 commons-csv (0.1-SNAPSHOT+svn558885-1) unstable; urgency=low

Deleted: trunk/commons-csv/debian/patches/20_use_build_xml.dpatch
--- trunk/commons-csv/debian/patches/20_use_build_xml.dpatch	2008-09-10 16:56:40 UTC (rev 6989)
+++ trunk/commons-csv/debian/patches/20_use_build_xml.dpatch	2008-09-10 18:58:33 UTC (rev 6990)
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 05_build_xml.dpatch by Jan-Pascal van Best <janpascal at vanbest.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: Commons-csv uses a Maven-based build system. This patch 
-## DP: provides an Ant build.xml instead.
- at DPATCH@
-diff -urNad commons-csv~/build.xml commons-csv/build.xml
---- commons-csv~/build.xml	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ commons-csv/build.xml	2008-09-08 21:45:18.000000000 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<!--build.xml generated by maven from project.xml version 0.1-SNAPSHOT
-+  on date September 18 2006, time 2225-->
-+<project default="jar" name="commons-csv" basedir=".">
-+  <property name="defaulttargetdir" value="target">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="libdir" value="target/lib">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="classesdir" value="target/classes">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="testclassesdir" value="target/test-classes">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="testreportdir" value="target/test-reports">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="distdir" value="dist">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="javadocdir" value="dist/docs/api">
-+  </property>
-+  <property name="final.name" value="commons-csv-0.1-SNAPSHOT">
-+  </property>
-+  <path id="build.classpath">
-+    <fileset dir="${libdir}">
-+      <include name="**/*.jar">
-+      </include>
-+    </fileset>
-+  </path>
-+  <target name="init" description="o Initializes some properties">
-+    <mkdir dir="${libdir}">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <condition property="noget">
-+      <equals arg2="only" arg1="${build.sysclasspath}">
-+      </equals>
-+    </condition>
-+    <!--Test if JUNIT is present in ANT classpath-->
-+    <available property="Junit.present" classname="junit.framework.Test">
-+    </available>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="compile" description="o Compile the code">
-+    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <javac destdir="${classesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" optimize="false" excludes="**/package.html">
-+      <src>
-+        <pathelement location="src/java">
-+        </pathelement>
-+      </src>
-+      <classpath refid="build.classpath">
-+      </classpath>
-+    </javac>
-+    <mkdir dir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <copy todir="${classesdir}/META-INF">
-+      <fileset dir=".">
-+        <include name="NOTICE.txt">
-+        </include>
-+      </fileset>
-+    </copy>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="jar" description="o Create the jar" depends="compile,test">
-+    <jar jarfile="${defaulttargetdir}/${final.name}.jar" excludes="**/package.html" basedir="${classesdir}">
-+    </jar>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="clean" description="o Clean up the generated directories">
-+    <delete dir="${defaulttargetdir}">
-+    </delete>
-+    <delete dir="${distdir}">
-+    </delete>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="dist" description="o Create a distribution" depends="jar, javadoc">
-+    <mkdir dir="dist">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <copy todir="dist">
-+      <fileset dir="${defaulttargetdir}" includes="*.jar">
-+      </fileset>
-+      <fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="LICENSE*, README*">
-+      </fileset>
-+    </copy>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="test" description="o Run the test cases" if="test.failure" depends="internal-test">
-+    <fail message="There were test failures.">
-+    </fail>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="internal-test" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile-tests">
-+    <mkdir dir="${testreportdir}">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <junit dir="./" failureproperty="test.failure" printSummary="yes" fork="true" haltonerror="true">
-+      <sysproperty key="basedir" value=".">
-+      </sysproperty>
-+      <formatter type="xml">
-+      </formatter>
-+      <formatter usefile="false" type="plain">
-+      </formatter>
-+      <classpath>
-+        <path refid="build.classpath">
-+        </path>
-+        <pathelement path="${testclassesdir}">
-+        </pathelement>
-+        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
-+        </pathelement>
-+      </classpath>
-+      <batchtest todir="${testreportdir}">
-+        <fileset dir="src/test">
-+          <include name="**/*Test.java">
-+          </include>
-+        </fileset>
-+      </batchtest>
-+    </junit>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="junit-present" unless="Junit.present" depends="init">
-+    <echo>================================= WARNING ================================</echo>
-+    <echo>Junit isn't present in your ${ANT_HOME}/lib directory. Tests not executed.</echo>
-+    <echo>==========================================================================</echo>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="compile-tests" if="Junit.present" depends="junit-present,compile">
-+    <mkdir dir="${testclassesdir}">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <javac destdir="${testclassesdir}" deprecation="true" debug="true" optimize="false" excludes="**/package.html">
-+      <src>
-+        <pathelement location="src/test">
-+        </pathelement>
-+      </src>
-+      <classpath>
-+        <path refid="build.classpath">
-+        </path>
-+        <pathelement path="${classesdir}">
-+        </pathelement>
-+      </classpath>
-+    </javac>
-+  </target>
-+  <target name="javadoc" description="o Generate javadoc">
-+    <mkdir dir="${javadocdir}">
-+    </mkdir>
-+    <tstamp>
-+      <format pattern="2005-yyyy" property="year">
-+      </format>
-+    </tstamp>
-+    <property name="copyright" value="Copyright &amp;copy;  The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.">
-+    </property>
-+    <property name="title" value="Commons CSV 0.1-SNAPSHOT API">
-+    </property>
-+    <javadoc use="true" private="true" destdir="${javadocdir}" author="true" version="true" sourcepath="src/java" packagenames="org.apache.commons.csv.*">
-+      <classpath>
-+        <path refid="build.classpath">
-+        </path>
-+      </classpath>
-+    </javadoc>
-+  </target>

Modified: trunk/commons-csv/debian/rules
--- trunk/commons-csv/debian/rules	2008-09-10 16:56:40 UTC (rev 6989)
+++ trunk/commons-csv/debian/rules	2008-09-10 18:58:33 UTC (rev 6990)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
 DEB_ANT_BUILD_TARGET = init compile jar javadoc
+DEB_ANT_BUILDFILE = debian/build.xml
 # Needed for running the unit tests
 DEB_JARS = ant-junit junit
@@ -43,4 +44,4 @@
-	cd .. ; dupload -t mentors commons-csv_$(DEB_VERSION)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).changes
+	cd .. ; dupload -t vanbest commons-csv_$(DEB_VERSION)_$(DEB_HOST_ARCH).changes

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