[Git][java-team/libxerces2-java][master] 6 commits: New upstream version 2.12.1

Emmanuel Bourg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Jan 26 09:57:54 GMT 2020

Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / libxerces2-java

af2630ee by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:03:00+01:00
New upstream version 2.12.1
- - - - -
75bbcb1c by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:03:06+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.12.1'

Update to upstream version '2.12.1'
with Debian dir 26df9e07958767e0f253b41af99a1db93e315132
- - - - -
4d295fc8 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:26:38+01:00
Refreshed the patches

- - - - -
9750c765 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:26:46+01:00
Standards-Version updated to 4.5.0

- - - - -
375a7a48 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:56:55+01:00
Removed getContentDocument.patch (fixed upstream)

- - - - -
f90fceeb by Emmanuel Bourg at 2020-01-26T10:57:04+01:00
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

26 changed files:

- build.xml
- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/patches/02_build_dont_unzip.patch
- debian/patches/03_bootclasspath.patch
- − debian/patches/getContentDocument.patch
- debian/patches/java10.patch
- debian/patches/series
- docs/api.xml
- docs/docs-book.xml
- docs/faq-common.xml
- docs/faq-xs.xml
- docs/features.xml
- docs/readme.xml
- docs/releases.xml
- docs/xml-schema.xml
- samples/jaxp/SourceValidator.java
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java
- src/org/apache/xerces/impl/msg/XMLSchemaMessages.properties
- src/org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/XMLSchemaValidator.java
- src/org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/traversers/XSDComplexTypeTraverser.java
- src/org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/traversers/XSDHandler.java
- src/org/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash.java


@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
    Apache Xerces Java
-   Copyright 1999-2018 The Apache Software Foundation
+   Copyright 1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation
    This product includes software developed at
    The Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Authors:
   Anupam Bagchi     <abagchi at apache.org>
   Andy Clark, IBM
-   $Id: build.xml 1829239 2018-04-16 06:17:53Z mukulg $
+   $Id: build.xml 1871489 2019-12-14 12:42:17Z mukulg $
 ==================================================================== -->
 <project default="usage" basedir=".">
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ Authors:
     <property name='parser.Name' value='Xerces-J'/>
     <property name='parser.name' value='xerces-j'/>
     <property name='parser.shortname' value='xerces'/>
-    <property name='parser.Version' value='2.12.0'/>
-    <property name='parser.version' value='2.12.0'/>
-    <property name='parser_version' value='2_12_0'/>
+    <property name='parser.Version' value='2.12.1'/>
+    <property name='parser.version' value='2.12.1'/>
+    <property name='parser_version' value='2_12_1'/>
     <property name='deprecatedjar.parser' value='xerces.jar'/>
     <property name='jar.apis' value='xml-apis.jar'/>
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Authors:
     <property name='default.parser.config.name' value='XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration'/>
     <property name='default.parser.config.qualified' value='org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration'/>
-    <property name="year" value="1999-2018"/>
+    <property name="year" value="1999-2020"/>
     <property name="copyright" value="Copyright © ${year} The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved."/>
     <echo message= "---------------- ${parser.Name} ${parser.Version} [${year}] ---------------"/>
@@ -920,6 +920,12 @@ Authors:
         <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes"/>
+    </java>
+    <echo message="Running idc.AllTests ..." />
+    <java fork="yes"
+          classname="idc.AllTests"
+          failOnError="yes">
+        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.junit}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes${path.separator}${build.dir}/tests"/>

@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+libxerces2-java (2.12.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * New upstream release
+    - Refreshed the patches
+    - Removed getContentDocument.patch (fixed upstream)
+  * Standards-Version updated to 4.5.0
+ -- Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>  Sun, 26 Jan 2020 10:56:59 +0100
 libxerces2-java (2.12.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Build-Depends:
  libxml-commons-external-java (>= 1.4.01-2),
-Standards-Version: 4.3.0
+Standards-Version: 4.5.0
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/libxerces2-java.git
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/libxerces2-java
 Homepage: http://xerces.apache.org/xerces2-j/

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
      <!-- substitute tokens as needed -->
      <replace file="${build.dir}/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/Version.java" 
-@@ -1233,7 +1234,7 @@
+@@ -1239,7 +1240,7 @@
      <replace file="${build.dir}/src/org/apache/xerces/parsers/AbstractSAXParser.java"
               token="return (fConfiguration instanceof XML11Configurable);" value="return false;"/>
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
      <unzip src="${src.apis.zip}" dest="${build.src}">
-@@ -1256,7 +1257,7 @@
+@@ -1262,7 +1263,7 @@

