[prismatic-schema-clojure] 01/03: Add generated clj code

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 4 20:39:29 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apoikos pushed a commit to branch master
in repository prismatic-schema-clojure.

commit e810fa6fb9cee3d6e4687d6ba2b4b6a04e7dfe52
Author: Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 4 16:26:46 2017 -0400

    Add generated clj code
 src/clj/schema/coerce.clj                    |  152 +++
 src/clj/schema/core.clj                      | 1414 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/clj/schema/experimental/abstract_map.clj |   76 ++
 src/clj/schema/spec/collection.clj           |  142 +++
 src/clj/schema/spec/core.clj                 |  101 ++
 src/clj/schema/spec/leaf.clj                 |   22 +
 src/clj/schema/spec/variant.clj              |   89 ++
 src/clj/schema/test.clj                      |   21 +
 src/clj/schema/utils.clj                     |  175 ++++
 9 files changed, 2192 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/clj/schema/coerce.clj b/src/clj/schema/coerce.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382fd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/coerce.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+(ns schema.coerce
+  "Extension of schema for input coercion (coercing an input to match a schema)"
+  (:require
+         [clojure.edn :as edn]
+         [schema.macros :as macros]
+   [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec]
+   [schema.utils :as utils]
+   [clojure.string :as str])
+                                                     )
+;;; Generic input coercion
+(def Schema
+  "A Schema for Schemas"
+  (s/protocol s/Schema))
+(def CoercionMatcher
+  "A function from schema to coercion function, or nil if no special coercion is needed.
+   The returned function is applied to the corresponding data before validation (or walking/
+   coercion of its sub-schemas, if applicable)"
+  (s/=> (s/maybe (s/=> s/Any s/Any)) Schema))
+(s/defn coercer
+  "Produce a function that simultaneously coerces and validates a datum.  Returns
+   a coerced value, or a schema.utils.ErrorContainer describing the error."
+  [schema coercion-matcher :- CoercionMatcher]
+  (spec/run-checker
+   (fn [s params]
+     (let [c (spec/checker (s/spec s) params)]
+       (if-let [coercer (coercion-matcher s)]
+         (fn [x]
+           (macros/try-catchall
+            (let [v (coercer x)]
+              (if (utils/error? v)
+                v
+                (c v)))
+            (catch t (macros/validation-error s x t))))
+         c)))
+   true
+   schema))
+(s/defn coercer!
+  "Like `coercer`, but is guaranteed to return a value that satisfies schema (or throw)."
+  [schema coercion-matcher :- CoercionMatcher]
+  (let [c (coercer schema coercion-matcher)]
+    (fn [value]
+      (let [coerced (c value)]
+        (when-let [error (utils/error-val coerced)]
+          (macros/error! (utils/format* "Value cannot be coerced to match schema: %s" (pr-str error))
+                         {:schema schema :value value :error error}))
+        coerced))))
+;;; Coercion helpers
+(s/defn first-matcher :- CoercionMatcher
+  "A matcher that takes the first match from matchers."
+  [matchers :- [CoercionMatcher]]
+  (fn [schema] (first (keep #(% schema) matchers))))
+(defn string->keyword [s]
+  (if (string? s) (keyword s) s))
+(defn string->boolean
+  "returns true for strings that are equal, ignoring case, to the string 'true'
+   (following java.lang.Boolean/parseBoolean semantics)"
+  [s]
+  (if (string? s) (= "true" (str/lower-case s)) s))
+(defn keyword-enum-matcher [schema]
+  (when (or (and (instance?       schema.core.EnumSchema                     schema)
+                 (every? keyword? (.-vs ^schema.core.EnumSchema schema)))
+            (and (instance?       schema.core.EqSchema                   schema)
+                 (keyword? (.-v ^schema.core.EqSchema schema))))
+    string->keyword))
+(defn set-matcher [schema]
+  (if (instance?       clojure.lang.APersistentSet                                    schema)
+    (fn [x] (if (sequential? x) (set x) x))))
+(defn safe
+  "Take a single-arg function f, and return a single-arg function that acts as identity
+   if f throws an exception, and like f otherwise.  Useful because coercers are not explicitly
+   guarded for exceptions, and failing to coerce will generally produce a more useful error
+   in this case."
+  [f]
+  (fn [x] (macros/try-catchall (f x) (catch e x))))
+      (def safe-long-cast
+        "Coerce x to a long if this can be done without losing precision, otherwise return x."
+        (safe
+         (fn [x]
+           (let [l (long x)]
+             (if (== l x)
+               l
+               x)))))
+(def string->uuid
+  "Returns instance of UUID if input is a string.
+   Note: in CLJS, this does not guarantee a specific UUID string representation,
+         similar to #uuid reader"
+  (safe #(java.util.UUID/fromString ^String %))
+                                         )
+(def ^:no-doc +json-coercions+
+  (merge
+   {s/Keyword string->keyword
+    s/Bool string->boolean
+    s/Uuid string->uuid}
+         {clojure.lang.Keyword string->keyword
+          s/Int safe-long-cast
+          Long safe-long-cast
+          Double (safe double)
+          Float (safe float)
+          Boolean string->boolean}))
+(defn json-coercion-matcher
+  "A matcher that coerces keywords and keyword eq/enums from strings, and longs and doubles
+     from numbers on the JVM (without losing precision)"
+  [schema]
+  (or (+json-coercions+ schema)
+      (keyword-enum-matcher schema)
+      (set-matcher schema)))
+(def edn-read-string
+  "Reads one object from a string. Returns nil when string is nil or empty"
+        edn/read-string                          )
+(def ^:no-doc +string-coercions+
+  (merge
+   +json-coercions+
+   {s/Num (safe edn-read-string)
+    s/Int (safe edn-read-string)}
+         {s/Int (safe #(safe-long-cast (edn-read-string %)))
+          Long (safe #(safe-long-cast (edn-read-string %)))
+          Double (safe #(Double/parseDouble %))}))
+(defn string-coercion-matcher
+  "A matcher that coerces keywords, keyword eq/enums, s/Num and s/Int,
+     and long and doubles (JVM only) from strings."
+  [schema]
+  (or (+string-coercions+ schema)
+      (keyword-enum-matcher schema)
+      (set-matcher schema)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/coerce.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/core.clj b/src/clj/schema/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e19ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,1414 @@
+(ns schema.core
+  "A library for data shape definition and validation. A Schema is just Clojure data,
+   which can be used to document and validate Clojure functions and data.
+   For example,
+   (def FooBar {:foo Keyword :bar [Number]}) ;; a schema
+   (check FooBar {:foo :k :bar [1.0 2.0 3.0]})
+   ==> nil
+   representing successful validation, but the following all return helpful errors
+   describing how the provided data fails to measure up to schema FooBar's standards.
+   (check FooBar {:bar [1.0 2.0 3.0]})
+   ==> {:foo missing-required-key}
+   (check FooBar {:foo 1 :bar [1.0 2.0 3.0]})
+   ==> {:foo (not (keyword? 1))}
+   (check FooBar {:foo :k :bar [1.0 2.0 3.0] :baz 1})
+   ==> {:baz disallowed-key}
+   Schema lets you describe your leaf values using the Any, Keyword, Symbol, Number,
+   String, and Int definitions below, or (in Clojure) you can use arbitrary Java
+   classes or primitive casts to describe simple values.
+   From there, you can build up schemas for complex types using Clojure syntax
+   (map literals for maps, set literals for sets, vector literals for sequences,
+   with details described below), plus helpers below that provide optional values,
+   enumerations, arbitrary predicates, and more.
+   Assuming you (:require [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]),
+   Schema also provides macros for defining records with schematized elements
+   (s/defrecord), and named or anonymous functions (s/fn and s/defn) with
+   schematized inputs and return values.  In addition to producing better-documented
+   records and functions, these macros allow you to retrieve the schema associated
+   with the defined record or function.  Moreover, functions include optional
+   *validation*, which will throw an error if the inputs or outputs do not
+   match the provided schemas:
+   (s/defrecord FooBar
+    [foo :- Int
+     bar :- String])
+   (s/defn quux :- Int
+    [foobar :- Foobar
+     mogrifier :- Number]
+    (* mogrifier (+ (:foo foobar) (Long/parseLong (:bar foobar)))))
+   (quux (FooBar. 10 \"5\") 2)
+   ==> 30
+   (fn-schema quux)
+   ==> (=> Int (record user.FooBar {:foo Int, :bar java.lang.String}) java.lang.Number)
+   (s/with-fn-validation (quux (FooBar. 10.2 \"5\") 2))
+   ==> Input to quux does not match schema: [(named {:foo (not (integer? 10.2))} foobar) nil]
+   As you can see, the preferred syntax for providing type hints to schema's defrecord,
+   fn, and defn macros is to follow each element, argument, or function name with a
+   :- schema.  Symbols without schemas default to a schema of Any.  In Clojure,
+   class (e.g., clojure.lang.String) and primitive schemas (long, double) are also
+   propagated to tag metadata to ensure you get the type hinting and primitive
+   behavior you ask for.
+   If you don't like this style, standard Clojure-style typehints are also supported:
+   (fn-schema (s/fn [^String x]))
+   ==> (=> Any java.lang.String)
+   You can directly type hint a symbol as a class, primitive, or simple
+   schema.
+   See the docstrings of defrecord, fn, and defn for more details about how
+   to use these macros."
+  ;; don't exclude def because it's not a var.
