[pkg-java] r9966 - in trunk/java3d/debian: . patches

Onkar Shinde onkarshinde-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Aug 13 09:47:20 UTC 2009

Author: onkarshinde-guest
Date: 2009-08-13 09:47:19 +0000 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 9966

add files missed in last commit

Added: trunk/java3d/debian/README.source
--- trunk/java3d/debian/README.source	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/java3d/debian/README.source	2009-08-13 09:47:19 UTC (rev 9966)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+This package uses CDBS (and therefore simple-patchsys.mk) in order to 
+apply patches to the upstream source. Patches are stored in 
+debian/patches and their filenames usually end in .patch or .diff .
+For further details, see the man page for cdbs-edit-patch.
+All commands described below should be run from the top directory of the 
+package source tree, unless otherwise stated.
+ * To generate the fully patched source, in a form ready for
+   editing, that would be built to create Debian packages, run: 
+     make -f debian/rules apply-patches
+   Note: It has been proposed that, in future, this should happen 
+   automatically when you run dpkg-source -x on a CDBS 
+   simple-patchsys.mk source package.  However, this proposal has 
+   apparently not yet been implemented, so for now you have to do 
+   it yourself like this.
+ * To modify the source and save those modifications so that
+   they will be applied when building the package, pick a
+   suitably informative patch file name, for example
+   01_add_README.source_file.patch, and then run:
+     cdbs-edit-patch 01_add_README.source_file.patch
+   This will place you in a new shell in a temporary copy of the 
+   source tree.  Make your desired modifications to it, and then 
+   exit the shell to create the patch file containing them (this 
+   file will appear in debian/patches).
+ * To remove source modifications that are currently being
+   applied when building the package, run:
+     make -f debian/rules reverse-patches

Modified: trunk/java3d/debian/changelog
--- trunk/java3d/debian/changelog	2009-08-13 07:43:17 UTC (rev 9965)
+++ trunk/java3d/debian/changelog	2009-08-13 09:47:19 UTC (rev 9966)
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
     - Add fix for FTBFS on powerpc.
   * debian/patches/02_fix_generic_ftbfs.patch
     - Add fix for FTBFS on architectures not handled by current build system.
+  * debian/README.source
+    - Add to comply with policy.
  -- Onkar Shinde <onkarshinde at ubuntu.com>  Thu, 13 Aug 2009 10:23:33 +0530