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
             debug="${debug}" nowarn="true"
-@@ -1302,7 +1303,7 @@
+@@ -1308,7 +1309,7 @@

debian/patches/getContentDocument.patch deleted
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
-Date: Sat, 12 May 2018 22:12:44 +0200
-Subject: getContentDocument
-Fix FTBFS with Java10 due to missing method getContentDocument.
-Forwarded: no
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java  | 7 +++++++
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java | 5 +++++
- src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java | 5 +++++
- 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java
-index 18ab953..e90a592 100644
---- a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java
-+++ b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLFrameElementImpl.java
-@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
- package org.apache.html.dom;
- import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement;
-+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
- /**
-  * @xerces.internal
-@@ -127,6 +129,11 @@ public class HTMLFrameElementImpl
-         setAttribute( "src", src );
-     }
-+    public Document getContentDocument()
-+    {
-+        return null;
-+    }
-     /**
-      * Constructor requires owner document.
-diff --git a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java
-index c326557..287ba9e 100644
---- a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java
-+++ b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLIFrameElementImpl.java
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- package org.apache.html.dom;
- import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement;
-+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
- /**
-  * @xerces.internal
-@@ -150,6 +151,10 @@ public class HTMLIFrameElementImpl
-         setAttribute( "width", width );
-     }
-+    public Document getContentDocument()
-+    {
-+        return null;
-+    }
-     /**
-      * Constructor requires owner document.
-diff --git a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java
-index b065e69..cd27fc8 100644
---- a/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java
-+++ b/src/org/apache/html/dom/HTMLObjectElementImpl.java
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- package org.apache.html.dom;
- import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement;
-+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
- /**
-  * @xerces.internal
-@@ -239,6 +240,10 @@ public class HTMLObjectElementImpl
-         setAttribute( "width", width );
-     }
-+    public Document getContentDocument()
-+    {
-+        return null;
-+    }
-     /**

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Forwarded: no
          <arg value="testSchemaLanguageSAX"/>
          <arg value="testSchemaSourceSAX"/>
          <arg value="testSchemaLanguageDOM"/>
-@@ -909,19 +908,19 @@
+@@ -909,25 +908,25 @@
      <java fork="yes"
@@ -174,6 +174,13 @@ Forwarded: no
 -        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes"/>
 +        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/a:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes"/>
+     </java>
+     <echo message="Running idc.AllTests ..." />
+     <java fork="yes"
+           classname="idc.AllTests"
+           failOnError="yes">
+-        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/p:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.junit}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes${path.separator}${build.dir}/tests"/>
++        <jvmarg value="-Xbootclasspath/a:${tools.dir}/${jar.apis}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.resolver}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.serializer}${path.separator}${tools.dir}/${jar.junit}${path.separator}${build.dir}/classes${path.separator}${build.dir}/tests"/>

@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@

@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@
    specification defines a set of interfaces for accessing and querying the post schema 
    validation infoset (PSVI) defined in 
    <jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#PSVI_contributions">Contributions 
-   to the post-schema-validation infoset (Appendix C.2)</jump>. These interfaces
+   to the post-schema-validation infoset (Appendix C.2) [XML Schema 1.0]</jump> and 
+   <jump href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#PSVI_contributions">Contributions 
+   to the post-schema-validation infoset (Appendix B.2) [XML Schema 1.1]</jump>. These interfaces
    provide access to the XML Schema components, which follow as a consequence of 
    validation and/or assessment and also provide a means for accessing the PSVI 
    from a document instance.
@@ -195,4 +197,12 @@
    <li><jump href='javadocs/other/index.html'>Other Classes</jump></li>
+ <s2 title='XML Schema 1.1 API Documentation'>
+  <p>
+   Xerces-J's XML Schema 1.1 API documentation would have some differences as compared to 
+   API documentation of XML Schema 1.0 implementation. To view the API documentation of
+   Xerces-J's XML Schema 1.1 implementation, you would have to view 'docs' folder within 
+   Xerces's XML Schema 1.1 download package.
+  </p>
+ </s2>

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM 'dtd/book.dtd'>
 <book title='&ParserName; Documentation' 
-      copyright='1999-2018 The Apache Software Foundation'>
+      copyright='1999-2020 The Apache Software Foundation'>
  <external label='Home' href='http://xerces.apache.org/'/>
  <document label='Readme' title='&ParserNameLong; Readme'

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM 'dtd/faqs.dtd'>
 <faqs title='Common Problems FAQs'>
- <faq title='Parsing HTML Generated an Error.'>
+ <faq title='Parsing HTML Generated an Error'>
    I tried to use &ParserName; to parse an HTML file and it
    generated an error. What did I do wrong?