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [Keyword Symbol Inst atom defrecord defn letfn defmethod fn MapEntry ->MapEntry])
+  (:require
+         [clojure.pprint :as pprint]
+   [clojure.string :as str]
+         [schema.macros :as macros]
+   [schema.utils :as utils]
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec :include-macros true]
+   [schema.spec.leaf :as leaf]
+   [schema.spec.variant :as variant]
+   [schema.spec.collection :as collection])
+                                      )
+      (def clj-1195-fixed?
+        (do (defprotocol CLJ1195Check
+              (dummy-method [this]))
+            (try
+              (eval '(extend-protocol CLJ1195Check nil
+                                      (dummy-method [_])))
+              true
+              (catch RuntimeException _
+                false))))
+      (when-not clj-1195-fixed?
+        ;; don't exclude fn because of bug in extend-protocol
+        (refer-clojure :exclude '[Keyword Symbol Inst atom defrecord defn letfn defmethod]))
+      (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+;;; Schema protocol
+(defprotocol Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    "A spec is a record of some type that expresses the structure of this schema
+     in a declarative and/or imperative way.  See schema.spec.* for examples.")
+  (explain [this]
+    "Expand this schema to a human-readable format suitable for pprinting,
+     also expanding class schematas at the leaves.  Example:
+     user> (s/explain {:a s/Keyword :b [s/Int]} )
+     {:a Keyword, :b [Int]}"))
+;; Schemas print as their explains
+(do (clojure.core/defmethod print-method schema.core.Schema [s writer]
+      (print-method (explain s) writer))
+    (clojure.core/defmethod pprint/simple-dispatch schema.core.Schema [s]
+      (pprint/write-out (explain s)))
+    (doseq [m [print-method pprint/simple-dispatch]]
+      (prefer-method m schema.core.Schema clojure.lang.IRecord)
+      (prefer-method m schema.core.Schema java.util.Map)
+      (prefer-method m schema.core.Schema clojure.lang.IPersistentMap)))
+(clojure.core/defn checker
+  "Compile an efficient checker for schema, which returns nil for valid values and
+   error descriptions otherwise."
+  [schema]
+  (comp utils/error-val
+        (spec/run-checker
+         (clojure.core/fn [s params] (spec/checker (spec s) params)) false schema)))
+(clojure.core/defn check
+  "Return nil if x matches schema; otherwise, returns a value that looks like the
+   'bad' parts of x with ValidationErrors at the leaves describing the failures.
+   If you will be checking many datums, it is much more efficient to create
+   a 'checker' once and call it on each of them."
+  [schema x]
+  ((checker schema) x))
+(clojure.core/defn validator
+  "Compile an efficient validator for schema."
+  [schema]
+  (let [c (checker schema)]
+    (clojure.core/fn [value]
+      (when-let [error (c value)]
+        (macros/error! (utils/format* "Value does not match schema: %s" (pr-str error))
+                       {:schema schema :value value :error error}))
+      value)))
+(clojure.core/defn validate
+  "Throw an exception if value does not satisfy schema; otherwise, return value.
+   If you will be validating many datums, it is much more efficient to create
+   a 'validator' once and call it on each of them."
+  [schema value]
+  ((validator schema) value))
+;;; Platform-specific leaf Schemas
+;; On the JVM, a Class itself is a schema. In JS, we treat functions as prototypes so any
+;; function prototype checks objects for compatibility.
+(clojure.core/defn instance-precondition [s klass]
+  (spec/precondition
+   s
+         #(instance? klass %)
+   #(list 'instance? klass %)))
+(extend-protocol Schema
+        Class
+  (spec [this]
+    (let [pre (instance-precondition this this)]
+      (if-let [class-schema (utils/class-schema this)]
+        (variant/variant-spec pre [{:schema class-schema}])
+        (leaf/leaf-spec pre))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (if-let [more-schema (utils/class-schema this)]
+      (explain more-schema)
+      (condp = this
+              java.lang.String            'Str
+              java.lang.Boolean                   'Bool
+              java.lang.Number                  'Num
+              java.util.regex.Pattern            'Regex
+              java.util.Date                'Inst
+              java.util.UUID                       'Uuid
+              (symbol (.getName ^Class this))            ))))
+;; On the JVM, the primitive coercion functions (double, long, etc)
+;; alias to the corresponding boxed number classes
+  (defmacro extend-primitive [cast-sym class-sym]
+    (let [qualified-cast-sym `(class @(resolve '~cast-sym))]
+      `(extend-protocol Schema
+         ~qualified-cast-sym
+         (spec [this#]
+           (variant/variant-spec spec/+no-precondition+ [{:schema ~class-sym}]))
+         (explain [this#]
+           '~cast-sym))))
+  (extend-primitive double Double)
+  (extend-primitive float Float)
+  (extend-primitive long Long)
+  (extend-primitive int Integer)
+  (extend-primitive short Short)
+  (extend-primitive char Character)
+  (extend-primitive byte Byte)
+  (extend-primitive boolean Boolean)
+  (extend-primitive doubles (Class/forName "[D"))
+  (extend-primitive floats (Class/forName "[F"))
+  (extend-primitive longs (Class/forName "[J"))
+  (extend-primitive ints (Class/forName "[I"))
+  (extend-primitive shorts (Class/forName "[S"))
+  (extend-primitive chars (Class/forName "[C"))
+  (extend-primitive bytes (Class/forName "[B"))
+  (extend-primitive booleans (Class/forName "[Z")))
+;;; Cross-platform Schema leaves
+;;; Any matches anything (including nil)
+(clojure.core/defrecord AnythingSchema [_]
+  ;; _ is to work around bug in Clojure where eval-ing defrecord with no fields
+  ;; loses type info, which makes this unusable in schema-fn.
+  ;; http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-1093
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec spec/+no-precondition+))
+  (explain [this] 'Any))
+(def Any
+  "Any value, including nil."
+  (AnythingSchema. nil))
+;;; eq (to a single allowed value)
+(clojure.core/defrecord EqSchema [v]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec (spec/precondition this #(= v %) #(list '= v %))))
+  (explain [this] (list 'eq v)))
+(clojure.core/defn eq
+  "A value that must be (= v)."
+  [v]
+  (EqSchema. v))
+;;; isa (a child of parent)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Isa [h parent]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec (spec/precondition this
+                                                  #(if h
+                                                     (isa? h % parent)
+                                                     (isa? % parent))
+                                                  #(list 'isa? % parent))))
+  (explain [this] (list 'isa? parent)))
+(clojure.core/defn isa
+  "A value that must be a child of parent."
+  ([parent]
+     (Isa. nil parent))
+  ([h parent]
+     (Isa. h parent)))
+;;; enum (in a set of allowed values)
+(clojure.core/defrecord EnumSchema [vs]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec (spec/precondition this #(contains? vs %) #(list vs %))))
+  (explain [this] (cons 'enum vs)))
+(clojure.core/defn enum
+  "A value that must be = to some element of vs."
+  [& vs]
+  (EnumSchema. (set vs)))
+;;; pred (matches all values for which p? returns truthy)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Predicate [p? pred-name]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec (spec/precondition this p? #(list pred-name %))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (cond (= p? integer?) 'Int
+          (= p? keyword?) 'Keyword
+          (= p? symbol?) 'Symbol
+          (= p? string?) 'Str
+          :else (list 'pred pred-name))))
+(clojure.core/defn pred
+  "A value for which p? returns true (and does not throw).
+   Optional pred-name can be passed for nicer validation errors."
+  ([p?] (pred p? (symbol (utils/fn-name p?))))
+  ([p? pred-name]
+     (when-not (ifn? p?)
+       (macros/error! (utils/format* "Not a function: %s" p?)))
+     (Predicate. p? pred-name)))
+;;; protocol (which value must `satisfies?`)
+(clojure.core/defn protocol-name [protocol]
+  (-> protocol meta :proto-sym))
+;; In cljs, satisfies? is a macro so we must precompile (partial satisfies? p)
+;; and put it in metadata of the record so that equality is preserved, along with the name.
+(clojure.core/defrecord Protocol [p]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (leaf/leaf-spec
+     (spec/precondition
+      this
+      #((:proto-pred (meta this)) %)
+      #(list 'satisfies? (protocol-name this) %))))
+  (explain [this] (list 'protocol (protocol-name this))))
+;; The cljs version is macros/protocol by necessity, since cljs `satisfies?` is a macro.
+(defmacro protocol
+  "A value that must satsify? protocol p.
+   Internaly, we must make sure not to capture the value of the protocol at
+   schema creation time, since that's impossible in cljs and breaks later
+   extends in Clojure.
+   A macro for cljs sake, since `satisfies?` is a macro in cljs."
+  [p]
+  `(with-meta (->Protocol ~p)
+     {:proto-pred #(satisfies? ~p %)
+      :proto-sym '~p}))
+;;; regex (validates matching Strings)
+(extend-protocol Schema
+        java.util.regex.Pattern
+  (spec [this]
+    (leaf/leaf-spec
+     (some-fn
+      (spec/simple-precondition this string?)
+      (spec/precondition this #(re-find this %) #(list 're-find (explain this) %)))))
+  (explain [this]
+          (symbol (str "#\"" this "\""))
+                                                             ))
+;;; Cross-platform Schemas for atomic value types
+(def Str
+  "Satisfied only by String.
+   Is (pred string?) and not js/String in cljs because of keywords."