Added: trunk/java3d/debian/patches/02_fix_generic_ftbfs.patch
--- trunk/java3d/debian/patches/02_fix_generic_ftbfs.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/java3d/debian/patches/02_fix_generic_ftbfs.patch	2009-08-13 09:47:19 UTC (rev 9966)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*~' java3d-1.5.2+dfsg/j3d-core/build.xml java3d-1.5.2+dfsg.new/j3d-core/build.xml
+--- java3d-1.5.2+dfsg/j3d-core/build.xml	2008-05-24 02:01:19.000000000 +0530
++++ java3d-1.5.2+dfsg.new/j3d-core/build.xml	2009-08-13 15:01:06.000000000 +0530
+@@ -196,6 +196,15 @@
+     <property name="install.bin" value="lib/ppc"/>
+   </target>
++  <target name="setupLinuxGeneric" if="isLinuxGeneric">
++    <property name="isUnix" value="true"/>
++    <property name="shell" value="/bin/sh"/>
++    <property name="wstype" value="x11"/>
++    <property name="platformname" value="linux-generic"/>
++    <property name="platform" value="linux-generic"/>
++    <property name="install.bin" value="lib/${os.arch}"/>
++  </target>
+     <!-- win32 should be rename as windows -->
+   <target name="setupWindows" if="isWindowsOnX86">
+     <property name="isWindows" value="true"/>
+@@ -232,7 +241,7 @@
+   </target>
+   <target name="setupPlatform"
+-       depends="init, setupBuildType, setupSolaris, setupSolarisX86, setupLinux, setupLinuxAmd64, setupLinuxIA64, setupLinuxPPC, setupWindows, setupWindowsAmd64, setupMacOSX, setupJogl">
++       depends="init, setupBuildType, setupSolaris, setupSolarisX86, setupLinux, setupLinuxAmd64, setupLinuxIA64, setupLinuxPPC, setupLinuxGeneric, setupWindows, setupWindowsAmd64, setupMacOSX, setupJogl">
+     <property name="build-debug-gen" location="${build}/${platform}/debug/gen"/>
+     <property name="build-opt-gen" location="${build}/${platform}/opt/gen"/>
+     <property name="docname" value="${build.relprefix}-${version_file}-doc"/>
+@@ -382,6 +391,10 @@
+         <os name="linux" arch="ppc"/>
+     </condition>
++    <condition property="isLinuxGeneric">
++        <os name="linux"/>
++    </condition>
+     <condition property="isSolarisOnSparc">
+         <os name="SunOS" arch="sparc"/>
+     </condition>   
+diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*~' java3d-1.5.2+dfsg/j3d-core/src/native/ogl/build-linux-generic.xml java3d-1.5.2+dfsg.new/j3d-core/src/native/ogl/build-linux-generic.xml
+--- java3d-1.5.2+dfsg/j3d-core/src/native/ogl/build-linux-generic.xml	1970-01-01 05:30:00.000000000 +0530
++++ java3d-1.5.2+dfsg.new/j3d-core/src/native/ogl/build-linux-generic.xml	2009-08-13 15:00:17.000000000 +0530
+@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!-- Ant file for building native ogl renderer files for Linux/x86 -->
++<project name="j3d-core native" default="compile">
++  <target name="init" depends="init-cg,init-nocg">
++    <!-- Create the build directories for linux -->
++    <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs"/>
++    <mkdir dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/lib/${os.arch}"/>
++    <property name="oglsrc"     location="${src}/native/ogl"/>
++  </target>
++  <target name="init-cg" if="build.cg">
++    <property name="cflags.cg"  value="-DCOMPILE_CG_SHADERS=1"/>
++  </target>
++  <target name="init-nocg" unless="build.cg">
++    <property name="cflags.cg"  value=""/>
++  </target>
++  <target name="compile-ogl">
++    <echo message="Executing native renderer build [${bldType}]"/>
++    <!-- Compile the c source files-->
++    <exec dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs" executable="gcc">
++	<arg line="-I${oglsrc} -I${java.home}/../include -I${java.home}/../include/linux -I${javahCoreTarget} ${bldFlag} -DLINUX ${cflags.cg} -c ${oglsrc}/DrawingSurfaceObjectAWT.c ${oglsrc}/Canvas3D.c ${oglsrc}/GraphicsContext3D.c  ${oglsrc}/NativeScreenInfo.c  ${oglsrc}/NativeConfigTemplate3D.c  ${oglsrc}/MasterControl.c ${oglsrc}/GeometryArrayRetained.c  ${oglsrc}/Attributes.c  ${oglsrc}/CgShaderProgram.c  ${oglsrc}/GLSLShaderProgram.c  ${oglsrc}/Lights.c"/>
++    </exec>
++    <!-- Create the library file-->
++    <exec dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs" executable="ld">
++	<arg line="DrawingSurfaceObjectAWT.o  Canvas3D.o  GraphicsContext3D.o  NativeScreenInfo.o  NativeConfigTemplate3D.o  MasterControl.o GeometryArrayRetained.o  Attributes.o  CgShaderProgram.o  GLSLShaderProgram.o  Lights.o -G -z defs -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ldl -lGL -lX11 -lXext -lm -lnsl -lc -L${java.home}/lib/${os.arch} -ljawt -L${java.home}/lib/${os.arch}/server -ljvm  -o libj3dcore-ogl.so"/>
++    </exec>
++  </target>
++  <target name="compile-ogl-cg" if="build.cg">
++    <!-- Compile the wrapper -->
++    <exec dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs" executable="gcc">
++	<arg line="-I${oglsrc} -I${java.home}/../include -I${java.home}/../include/linux -I${javahCoreTarget} ${bldFlag} -DLINUX ${cflags.cg} -c ${oglsrc}/CgWrapper.c"/>
++    </exec>
++    <!-- Create the wrapper library -->
++    <exec dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs" executable="ld">
++	<arg line="CgWrapper.o -G -z defs -L/usr/X11R6/lib -ldl -lCg -lCgGL -lpthread -lGL -lX11 -lXext -lm -lnsl -lc -o libj3dcore-ogl-cg.so"/>
++    </exec>
++  </target>
++  <target name="compile" depends="init,compile-ogl,compile-ogl-cg">
++    <!-- Copy the  library file -->
++    <copy todir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/lib/${os.arch}">
++          <fileset dir="${build}/${platform}/${bldType}/native/ogl/objs"
++                      includes="libj3dcore-ogl*.so"
++          />
++    </copy>
++  </target>
++  <target name="dist">
++    <!-- Create the distribution directory -->
++    <mkdir dir="${dist}/${platform}/lib/${os.arch}"/>
++    <!-- Copy the library files -->
++    <copy todir="${dist}/${platform}/lib/${os.arch}">
++          <fileset dir="${build}/${platform}/opt/lib/${os.arch}"
++                      includes="libj3dcore-ogl*.so"
++          />
++    </copy>
++  </target>

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