@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ v.validate(instanceDocument);
          and do the subsequent validation. 
       <p>You can also refer to the JAXP sample, SourceValidator, where you
-         can validate XML documents against 1.1 schemas by specifying the "-xsd11"
-         flag when running the sample.</p>
+         can validate XML documents against 1.1 schemas by specifying an option "-xsd11"
+         when running the sample.</p>
       <p>Each document that uses XML Schema grammars must specify the location of the
 	grammars it uses by using an xsi:schemaLocation attribute if they use
 	namespaces, and an xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute
@@ -78,6 +78,23 @@ v.validate(instanceDocument);
+  <faq title="Using Entities and CDATA Sections">
+    <q>How does the XML Schema processor treat entities and CDATA sections?</q>
+    <a> 
+      <p>According to the XML Infoset the infoset items contributing to the 
+	<jump href='http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/#infoitem.character'>[character
+	  information item]</jump> are: characters in the document, whether literally, as
+	a character reference, or within a CDATA section, or within Entity
+	Reference. The XML Schema specification 
+	"requires as a precondition for assessment
+	an information set as defined in [XML-Infoset]" 
+	<jump href='http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#infoset'>(Appendix D)</jump> and thus Xerces might attempt to normalize data in an entity
+	reference or CDATA section.  To preserve character data within entity references and 
+	CDATA sections, 
+	turn off http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema/normalized-value feature.
+      </p>
+    </a>
+  </faq>
   <faq title="XPath 2.0 support for XML Schema 1.1 validation">
   	<q>How an XPath 2.0 engine is used for XML Schema 1.1 assertions and CTAs?</q>
@@ -103,23 +120,6 @@ v.validate(instanceDocument);
-  <faq title="Using Entities and CDATA Sections">
-    <q>How does the XML Schema processor treat entities and CDATA sections?</q>
-    <a> 
-      <p>According to the XML Infoset the infoset items contributing to the 
-	<jump href='http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/#infoitem.character'>[character
-	  information item]</jump> are: characters in the document, whether literally, as
-	a character reference, or within a CDATA section, or within Entity
-	Reference. The XML Schema specification 
-	"requires as a precondition for assessment
-	an information set as defined in [XML-Infoset]" 
-	<jump href='http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#infoset'>(Appendix D)</jump> and thus Xerces might attempt to normalize data in an entity
-	reference or CDATA section.  To preserve character data within entity references and 
-	CDATA sections, 
-	turn off http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/schema/normalized-value feature.
-      </p>
-    </a>
-  </faq>
   <faq title="User defined error messages, for XML Schema 1.1 assertion failures">
      <q>How to specify a user defined error message, when an XML Schema 1.1 assertion returns a 'false' result?</q>

@@ -320,6 +320,37 @@ catch (SAXException e) {
    <see idref='validation'/>
    <see idref='validation.schema'/>
+  <feature name='http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/cta-full-xpath-checking'
+           id='validation.xs11-cta-fullxpath-checking'>
+   <true>Enable XSD 1.1 CTA full XPath 2.0 checking.</true>
+   <false>Disable XSD 1.1 CTA full XPath 2.0 checking.</false>
+   <default value='false'/>
+   <access parsing='read-only' not-parsing='read-write'/>
+   <since value='&ParserName; 2.12.0'/>
+   <note>
+     Setting this feature to 'true', would allow CTA XPath expressions to have full XPath 2.0 syntax. The default
+     is to recognize the CTA XPath subset, defined by XSD 1.1 language. If the CTA XPath expressions in a schema document
+     falls within the XPath subset, then the use of default Xerces CTA XPath processor may result in an efficient schema 
+     processing. 
+   </note>
+   <see idref='validation'/>
+   <see idref='validation.schema'/>
+  </feature>
+  <feature name='http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/assert-comments-and-pi-checking'
+           id='validation.xs11-assert-comments-pi-checking'>
+   <true>Enable occurrence of comments and PIs within XPath Data Model (XDM) instance, for XSD 1.1 assertion processing.</true>
+   <false>Disable occurrence of comments and PIs within XPath Data Model (XDM) instance, for XSD 1.1 assertion processing.</false>
+   <default value='false'/>
+   <access parsing='read-only' not-parsing='read-write'/>
+   <since value='&ParserName; 2.12.0'/>
+   <note>
+     Setting this feature to 'true', would allow assertions to access comments and PIs from an XML instance document
+     and correspondingly test for their absence, presence or do string processing on them for the purpose of XSD 
+     validation.
+   </note>
+   <see idref='validation'/>
+   <see idref='validation.schema'/>
+  </feature>
   <feature name='http://apache.org/xml/features/validation/unparsed-entity-checking'
    <true>Check that each value of type ENTITY matches the name of an unparsed entity declared in the DTD.</true>