+        java.lang.String                      )
+(def Bool
+  "Boolean true or false"
+        java.lang.Boolean                  )
+(def Num
+  "Any number"
+        java.lang.Number                 )
+(def Int
+  "Any integral number"
+  (pred integer?))
+(def Keyword
+  "A keyword"
+  (pred keyword?))
+(def Symbol
+  "A symbol"
+  (pred symbol?))
+(def Regex
+  "A regular expression"
+        java.util.regex.Pattern
+                                   )
+(def Inst
+  "The local representation of #inst ..."
+        java.util.Date               )
+(def Uuid
+  "The local representation of #uuid ..."
+        java.util.UUID                      )
+;;; Variant schemas (and other unit containers)
+;;; maybe (nil)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Maybe [schema]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     [{:guard nil? :schema (eq nil)}
+      {:schema schema}]))
+  (explain [this] (list 'maybe (explain schema))))
+(clojure.core/defn maybe
+  "A value that must either be nil or satisfy schema"
+  [schema]
+  (Maybe. schema))
+;;; named (schema elements)
+(clojure.core/defrecord NamedSchema [schema name]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     [{:schema schema :wrap-error #(utils/->NamedError name %)}]))
+  (explain [this] (list 'named (explain schema) name)))
+(clojure.core/defn named
+  "A value that must satisfy schema, and has a name for documentation purposes."
+  [schema name]
+  (NamedSchema. schema name))
+;;; either (satisfies this schema or that one)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Either [schemas]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     (for [s schemas]
+       {:guard (complement (checker s)) ;; since the guard determines which option we check against
+        :schema s})
+     #(list 'some-matching-either-clause? %)))
+  (explain [this] (cons 'either (map explain schemas))))
+(clojure.core/defn ^{:deprecated "1.0.0"} either
+  "A value that must satisfy at least one schema in schemas.
+   Note that `either` does not work properly with coercion
+   DEPRECATED: prefer `conditional` or `cond-pre`
+   WARNING: either does not work with coercion.  It is also slow and gives
+   bad error messages.  Please consider using `conditional` and friends
+   instead; they are more efficient, provide better error messages,
+   and work with coercion."
+  [& schemas]
+  (Either. schemas))
+;;; conditional (choice of schema, based on predicates on the value)
+(clojure.core/defrecord ConditionalSchema [preds-and-schemas error-symbol]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     (for [[p s] preds-and-schemas]
+       {:guard p :schema s})
+     #(list (or error-symbol
+                (if (= 1 (count preds-and-schemas))
+                  (symbol (utils/fn-name (ffirst preds-and-schemas)))
+                  'some-matching-condition?))
+            %)))
+  (explain [this]
+    (cons 'conditional
+          (concat
+           (mapcat (clojure.core/fn [[pred schema]] [(symbol (utils/fn-name pred)) (explain schema)])
+                   preds-and-schemas)
+           (when error-symbol [error-symbol])))))
+(clojure.core/defn conditional
+  "Define a conditional schema.  Takes args like cond,
+   (conditional pred1 schema1 pred2 schema2 ...),
+   and checks the first schemaX where predX (an ordinary Clojure function
+   that returns true or false) returns true on the value.
+   Unlike cond, throws if the value does not match any condition.
+   :else may be used as a final condition in the place of (constantly true).
+   More efficient than either, since only one schema must be checked.
+   An optional final argument can be passed, a symbol to appear in
+   error messages when none of the conditions match."
+  [& preds-and-schemas]
+  (macros/assert!
+   (and (seq preds-and-schemas)
+        (or (even? (count preds-and-schemas))
+            (symbol? (last preds-and-schemas))))
+   "Expected even, nonzero number of args (with optional trailing symbol); got %s"
+   (count preds-and-schemas))
+  (ConditionalSchema.
+   (vec
+    (for [[pred schema] (partition 2 preds-and-schemas)]
+      (do (macros/assert! (ifn? pred) (str "Conditional predicate " pred " must be a function"))
+          [(if (= pred :else) (constantly true) pred) schema])))
+   (if (odd? (count preds-and-schemas)) (last preds-and-schemas))))
+;; cond-pre (conditional based on surface type)
+(defprotocol HasPrecondition
+  (precondition [this]
+    "Return a predicate representing the Precondition for this schema:
+     the predicate returns true if the precondition is satisfied.
+     (See spec.core for more details)"))
+(extend-protocol HasPrecondition
+  schema.spec.leaf.LeafSpec
+  (precondition [this]
+    (complement (.-pre ^schema.spec.leaf.LeafSpec this)))
+  schema.spec.variant.VariantSpec
+  (precondition [^schema.spec.variant.VariantSpec this]
+    (every-pred
+     (complement (.-pre this))
+     (apply some-fn
+            (for [{:keys [guard schema]} (.-options this)]
+              (if guard
+                (every-pred guard (precondition (spec schema)))
+                (precondition (spec schema)))))))
+  schema.spec.collection.CollectionSpec
+  (precondition [this]
+    (complement (.-pre ^schema.spec.collection.CollectionSpec this))))
+(clojure.core/defrecord CondPre [schemas]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     (for [s schemas]
+       {:guard (precondition (spec s))
+        :schema s})
+     #(list 'matches-some-precondition? %)))
+  (explain [this]
+    (cons 'cond-pre
+          (map explain schemas))))
+(clojure.core/defn cond-pre
+  "A replacement for `either` that constructs a conditional schema
+   based on the schema spec preconditions of the component schemas.
+   Given a datum, the preconditions for each schema (which typically
+   check just the outermost class) are tested against the datum in turn.
+   The first schema whose precondition matches is greedily selected,
+   and the datum is validated against that schema.  Unlike `either`,
+   a validation failure is final (and there is no backtracking to try
+   other schemas that might match).
+   Thus, `cond-pre` is only suitable for schemas with mutually exclusive
+   preconditions (e.g., s/Int and s/Str).  If this doesn't hold
+   (e.g. {:a s/Int} and {:b s/Str}), you must use `conditional` instead
+   and provide an explicit condition for distinguishing the cases.
+  [& schemas]
+  (CondPre. schemas))
+;; constrained (post-condition on schema)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Constrained [schema postcondition post-name]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     [{:schema schema}]
+     nil
+     (spec/precondition this postcondition #(list post-name %))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list 'constrained (explain schema) post-name)))
+(clojure.core/defn constrained
+  "A schema with an additional post-condition.  Differs from `conditional`
+   with a single schema, in that the predicate checked *after* the main
+   schema.  This can lead to better error messages, and is often better
+   suited for coercion."
+  ([s p?] (constrained s p? (symbol (utils/fn-name p?))))
+  ([s p? pred-name]
+     (when-not (ifn? p?)
+       (macros/error! (utils/format* "Not a function: %s" p?)))
+     (Constrained. s p? pred-name)))
+;;; both (satisfies this schema and that one)
+(clojure.core/defrecord Both [schemas]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] this)
+  (explain [this] (cons 'both (map explain schemas)))
+  HasPrecondition
+  (precondition [this]
+    (apply every-pred (map (comp precondition spec) schemas)))
+  spec/CoreSpec
+  (subschemas [this] schemas)
+  (checker [this params]
+    (reduce
+     (clojure.core/fn [f t]
+       (clojure.core/fn [x]
+         (let [tx (t x)]
+           (if (utils/error? tx)
+             tx
+             (f (or tx x))))))
+     (map #(spec/sub-checker {:schema %} params) (reverse schemas)))))
+(clojure.core/defn ^{:deprecated "1.0.0"} both
+  "A value that must satisfy every schema in schemas.
+   DEPRECATED: prefer 'conditional' with a single condition
+   instead, or `constrained`.
+   When used with coercion, coerces each schema in sequence."
+  [& schemas]
+  (Both. schemas))
+(clojure.core/defn if
+  "if the predicate returns truthy, use the if-schema, otherwise use the else-schema"
+  [pred if-schema else-schema]
+  (conditional pred if-schema (constantly true) else-schema))
+;;; Recursive schemas
+;; Supports recursively defined schemas by using the level of indirection offered by by
+;; Clojure and ClojureScript vars.
+(clojure.core/defn var-name [v]
+  (let [{:keys [ns name]} (meta v)]
+    (symbol (str       (ns-name ns)           "/" name))))
+(clojure.core/defrecord Recursive [derefable]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (variant/variant-spec spec/+no-precondition+ [{:schema @derefable}]))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list 'recursive
+          (if       (var? derefable)                                 
+              (list 'var (var-name derefable))
+              (format "%s@%x"
+                      (.getName (class derefable))
+                      (System/identityHashCode derefable))
+                  ))))
+(clojure.core/defn recursive
+  "Support for (mutually) recursive schemas by passing a var that points to a schema,
+   e.g (recursive #'ExampleRecursiveSchema)."
+  [schema]
+  (when-not       (instance? clojure.lang.IDeref schema)                                  
+            (macros/error! (utils/format* "Not an IDeref: %s" schema)))
+  (Recursive. schema))
+;;; Atom schema
+(defn- atom? [x]
+        (instance? clojure.lang.Atom x)
+                             )
+(clojure.core/defrecord Atomic [schema]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     (spec/simple-precondition this atom?)
+     clojure.core/atom
+     [(collection/one-element true schema (clojure.core/fn [item-fn coll] (item-fn @coll) nil))]
+     (clojure.core/fn [_ xs _] (clojure.core/atom (first xs)))))
+  (explain [this] (list 'atom (explain schema))))
+(clojure.core/defn atom
+  "An atom containing a value matching 'schema'."
+  [schema]
+  (->Atomic schema))
+;;; Map Schemas
+;; A map schema is itself a Clojure map, which can provide value schemas for specific required
+;; and optional keys, as well as a single, optional schema for additional key-value pairs.
+;; Specific keys are mapped to value schemas, and given as either:
+;;  - (required-key k), a required key (= k)
+;;  - a keyword, also a required key
+;;  - (optional-key k), an optional key (= k)
+;; For example, {:a Int (optional-key :b) String} describes a map with key :a mapping to an
+;; integer, an optional key :b mapping to a String, and no other keys.
+;; There can also be a single additional key, itself a schema, mapped to the schema for
+;; corresponding values, which applies to all key-value pairs not covered by an explicit
+;; key.
+;; For example, {Int String} is a mapping from integers to strings, and
+;; {:a Int Int String} is a mapping from :a to an integer, plus zero or more additional
+;; mappings from integers to strings.
+;;; Definitions for required and optional keys, and single entry validators
+(clojure.core/defrecord RequiredKey [k])
+(clojure.core/defn required-key
+  "A required key in a map"
+  [k]
+  (if (keyword? k)
+    k
+    (RequiredKey. k)))
+(clojure.core/defn required-key? [ks]
+  (or (keyword? ks)
+      (instance? RequiredKey ks)))
+(clojure.core/defrecord OptionalKey [k])
+(clojure.core/defn optional-key
+  "An optional key in a map"
+  [k]
+  (OptionalKey. k))
+(clojure.core/defn optional-key? [ks]
+  (instance? OptionalKey ks))
+(clojure.core/defn explicit-schema-key [ks]
+  (cond (keyword? ks) ks
+        (instance? RequiredKey ks) (.-k ^RequiredKey ks)
+        (optional-key? ks) (.-k ^OptionalKey ks)
+        :else (macros/error! (utils/format* "Bad explicit key: %s" ks))))
+(clojure.core/defn specific-key? [ks]
+  (or (required-key? ks)
+      (optional-key? ks)))
+(clojure.core/defn map-entry-ctor [[k v :as coll]]
+        (clojure.lang.MapEntry. k v)
+                   )
+;; A schema for a single map entry.
+(clojure.core/defrecord MapEntry [key-schema val-schema]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     map-entry-ctor
+     [(collection/one-element true key-schema (clojure.core/fn [item-fn e] (item-fn (key e)) e))
+      (collection/one-element true val-schema (clojure.core/fn [item-fn e] (item-fn (val e)) nil))]
+     (clojure.core/fn [[k] [xk xv] _]
+       (if-let [k-err (utils/error-val xk)]
+         [k-err 'invalid-key]
+         [k (utils/error-val xv)]))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list
+     'map-entry
+     (explain key-schema)
+     (explain val-schema))))
+(clojure.core/defn map-entry [key-schema val-schema]
+  (MapEntry. key-schema val-schema))
+(clojure.core/defn find-extra-keys-schema [map-schema]
+  (let [key-schemata (remove specific-key? (keys map-schema))]
+    (macros/assert! (< (count key-schemata) 2)
+                    "More than one non-optional/required key schemata: %s"
+                    (vec key-schemata))
+    (first key-schemata)))
+(clojure.core/defn- explain-kspec [kspec]
+  (if (specific-key? kspec)
+    (if (keyword? kspec)
+      kspec
+      (list (cond (required-key? kspec) 'required-key
+                  (optional-key? kspec) 'optional-key)
+            (explicit-schema-key kspec)))
+    (explain kspec)))
+(defn- map-elements [this]
+  (let [extra-keys-schema (find-extra-keys-schema this)]
+    (let [duplicate-keys (->> (dissoc this extra-keys-schema)
+                              keys
+                              (group-by explicit-schema-key)
+                              vals
+                              (filter #(> (count %) 1))
+                              (apply concat)
+                              (mapv explain-kspec))]
+      (macros/assert! (empty? duplicate-keys)
+                      "Schema has multiple variants of the same explicit key: %s" duplicate-keys))
+    (concat
+     (for [[k v] (dissoc this extra-keys-schema)]
+       (let [rk (explicit-schema-key k)
+             required? (required-key? k)]
+         (collection/one-element
+          required? (map-entry (eq rk) v)
+          (clojure.core/fn [item-fn m]
+            (let [e (find m rk)]
+              (cond e (item-fn e)
+                    required? (item-fn (utils/error [rk 'missing-required-key])))
+              (if e
+                (dissoc       (if (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentStructMap m) (into {} m) m)         
+                        rk)
+                m))))))
+     (when extra-keys-schema
+       [(collection/all-elements (apply map-entry (find this extra-keys-schema)))]))))
+(defn- map-error []
+  (clojure.core/fn [_ elts extra]
+    (into {} (concat (keep utils/error-val elts) (for [[k _] extra] [k 'disallowed-key])))))
+(defn- map-spec [this]
+  (collection/collection-spec
+   (spec/simple-precondition this map?)
+   #(into {} %)
+   (map-elements this)
+   (map-error)))
+(clojure.core/defn- map-explain [this]
+  (into {} (for [[k v] this] [(explain-kspec k) (explain v)])))
+(extend-protocol Schema
+        clojure.lang.APersistentMap
+  (spec [this] (map-spec this))
+  (explain [this] (map-explain this))
+                                            )
+;;; Set schemas
+;; A set schema is a Clojure set with a single element, a schema that all values must satisfy
+(extend-protocol Schema
+        clojure.lang.APersistentSet
+  (spec [this]
+    (macros/assert! (= (count this) 1) "Set schema must have exactly one element")
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     (spec/simple-precondition this set?)
+     set
+     [(collection/all-elements (first this))]
+     (clojure.core/fn [_ xs _] (set (keep utils/error-val xs)))))
+  (explain [this] (set [(explain (first this))])))
+;;; Queue schemas
+;; A queue schema is satisfied by PersistentQueues containing values that all satisfy
+;; a specific sub-schema.
+(clojure.core/defn queue? [x]
+  (instance?
+         clojure.lang.PersistentQueue
+   x))
+(clojure.core/defn as-queue [col]
+  (reduce
+   conj
+         clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY
+   col))
+(clojure.core/defrecord Queue [schema]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     (spec/simple-precondition this queue?)
+     as-queue
+     [(collection/all-elements schema)]
+     (clojure.core/fn [_ xs _] (as-queue (keep utils/error-val xs)))))
+  (explain [this] (list 'queue (explain schema))))
+(clojure.core/defn queue
+  "Defines a schema satisfied by instances of clojure.lang.PersistentQueue
+  (clj.core/PersistentQueue in ClojureScript) whose values satisfy x."
+  [x]
+  (Queue. x))
+;;; Sequence Schemas
+;; A sequence schema looks like [one* optional* rest-schema?].
+;; one matches a single required element, and must be the output of 'one' below.
+;; optional matches a single optional element, and must be the output of 'optional' below.
+;; Finally, rest-schema is any schema, which must match any remaining elements.
+;; (if optional elements are present, they must be matched before the rest-schema is applied).
+(clojure.core/defrecord One [schema optional? name])
+(clojure.core/defn one
+  "A single required element of a sequence (not repeated, the implicit default)"
+  ([schema name]
+     (One. schema false name)))
+(clojure.core/defn optional
+  "A single optional element of a sequence (not repeated, the implicit default)"
+  ([schema name]
+     (One. schema true name)))
+(clojure.core/defn parse-sequence-schema [s]
+  "Parses and validates a sequence schema, returning a vector in the form
+  [singles multi] where singles is a sequence of 'one' and 'optional' schemas
+  and multi is the rest-schema (which may be nil). A valid sequence schema is
+  a vector in the form [one* optional* rest-schema?]."
+  (let [[required more] (split-with #(and (instance? One %) (not (:optional? %))) s)
+        [optional more] (split-with #(and (instance? One %) (:optional? %)) more)]
+    (macros/assert!
+     (and (<= (count more) 1) (every? #(not (instance? One %)) more))
+     "%s is not a valid sequence schema; %s%s%s" s
+     "a valid sequence schema consists of zero or more `one` elements, "
+     "followed by zero or more `optional` elements, followed by an optional "
+     "schema that will match the remaining elements.")
+    [(concat required optional) (first more)]))
+(extend-protocol Schema
+        clojure.lang.APersistentVector
+  (spec [this]
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     (spec/precondition
+      this
+      (clojure.core/fn [x] (or (nil? x) (sequential? x)       (instance? java.util.List x)))
+      #(list 'sequential? %))
+     vec
+     (let [[singles multi] (parse-sequence-schema this)]
+       (reduce
+        (clojure.core/fn [more ^One s]
+          (if-not (.-optional? s)
+            (cons
+             (collection/one-element
+              true (named (.-schema s) (.-name s))
+              (clojure.core/fn [item-fn x]
+                (if-let [x (seq x)]
+                  (do (item-fn (first x))
+                      (rest x))
+                  (do (item-fn
+                       (macros/validation-error
+                        (.-schema s) ::missing
+                        (list 'present? (.-name s))))
+                      nil))))
+             more)
+            [(collection/optional-tail
+              (named (.-schema s) (.-name s))
+              (clojure.core/fn [item-fn x]
+                (when-let [x (seq x)]
+                  (item-fn (first x))
+                  (rest x)))
+              more)]))
+        (when multi
+          [(collection/all-elements multi)])
+        (reverse singles)))
+     (clojure.core/fn [_ elts extra]
+       (let [head (mapv utils/error-val elts)]
+         (if (seq extra)
+           (conj head (utils/error-val (macros/validation-error nil extra (list 'has-extra-elts? (count extra)))))
+           head)))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (let [[singles multi] (parse-sequence-schema this)]
+      (vec
+       (concat
+        (for [^One s singles]
+          (list (if (.-optional? s) 'optional 'one) (explain (:schema s)) (:name s)))
+        (when multi
+          [(explain multi)]))))))
+(clojure.core/defn pair
+  "A schema for a pair of schemas and their names"
+  [first-schema first-name second-schema second-name]
+  [(one first-schema first-name)
+   (one second-schema second-name)])
+;;; Record Schemas
+;; A Record schema describes a value that must have the correct type, and its body must
+;; also satisfy a map schema.  An optional :extra-validator-fn can also be attached to do
+;; additional validation.