@@ -19,12 +19,11 @@
 <s1 title='&ParserNameLong; Readme'>
   <s2 title='&ParserNameLong; &ParserVersion; Release'>
-      Welcome to the future! Xerces2 is the next generation of
-      high performance, fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache
-      Xerces family. This new version of Xerces introduces the
-      Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a complete framework for
-      building parser components and configurations that is
-      extremely modular and easy to program. 
+      Welcome to the home of Xerces Java. Xerces2 provides high performance, 
+      fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family. This new version 
+      of Xerces continues to build upon the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a 
+      complete framework for building parser components and configurations that 
+      is extremely modular and easy to program. 
       The Apache Xerces2 parser is the reference implementation 
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@
       <link idref='xni'>XNI Manual</link>.
-      Xerces2 is a fully conforming XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1 processor. An experimental implementation of the 
+      Xerces2 provides fully conforming XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1 processors. An experimental implementation of the 
 	  <jump href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2010/CR-xmlschema-ref-20100119/'>XML Schema Definition
 	  Language (XSD): Component Designators</jump> (SCD) Candidate Recommendation (January 2010)	  
 	  is also provided for evaluation. For more information, refer to the <link idref='xml-schema'>
@@ -149,11 +148,10 @@
   <s2 title='Changes from Previous Release'>
-      The &ParserNameLong; &ParserVersion; expands on its experimental support for XML Schema 1.1
-      by providing fully compliant XML Schema 1.1 implementation. It fixes several bugs which
-      were present in the previous release and also includes a few other minor enhancements.
+      The &ParserNameLong; &ParserVersion; is a bug fix release, and is largely compatible with
+      the previous release in terms of broad functionality offered. It fixes few bugs which were 
+      present in the previous release and also includes a few other minor enhancements.
       For a more complete list of changes, refer to the 