+(clojure.core/defrecord Record [klass schema]
+  Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (collection/collection-spec
+     (let [p (spec/precondition this #(instance? klass %) #(list 'instance? klass %))]
+       (if-let [evf (:extra-validator-fn this)]
+         (some-fn p (spec/precondition this evf #(list 'passes-extra-validation? %)))
+         p))
+     (:constructor (meta this))
+     (map-elements schema)
+     (map-error)))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list 'record       (symbol (.getName ^Class klass))                                (explain schema))))
+(clojure.core/defn record* [klass schema map-constructor]
+        (macros/assert! (class? klass) "Expected record class, got %s" (utils/type-of klass))
+  (macros/assert! (map? schema) "Expected map, got %s" (utils/type-of schema))
+  (with-meta (Record. klass schema) {:constructor map-constructor}))
+(defmacro record
+  "A Record instance of type klass, whose elements match map schema 'schema'.
+   The final argument is the map constructor of the record type; if you do
+   not pass one, an attempt is made to find the corresponding function
+   (but this may fail in exotic circumstances)."
+  ([klass schema]
+     `(record ~klass ~schema
+              (macros/if-cljs
+               ~(let [bits (str/split (name klass) #"/")]
+                  (symbol (str/join "/" (concat (butlast bits) [(str "map->" (last bits))]))))
+               #(~(symbol (str (name klass) "/create")) %))))
+  ([klass schema map-constructor]
+     `(record* ~klass ~schema #(~map-constructor (into {} %)))))
+;;; Function Schemas
+;; A function schema describes a function of one or more arities.
+;; The function can only have a single output schema (across all arities), and each input
+;; schema is a sequence schema describing the argument vector.
+;; Currently function schemas are purely descriptive, and do not carry any validation logic.
+(clojure.core/defn explain-input-schema [input-schema]
+  (let [[required more] (split-with #(instance? One %) input-schema)]
+    (concat (map #(explain (.-schema ^One %)) required)
+            (when (seq more)
+              ['& (mapv explain more)]))))
+(clojure.core/defrecord FnSchema [output-schema input-schemas] ;; input-schemas sorted by arity
+  Schema
+  (spec [this] (leaf/leaf-spec (spec/simple-precondition this ifn?)))
+  (explain [this]
+    (if (> (count input-schemas) 1)
+      (list* '=>* (explain output-schema) (map explain-input-schema input-schemas))
+      (list* '=> (explain output-schema) (explain-input-schema (first input-schemas))))))
+(clojure.core/defn- arity [input-schema]
+  (if (seq input-schema)
+    (if (instance? One (last input-schema))
+      (count input-schema)
+            Long/MAX_VALUE                           )
+    0))
+(clojure.core/defn make-fn-schema
+  "A function outputting a value in output schema, whose argument vector must match one of
+   input-schemas, each of which should be a sequence schema.
+   Currently function schemas are purely descriptive; they validate against any function,
+   regardless of actual input and output types."
+  [output-schema input-schemas]
+  (macros/assert! (seq input-schemas) "Function must have at least one input schema")
+  (macros/assert! (every? vector? input-schemas) "Each arity must be a vector.")
+  (macros/assert! (apply distinct? (map arity input-schemas)) "Arities must be distinct")
+  (FnSchema. output-schema (sort-by arity input-schemas)))
+(defmacro =>*
+  "Produce a function schema from an output schema and a list of arity input schema specs,
+   each of which is a vector of argument schemas, ending with an optional '& more-schema'
+   specification where more-schema must be a sequence schema.
+   Currently function schemas are purely descriptive; there is no validation except for
+   functions defined directly by s/fn or s/defn"
+  [output-schema & arity-schema-specs]
+  `(make-fn-schema ~output-schema ~(mapv macros/parse-arity-spec arity-schema-specs)))
+(defmacro =>
+  "Convenience macro for defining function schemas with a single arity; like =>*, but
+   there is no vector around the argument schemas for this arity."
+  [output-schema & arg-schemas]
+  `(=>* ~output-schema ~(vec arg-schemas)))
+;;; Helpers for defining schemas (used in in-progress work, explanation coming soon)
+(clojure.core/defn schema-with-name
+  "Records name in schema's metadata."
+  [schema name]
+  (vary-meta schema assoc :name name))
+(clojure.core/defn schema-name
+  "Returns the name of a schema attached via schema-with-name (or defschema)."
+  [schema]
+  (-> schema meta :name))
+(clojure.core/defn schema-ns
+  "Returns the namespace of a schema attached via defschema."
+  [schema]
+  (-> schema meta :ns))
+(defmacro defschema
+  "Convenience macro to make it clear to reader that body is meant to be used as a schema.
+   The name of the schema is recorded in the metadata."
+  ([name form]
+     `(defschema ~name "" ~form))
+  ([name docstring form]
+     `(def ~name ~docstring
+        (vary-meta
+         (schema-with-name ~form '~name)
+         assoc :ns '~(ns-name *ns*)))))
+;;; Schematized defrecord and (de,let)fn macros
+(defmacro defrecord
+  "Define a record with a schema.
+   In addition to the ordinary behavior of defrecord, this macro produces a schema
+   for the Record, which will automatically be used when validating instances of
+   the Record class:
+   (m/defrecord FooBar
+    [foo :- Int
+     bar :- String])
+   (schema.utils/class-schema FooBar)
+   ==> (record user.FooBar {:foo Int, :bar java.lang.String})
+   (s/check FooBar (FooBar. 1.2 :not-a-string))
+   ==> {:foo (not (integer? 1.2)), :bar (not (instance? java.lang.String :not-a-string))}
+   See (doc schema.core) for details of the :- syntax for record elements.
+   Moreover, optional arguments extra-key-schema? and extra-validator-fn? can be
+   passed to augment the record schema.
+    - extra-key-schema is a map schema that defines validation for additional
+      key-value pairs not in the record base (the default is to not allow extra
+       mappings).
+    - extra-validator-fn? is an additional predicate that will be used as part
+      of validating the record value.
+   The remaining opts+specs (i.e., protocol and interface implementations) are
+   passed through directly to defrecord.
+   Finally, this macro replaces Clojure's map->name constructor with one that is
+   more than an order of magnitude faster (as of Clojure 1.5), and provides a
+   new strict-map->name constructor that throws or drops extra keys not in the
+   record base."
+  {:arglists '([name field-schema extra-key-schema? extra-validator-fn? & opts+specs])}
+  [name field-schema & more-args]
+  (apply macros/emit-defrecord 'clojure.core/defrecord &env name field-schema more-args))
+(defmacro defrecord+
+  "DEPRECATED -- canonical version moved to schema.potemkin
+   Like defrecord, but emits a record using potemkin/defrecord+.  You must provide
+   your own dependency on potemkin to use this."
+  {:arglists '([name field-schema extra-key-schema? extra-validator-fn? & opts+specs])}
+  [name field-schema & more-args]
+  (apply macros/emit-defrecord 'potemkin/defrecord+ &env name field-schema more-args))
+(defmacro set-compile-fn-validation!
+  [on?]
+  (macros/set-compile-fn-validation! on?)
+  nil)
+(clojure.core/defn fn-validation?
+  "Get the current global schema validation setting."
+  []
+        (.get ^java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference utils/use-fn-validation)
+                                 )
+(clojure.core/defn set-fn-validation!
+  "Globally turn on (or off) schema validation for all s/fn and s/defn instances."
+  [on?]
+        (.set ^java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference utils/use-fn-validation on?)
+                                             )
+(defmacro with-fn-validation
+  "Execute body with input and output schema validation turned on for
+   all s/defn and s/fn instances globally (across all threads). After
+   all forms have been executed, resets function validation to its
+   previously set value. Not concurrency-safe."
+  [& body]
+  `(let [body# (fn [] ~@body)]
+     (if (fn-validation?)
+       (body#)
+       (do
+         (set-fn-validation! true)
+         (try (body#) (finally (set-fn-validation! false)))))))
+(defmacro without-fn-validation
+  "Execute body with input and output schema validation turned off for
+   all s/defn and s/fn instances globally (across all threads). After
+   all forms have been executed, resets function validation to its
+   previously set value. Not concurrency-safe."
+  [& body]
+  `(let [body# (fn [] ~@body)]
+     (if (fn-validation?)
+       (do
+         (set-fn-validation! false)
+         (try (body#) (finally (set-fn-validation! true))))
+       (body#))))
+(def fn-validator
+  "A var that can be rebound to a function to customize the behavior
+  of fn validation. When fn validation is on and `fn-validator` is
+  bound to a function, normal argument and return value checks will
+  be substituted with a call to this function with five arguments:
+    direction   - :input or :output
+    fn-name     - a symbol, the function's name
+    schema      - the schema for the arglist or the return value
+    checker     - a precompiled checker to check a value against
+                  the schema
+    value       - the actual arglist or return value
+  The function's return value will be ignored."
+  nil)
+(clojure.core/defn schematize-fn
+  "Attach the schema to fn f at runtime, extractable by fn-schema."
+  [f schema]
+  (vary-meta f assoc :schema schema))
+(clojure.core/defn ^FnSchema fn-schema
+  "Produce the schema for a function defined with s/fn or s/defn."
+  [f]
+  (macros/assert! (fn? f) "Non-function %s" (utils/type-of f))
+  (or (utils/class-schema (utils/fn-schema-bearer f))
+      (macros/safe-get (meta f) :schema)))
+;; work around bug in extend-protocol (refers to bare 'fn, so we can't exclude it).
+      (when-not clj-1195-fixed? (ns-unmap *ns* 'fn))
+(defmacro fn
+  "s/fn : s/defn :: clojure.core/fn : clojure.core/defn
+   See (doc s/defn) for details.
+   Additional gotchas and limitations:
+    - Like s/defn, the output schema must go on the fn name. If you
+      don't supply a name, schema will gensym one for you and attach
+      the schema.
+    - Unlike s/defn, the function schema is stored in metadata on the
+      fn.  Clojure's implementation for metadata on fns currently
+      produces a wrapper fn, which will decrease performance and
+      negate the benefits of primitive type hints compared to
+      clojure.core/fn."
+  [& fn-args]
+  (let [fn-args (if (symbol? (first fn-args))
+                  fn-args
+                  (cons (gensym "fn") fn-args))
+        [name more-fn-args] (macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env fn-args)
+        {:keys [outer-bindings schema-form fn-body]} (macros/process-fn- &env name more-fn-args)]
+    `(let ~outer-bindings
+       (schematize-fn
+        ~(vary-meta `(clojure.core/fn ~name ~@fn-body) #(merge (meta &form) %))
+        ~schema-form))))
+(defmacro defn
+  "Like clojure.core/defn, except that schema-style typehints can be given on
+   the argument symbols and on the function name (for the return value).
+   You can call s/fn-schema on the defined function to get its schema back, or
+   use with-fn-validation to enable runtime checking of function inputs and
+   outputs.
+   (s/defn foo :- s/Num
+    [x :- s/Int
+     y :- s/Num]
+    (* x y))
+   (s/fn-schema foo)
+   ==> (=> java.lang.Number Int java.lang.Number)
+   (s/with-fn-validation (foo 1 2))
+   ==> 2
+   (s/with-fn-validation (foo 1.5 2))
+   ==> Input to foo does not match schema: [(named (not (integer? 1.5)) x) nil]
+   See (doc schema.core) for details of the :- syntax for arguments and return
+   schemas.
+   The overhead for checking if run-time validation should be used is very
+   small -- about 5% of a very small fn call.  On top of that, actual
+   validation costs what it costs.
+   You can also turn on validation unconditionally for this fn only by
+   putting ^:always-validate metadata on the fn name.
+   Gotchas and limitations:
+    - The output schema always goes on the fn name, not the arg vector. This
+      means that all arities must share the same output schema. Schema will
+      automatically propagate primitive hints to the arg vector and class hints
+      to the fn name, so that you get the behavior you expect from Clojure.
+    - All primitive schemas will be passed through as type hints to Clojure,
+      despite their legality in a particular position.  E.g.,
+        (s/defn foo [x :- int])
+      will fail because Clojure does not allow primitive ints as fn arguments;
+      in such cases, use the boxed Classes instead (e.g., Integer).
+    - Schema metadata is only processed on top-level arguments.  I.e., you can
+      use destructuring, but you must put schema metadata on the top-level
+      arguments, not the destructured variables.
+      Bad:  (s/defn foo [{:keys [x :- s/Int]}])
+      Good: (s/defn foo [{:keys [x]} :- {:x s/Int}])
+    - Only a specific subset of rest-arg destructuring is supported:
+      - & rest works as expected
+      - & [a b] works, with schemas for individual elements parsed out of the binding,
+        or an overall schema on the vector
+      - & {} is not supported.
+    - Unlike clojure.core/defn, a final attr-map on multi-arity functions
+      is not supported."
+  [& defn-args]
+  (let [[name & more-defn-args] (macros/normalized-defn-args &env defn-args)
+        {:keys [doc tag] :as standard-meta} (meta name)
+        {:keys [outer-bindings schema-form fn-body arglists raw-arglists]} (macros/process-fn- &env name more-defn-args)]
+    `(let ~outer-bindings
+       (let [ret# (clojure.core/defn ~(with-meta name {})
+                    ~(assoc (apply dissoc standard-meta (when (macros/primitive-sym? tag) [:tag]))
+                       :doc (str
+                             (str "Inputs: " (if (= 1 (count raw-arglists))
+                                               (first raw-arglists)
+                                               (apply list raw-arglists)))
+                             (when-let [ret (when (= (second defn-args) :-) (nth defn-args 2))]
+                               (str "\n  Returns: " ret))
+                             (when doc (str  "\n\n  " doc)))
+                       :raw-arglists (list 'quote raw-arglists)
+                       :arglists (list 'quote arglists)
+                       :schema schema-form)
+                    ~@fn-body)]
+         (utils/declare-class-schema! (utils/fn-schema-bearer ~name) ~schema-form)
+         ret#))))
+(defmacro defmethod
+  "Like clojure.core/defmethod, except that schema-style typehints can be given on
+   the argument symbols and after the dispatch-val (for the return value).
+   See (doc s/defn) for details.
+   Examples:
+     (s/defmethod mymultifun :a-dispatch-value :- s/Num [x :- s/Int y :- s/Num] (* x y))
+     ;; You can also use meta tags like ^:always-validate by placing them
+     ;; before the multifunction name:
+     (s/defmethod ^:always-validate mymultifun :a-dispatch-value [x y] (* x y))"
+  [multifn dispatch-val & fn-tail]
+  `(macros/if-cljs
+    (cljs.core/-add-method
+     ~(with-meta multifn {:tag 'cljs.core/MultiFn})
+     ~dispatch-val
+     (fn ~(with-meta (gensym) (meta multifn)) ~@fn-tail))
+    (. ~(with-meta multifn {:tag 'clojure.lang.MultiFn})
+       addMethod
+       ~dispatch-val
+       (fn ~(with-meta (gensym) (meta multifn)) ~@fn-tail))))
+(defmacro letfn
+  "s/letfn : s/fn :: clojure.core/letfn : clojure.core/fn"
+  [fnspecs & body]
+  (list `let
+        (vec (interleave (map first fnspecs)
+                         (map #(cons `fn %) fnspecs)))
+        `(do ~@body)))
+(defmacro def
+  "Like def, but takes a schema on the var name (with the same format
+   as the output schema of s/defn), requires an initial value, and
+   asserts that the initial value matches the schema on the var name
+   (regardless of the status of with-fn-validation).  Due to
+   limitations of add-watch!, cannot enforce validation of subsequent
+   rebindings of var.  Throws at compile-time for clj, and client-side
+   load-time for cljs.
+   Example:
+   (s/def foo :- long \"a long\" 2)"
+  [& def-args]
+  (let [[name more-def-args] (macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env def-args)
+        [doc-string? more-def-args] (if (= (count more-def-args) 2)
+                                      (macros/maybe-split-first string? more-def-args)
+                                      [nil more-def-args])
+        init (first more-def-args)]
+    (macros/assert! (= 1 (count more-def-args)) "Illegal args passed to schema def: %s" def-args)
+    `(let [output-schema# ~(macros/extract-schema-form name)]
+       (def ~name
+         ~@(when doc-string? [doc-string?])
+         (validate output-schema# ~init)))))
+(set! *warn-on-reflection* false)
+(clojure.core/defn set-max-value-length!
+  "Sets the maximum length of value to be output before it is contracted to a prettier name."
+  [max-length]
+  (reset! utils/max-value-length max-length))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/core.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/experimental/abstract_map.clj b/src/clj/schema/experimental/abstract_map.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4015f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/experimental/abstract_map.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+(ns schema.experimental.abstract-map
+  "Schemas representing abstract classes and subclasses"
+  (:require
+   [clojure.string :as str]
+   [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec]
+   [schema.spec.variant :as variant]))
+;;; Private: helpers
+(defprotocol PExtensibleSchema
+  (extend-schema! [this extension schema-name dispatch-values]))
+;; a "subclass"
+(defrecord SchemaExtension [schema-name base-schema extended-schema explain-value]
+  s/Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec spec/+no-precondition+ [{:schema extended-schema}]))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list 'extend-schema
+          schema-name
+          (s/schema-name base-schema)
+          (s/explain explain-value))))
+;; an "abstract class"
+(defrecord AbstractSchema [sub-schemas dispatch-key schema open?]
+  s/Schema
+  (spec [this]
+    (variant/variant-spec
+     spec/+no-precondition+
+     (concat
+      (for [[k s] @sub-schemas]
+        {:guard #(= (keyword (dispatch-key %)) (keyword k))
+         :schema s})
+      (when open?
+        [{:schema (assoc schema dispatch-key s/Keyword s/Any s/Any)}]))
+     (fn [v] (list (set (keys @sub-schemas)) (list dispatch-key v)))))
+  (explain [this]
+    (list 'abstract-map-schema dispatch-key (s/explain schema) (set (keys @sub-schemas))))
+  PExtensibleSchema
+  (extend-schema! [this extension schema-name dispatch-values]
+    (let [sub-schema (assoc (merge schema extension)
+                       dispatch-key (apply s/enum dispatch-values))
+          ext-schema (s/schema-with-name
+                      (SchemaExtension. schema-name this sub-schema extension)
+                      (name schema-name))]
+      (swap! sub-schemas merge (into {} (for [k dispatch-values] [k ext-schema])))
+      ext-schema)))
+;;; Public
+(s/defn abstract-map-schema
+  "A schema representing an 'abstract class' map that must match at least one concrete
+   subtype (indicated by the value of dispatch-key, a keyword).  Add subtypes by calling
+   `extend-schema`."
+  [dispatch-key :- s/Keyword schema :- (s/pred map?)]
+  (AbstractSchema. (atom {}) dispatch-key schema false))
+(s/defn open-abstract-map-schema
+  "Like abstract-map-schema, but allows unknown types to validate (for, e.g. forward
+   compatibility)."
+  [dispatch-key :- s/Keyword schema :- (s/pred map?)]
+  (AbstractSchema. (atom {}) dispatch-key schema true))
+(defmacro extend-schema
+  [schema-name extensible-schema dispatch-values extension]
+  `(def ~schema-name
+     (extend-schema! ~extensible-schema ~extension '~schema-name ~dispatch-values)))
+(defn sub-schemas [abstract-schema]
+  @(.-sub-schemas ^AbstractSchema abstract-schema))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/experimental/abstract_map.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/spec/collection.clj b/src/clj/schema/spec/collection.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b1ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/spec/collection.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+(ns schema.spec.collection
+  "A collection spec represents a collection of elements,
+   each of which is itself schematized."
+  (:require
+         [schema.macros :as macros]
+   [schema.utils :as utils]
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec])
+                                                     )
+;;; Collection Specs
+(declare sequence-transformer)
+(defn- element-transformer [e params then]
+  (if (vector? e)
+    (case (first e)
+      ::optional
+      (sequence-transformer (next e) params then)
+      ::remaining
+      (let [_ (macros/assert! (= 2 (count e)) "remaining can have only one schema.")
+            c (spec/sub-checker (second e) params)]
+              (fn [^java.util.List res x]
+                (doseq [i x]
+                  (.add res (c i)))
+                (then res nil))
+                                ))
+    (let [parser (:parser e)
+          c (spec/sub-checker e params)]
+            (fn [^java.util.List res x]
+              (then res (parser (fn [t] (.add res (if (utils/error? t) t (c t)))) x)))
+                                                                                             )))
+(defn- sequence-transformer [elts params then]
+  (macros/assert! (not-any? #(and (vector? %) (= (first %) ::remaining)) (butlast elts))
+                  "Remaining schemas must be in tail position.")
+  (reduce
+   (fn [f e]
+     (element-transformer e params f))
+   then
+   (reverse elts)))
+      ;; for performance
+(defn- has-error? [^java.util.List l]
+  (let [it (.iterator l)]
+    (loop []
+      (if (.hasNext it)
+        (if (utils/error? (.next it))
+          true
+          (recur))
+        false))))
+(defn subschemas [elt]
+  (if (map? elt)
+    [(:schema elt)]
+    (do (assert (vector? elt))
+        (assert (#{::remaining ::optional} (first elt)))
+        (mapcat subschemas (next elt)))))
+(defrecord CollectionSpec [pre constructor elements on-error]
+  spec/CoreSpec
+  (subschemas [this] (mapcat subschemas elements))
+  (checker [this params]
+    (let [constructor (if (:return-walked? params) constructor (fn [_] nil))
+          t (sequence-transformer elements params (fn [_ x] x))]
+      (fn [x]
+        (or (pre x)
+            (let [res       (java.util.ArrayList.)                 
+                  remaining (t res x)
+                  res       res            ]
+              (if (or (seq remaining) (has-error? res))
+                (utils/error (on-error x res remaining))
+                (constructor res))))))))
+(defn collection-spec
+  "A collection represents a collection of elements, each of which is itself
+   schematized.  At the top level, the collection has a precondition
+   (presumably on the overall type), a constructor for the collection from a
+   sequence of items, an element spec, and a function that constructs a
+   descriptive error on failure.
+   The element spec is a nested list structure, in which the leaf elements each
+   provide an element schema, parser (allowing for efficient processing of structured
+   collections), and optional error wrapper.  Each item in the list can be a leaf
+   element or an `optional` nested element spec (see below).  In addition, the final
+   element can be a `remaining` schema (see below).
+   Note that the `optional` carries no semantics with respect to validation;
+   the user must ensure that the parser enforces the desired semantics, which
+   should match the structure of the spec for proper generation."
+  [pre ;- spec/Precondition
+   constructor ;- (s/=> s/Any [(s/named s/Any 'checked-value)])
+   elements ;- [(s/cond-pre
+   ;;            {:schema (s/protocol Schema)
+   ;;             :parser (s/=> s/Any (s/=> s/Any s/Any) s/Any) ; takes [item-fn coll], calls item-fn on matching items, returns remaining.
+   ;;             (s/optional-key :error-wrap) (s/pred fn?)}
+   ;;            [(s/one ::optional) (s/recursive Elements)]]
+   ;;          where the last element can optionally be a [::remaining schema]
+   on-error ;- (=> s/Any (s/named s/Any 'value) [(s/named s/Any 'checked-element)] [(s/named s/Any 'unmatched-element)])
+   ]
+  (->CollectionSpec pre constructor elements on-error))
+;;; Helpers for creating 'elements'
+(defn remaining
+  "All remaining elements must match schema s"
+  [s]
+  [::remaining s])
+(defn optional
+  "If any more elements are present, they must match the elements in 'ss'"
+  [& ss]
+  (vec (cons ::optional ss)))
+(defn all-elements [schema]
+  (remaining
+   {:schema schema
+    :parser (fn [coll] (macros/error! (str "should never be not called")))}))
+(defn one-element [required? schema parser]
+  (let [base {:schema schema :parser parser}]
+    (if required?
+      base
+      (optional base))))
+(defn optional-tail [schema parser more]
+  (into (optional {:schema schema :parser parser}) more))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/spec/collection.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/spec/core.clj b/src/clj/schema/spec/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a52cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/spec/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(ns schema.spec.core
+  "Protocol and preliminaries for Schema 'specs', which are a common language
+   for schemas to use to express their structure."
+  (:require
+         [schema.macros :as macros]
+   [schema.utils :as utils])
+                                                     )
+;;; Core spec protocol
+(defprotocol CoreSpec
+  "Specs are a common language for Schemas to express their structure.
+   These two use-cases aren't priveledged, just the two that are considered core
+   to being a Spec."
+  (subschemas [this]
+    "List all subschemas")
+  (checker [this params]
+    "Create a function that takes [data], and either returns a walked version of data
+     (by default, usually just data), or a utils/ErrorContainer containing value that looks
+     like the 'bad' parts of data with ValidationErrors at the leaves describing the failures.
+     params are: subschema-checker, return-walked?, and cache.
+     params is a map specifying:
+      - subschema-checker - a function for checking subschemas
+      - returned-walked? - a boolean specifying whether to return a walked version of the data
+        (otherwise, nil is returned which increases performance)
+      - cache - a map structure from schema to checker, which speeds up checker creation
+        when the same subschema appears multiple times, and also facilitates handling
+        recursive schemas."))
+;;; Preconditions
+;; A Precondition is a function of a value that returns a
+;; ValidationError if the value does not satisfy the precondition,
+;; and otherwise returns nil.
+;; e.g., (s/defschema Precondition (s/=> (s/maybe schema.utils.ValidationError) s/Any))
+;; as such, a precondition is essentially a very simple checker.
+(def +no-precondition+ (fn [_] nil))
+(defn precondition
+  "Helper for making preconditions.
+   Takes a schema, predicate p, and error function err-f.
+   If the datum passes the predicate, returns nil.
+   Otherwise, returns a validation error with description (err-f datum-description),
+   where datum-description is a (short) printable standin for the datum."
+  [s p err-f]
+  (fn [x]
+    (when-let [reason (macros/try-catchall (when-not (p x) 'not) (catch e# 'throws?))]
+      (macros/validation-error s x (err-f (utils/value-name x)) reason))))
+(defmacro simple-precondition
+  "A simple precondition where f-sym names a predicate (e.g. (simple-precondition s map?))"
+  [s f-sym]
+  `(precondition ~s ~f-sym #(list (quote ~f-sym) %)))
+;;; Helpers
+(defn run-checker
+  "A helper to start a checking run, by setting the appropriate params.
+   For examples, see schema.core/checker or schema.coerce/coercer."
+  [f return-walked? s]
+  (f
+   s
+   {:subschema-checker f
+    :return-walked? return-walked?
+    :cache       (java.util.IdentityHashMap.)                 }))
+(defn with-cache [cache cache-key wrap-recursive-delay result-fn]
+  (if-let [w       (.get ^java.util.Map cache cache-key)                          ]
+    (if (= ::in-progress w) ;; recursive
+      (wrap-recursive-delay (delay       (.get ^java.util.Map cache cache-key)                          ))
+      w)
+    (do       (.put ^java.util.Map cache cache-key ::in-progress)                                                   
+        (let [res (result-fn)]
+                (.put ^java.util.Map cache cache-key res)                                         
+          res))))
+(defn sub-checker
+  "Should be called recursively on each subschema in the 'checker' method of a spec.
+   Handles caching and error wrapping behavior."
+  [{:keys [schema error-wrap]}
+   {:keys [subschema-checker cache] :as params}]
+  (let [sub (with-cache cache schema
+              (fn [d] (fn [x] (@d x)))
+              (fn [] (subschema-checker schema params)))]
+    (if error-wrap
+      (fn [x]
+        (let [res (sub x)]
+          (if-let [e (utils/error-val res)]
+            (utils/error (error-wrap res))
+            res)))
+      sub)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/spec/core.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/spec/leaf.clj b/src/clj/schema/spec/leaf.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f120d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/spec/leaf.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(ns schema.spec.leaf
+  (:require
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec]))
+;;; Leaf Specs
+(defrecord LeafSpec [pre]
+  spec/CoreSpec
+  (subschemas [this] nil)
+  (checker [this params]
+    (fn [x] (or (pre x) x))))
+(defn leaf-spec
+  "A leaf spec represents an atomic datum that is checked completely
+   with a single precondition, and is otherwise a black box to Schema."
+  [pre ;- spec/Precondition
+   ]
+  (->LeafSpec pre))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/spec/leaf.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/spec/variant.clj b/src/clj/schema/spec/variant.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3de7d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/spec/variant.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+(ns schema.spec.variant
+  (:require
+         [schema.macros :as macros]
+   [schema.utils :as utils]
+   [schema.spec.core :as spec])
+                                                     )
+;;; Variant Specs
+(defn- option-step [o params else]
+  (let [g (:guard o)
+        c (spec/sub-checker o params)
+        step (if g
+               (fn [x]
+                 (let [guard-result (macros/try-catchall
+                                     (g x)
+                                     (catch e# ::exception))]
+                   (cond (= ::exception guard-result)
+                         (macros/validation-error
+                          (:schema o)
+                          x
+                          (list (symbol (utils/fn-name g)) (utils/value-name x))
+                          'throws?)
+                         guard-result
+                         (c x)
+                         :else
+                         (else x))))
+               c)]
+    (if-let [wrap-error (:wrap-error o)]
+      (fn [x]
+        (let [res (step x)]
+          (if-let [e (utils/error-val res)]
+            (utils/error (wrap-error e))
+            res)))
+      step)))
+(defrecord VariantSpec [pre options err-f post]
+  spec/CoreSpec
+  (subschemas [this] (map :schema options))
+  (checker [this params]
+    (let [t (reduce
+             (fn [f o]
+               (option-step o params f))
+             (fn [x] (macros/validation-error this x (err-f (utils/value-name x))))
+             (reverse options))]
+      (if post
+        (fn [x]
+          (or (pre x)
+              (let [v (t x)]
+                (if (utils/error? v)
+                  v
+                  (or (post (if (:return-walked? params) v x)) v)))))
+        (fn [x]
+          (or (pre x)
+              (t x)))))))
+(defn variant-spec
+  "A variant spec represents a choice between a set of alternative
+   subschemas, e.g., a tagged union. It has an overall precondition,
+   set of options, and error function.
+   The semantics of `options` is that the options are processed in
+   order. During checking, the datum must match the schema for the
+   first option for which `guard` passes. During generation, any datum
+   generated from an option will pass the corresponding `guard`.
+   err-f is a function to produce an error message if none
+   of the guards match (and must be passed unless the last option has no
+   guard)."
+  ([pre options]
+     (variant-spec pre options nil))
+  ([pre options err-f]
+     (variant-spec pre options err-f nil))
+  ([pre ;- spec/Precondition
+    options ;- [{:schema (s/protocol Schema)
+    ;;           (s/optional-key :guard) (s/pred fn?)
+    ;;           (s/optional-key :error-wrap) (s/pred fn?)}]
+    err-f ;- (s/pred fn?)
+    post ;- (s/maybe spec/Precondition)
+    ]
+     (macros/assert! (or err-f (nil? (:guard (last options))))
+                     "when last option has a guard, err-f must be provided")
+     (->VariantSpec pre options err-f post)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/spec/variant.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/test.clj b/src/clj/schema/test.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ca77b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/test.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(ns schema.test
+  "Utilities for testing with schemas"
+  (:require [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
+                  clojure.test))
+(defn validate-schemas
+  "A fixture for tests: put
+   (use-fixtures :once schema.test/validate-schemas)
+   in your test file to turn on schema validation globally during all test executions."
+  [fn-test]
+  (s/with-fn-validation (fn-test)))
+(defmacro deftest
+  "A test with schema validation turned on globally during execution of the body."
+  [name & body]
+  `(clojure.test/deftest ~name
+     (s/with-fn-validation
+       ~@body)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/test.cljx
diff --git a/src/clj/schema/utils.clj b/src/clj/schema/utils.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac0ba13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/clj/schema/utils.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+(ns schema.utils
+  "Private utilities used in schema implementation."
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [record?])
+        (:require [clojure.string :as string])
+                                                           )
+;;; Miscellaneous helpers
+(defn assoc-when
+  "Like assoc but only assocs when value is truthy.  Copied from plumbing.core so that
+   schema need not depend on plumbing."
+  [m & kvs]
+  (assert (even? (count kvs)))
+  (into (or m {})
+        (for [[k v] (partition 2 kvs)
+              :when v]
+          [k v])))
+(defn type-of [x]
+        (class x)
+                             )
+(defn fn-schema-bearer
+  "What class can we associate the fn schema with? In Clojure use the class of the fn; in
+   cljs just use the fn itself."
+  [f]
+        (class f)
+          )
+(defn format* [fmt & args]
+  (apply       format                       fmt args))
+(def max-value-length (atom 19))
+(defn value-name
+  "Provide a descriptive short name for a value."
+  [value]
+  (let [t (type-of value)]
+    (if (<= (count (str value)) @max-value-length)
+      value
+      (symbol (str "a-"       (.getName ^Class t)         )))))
+(defmacro char-map []
+  clojure.lang.Compiler/CHAR_MAP)
+(defn unmunge
+  "TODO: eventually use built in demunge in latest cljs."
+  [s]
+  (->> (char-map)
+       (sort-by #(- (count (second %))))
+       (reduce (fn [^String s [to from]] (string/replace s from (str to))) s)))
+(defn fn-name
+  "A meaningful name for a function that looks like its symbol, if applicable."
+  [f]
+        (let [s (.getName (class f))
+              slash (.lastIndexOf s "$")
+              raw (unmunge
+                   (if (>= slash 0)
+                     (str (subs s 0 slash) "/" (subs s (inc slash)))
+                     s))]
+          (string/replace raw #"^clojure.core/" "")))
+(defn record? [x]
+        (instance? clojure.lang.IRecord x)
+                               )
+;;; Error descriptions
+;; A leaf schema validation error, describing the schema and value and why it failed to
+;; match the schema.  In Clojure, prints like a form describing the failure that would
+;; return true.
+(declare validation-error-explain)
+(deftype ValidationError [schema value expectation-delay fail-explanation]
+                                                                    )
+(defn validation-error-explain [^ValidationError err]
+  (list (or (.-fail-explanation err) 'not) @(.-expectation-delay err)))
+      ;; Validation errors print like forms that would return false
+(defmethod print-method ValidationError [err writer]
+  (print-method (validation-error-explain err) writer))
+(defn make-ValidationError
+  "for cljs sake (easier than normalizing imports in macros.clj)"
+  [schema value expectation-delay fail-explanation]
+  (ValidationError. schema value expectation-delay fail-explanation))
+;; Attach a name to an error from a named schema.
+(declare named-error-explain)
+(deftype NamedError [name error]
+                                                               )
+(defn named-error-explain [^NamedError err]
+  (list 'named (.-error err) (.-name err)))
+      ;; Validation errors print like forms that would return false
+(defmethod print-method NamedError [err writer]
+  (print-method (named-error-explain err) writer))
+;;; Monoidish error containers, which wrap errors (to distinguish from success values).
+(defrecord ErrorContainer [error])
+(defn error
+  "Distinguish a value (must be non-nil) as an error."
+  [x] (assert x) (->ErrorContainer x))
+(defn error? [x]
+  (instance? ErrorContainer x))
+(defn error-val [x]
+  (when (error? x)
+    (.-error ^ErrorContainer x)))
+;;; Registry for attaching schemas to classes, used for defn and defrecord
+(let [^java.util.Map +class-schemata+ (java.util.Collections/synchronizedMap (java.util.WeakHashMap.))]
+  (defn declare-class-schema! [klass schema]
+    "Globally set the schema for a class (above and beyond a simple instance? check).
+   Use with care, i.e., only on classes that you control.  Also note that this
+   schema only applies to instances of the concrete type passed, i.e.,
+   (= (class x) klass), not (instance? klass x)."
+    (assert (class? klass)
+            (format* "Cannot declare class schema for non-class %s" (class klass)))
+    (.put +class-schemata+ klass schema))
+  (defn class-schema [klass]
+    "The last schema for a class set by declare-class-schema!, or nil."
+    (.get +class-schemata+ klass)))
+;;; Utilities for fast-as-possible reference to use to turn fn schema validation on/off
+(def use-fn-validation
+  "Turn on run-time function validation for functions compiled when
+   s/compile-fn-validation was true -- has no effect for functions compiled
+   when it is false."
+  ;; specialize in Clojure for performance
+        (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference. false)
+                     )
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/cljx/schema/utils.cljx

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