@@ -15,15 +15,94 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
-<!-- $Id: releases.xml 1829634 2018-04-20 08:38:24Z mukulg $ -->
+<!-- $Id: releases.xml 1872100 2019-12-30 08:33:21Z mukulg $ -->
 <!DOCTYPE releases SYSTEM 'dtd/releases.dtd'>
+  <release version='&ParserName; 2.12.1'>
+   <desc>
+    <p>
+      This release is a bug fix release. It fixes few bugs which were present in Xerces-J 2.12.0 
+      and also includes a few other minor enhancements.      
+    </p>
+   </desc>
+   <changes>                
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   Implemented few fixes for XML Schema identity constraints, within Xerces's XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1
+      	   validators. 
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Sandy Gao, Mukul Gandhi'/>
+     </fix>
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   When XML Schema 1.1 validations are done, where xs:assert are contained within xs:override, the XPath
+      	   expressions within xs:assert can't see XML namespace bindings specified at certain locations in schema
+      	   documents. This release fixes this.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi, Patrick Gratz'/>
+     </fix>
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   When XML Schema 1.1 validations are done, when the schema document is specified via xsi:schemaLocation 
+      	   attribute in the XML document, when full XPath 2.0 is used with CTA, for certain use cases
+      	   validation was not occurring correctly. This release fixes this.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi, Yitzhak Khabinsky'/>
+     </fix>
+     <fix>
+       <note>
+      	  For certain cases, while doing XML Schema 1.1 xs:assert validations, error messages appeared
+      	  like following 'FOAR0001 - Division by zero'. Modified such error messages, to now contain
+      	  the character ':' instead of '-' (since, the character '-' can be confused with a negation symbol).	
+       </note>
+       <submitter name='Mukul Gandhi'/>
+     </fix>           
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   The 'XML Schema 1.1 structures' REC in the section, "3.2.3 Constraints on XML Representations of 
+      	   Attribute Declarations (Schema Representation Constraint: Attribute Declaration 
+      	   Representation)" mentions, '5 If fixed and use are both present, use must not have the actual value 
+      	   prohibited'. This functionality is newly introduced in XML Schema 1.1. Fixed a runtime validation issue 
+      	   for this XSD clause, when XSD 1.1 implementation is invoked in XSD 1.0 mode.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi'/>
+     </fix>     
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   Xerces-J was previously not building from sources when Java 9+ was used. This release fixes this.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi, Michael Glavassevich, Thomas Pasch'/>
+     </fix>     
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   XML Schema 1.1 has introduced the attribute 'ref' on xs:key, xs:unique and xs:keyref. When certain such
+      	   schema documents were processed by Xerces-J's XSD 1.1 implementation in XSD 1.0 mode, a 
+      	   java.lang.NullPointerException was displayed to the user when the schema document is processed with Xerces 
+      	   sample jaxp.SourceValidator. This release fixes this.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Michael Glavassevich, Mukul Gandhi'/>
+     </fix>
+     <fix>
+        <note>
+      	   Fixed minor bugs and made various improvements.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Michael Glavassevich, Mukul Gandhi, Octavian Nadolu'/>
+     </fix>
+     <add>
+        <note>
+           Added many new tests to the regression since the previous Xerces release, for Xerces's
+           XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1 implementations.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi'/>
+     </add>                        
+   </changes>
+  </release>
   <release version='&ParserName; 2.12.0'>
-     This release expands on Xerces-J's experimental support for XML Schema 1.1
-      by providing a fully compliant XML Schema 1.1 implementation. It fixes several bugs 
-      which were present in &ParserName; 2.11.0 and also includes a few other minor enhancements.      
+     This release expands on Xerces-J's experimental support for XML Schema 1.1 by providing a 
+     fully compliant XML Schema 1.1 implementation. It fixes several bugs which were present in 
+     Xerces-J 2.11.0 and also includes a few other enhancements and performance improvements.      
@@ -63,6 +142,14 @@
      	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi'/>
+       <fix>
+     	<note>
+      		Fixed possible security issue: an implementation of the NamedNodeMapImpl class in the JAXP component did not 
+      		limit the amount of memory allocated when creating object instance from a serialized form. A specially-crafted 
+      		input could cause a java application to use an excessive amount of memory when deserialized.
+     	</note>
+     	<submitter name='David Dillard, Michael Glavassevich, Mukul Gandhi'/>
+       </fix>
       		Implemented minor and major fixes in certain areas, to XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1 implementations.
@@ -95,10 +182,9 @@
-      	   Octavian and Radu, from Oxygen XML Editor team have contributed much by way of intimating numerous bugs
-      	   and implementation ideas, for Xerces-J's XML Schema 1.0 and 1.1 implementations.
+      	   Fixed various bugs and made various improvements.
-     	<submitter name='Octavian Nadolu, Radu Coravu'/>
+     	<submitter name='Mukul Gandhi, Jorge L. Williams, Octavian Nadolu, Radu Coravu'/>
@@ -2875,4 +2961,4 @@ In addition, in this release we improved parser performance in several areas and
   <release version='&ParserName; 2.0.0 (alpha)'>
     <desc>Initial alpha release of Xerces2 code.</desc>
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -128,13 +128,14 @@
             Javadoc for javax.xml.XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING for
             more details.
-            <li> The JAXP class javax.xml.validation.Schema is defined to be thread safe, i.e.
-            applications are encouraged to share it across many threads. There are few cases
-            observed while doing XML Schema 1.1 validation, where the thread safe definition
-            of javax.xml.validation.Schema is not honored. This problem is observed, while
-            using the XSD 1.1 syntax <assert> in the XSD documents. But there are also, various
-            cases observed while using XSD 1.1 syntax <assert>, when thread safety of javax.xml.validation.Schema
-            is honored correctly.
+            <li> The JAXP class javax.xml.validation.Schema is defined to be thread 
+            safe. That is, applications are encouraged to share javax.xml.validation.Schema objects 
+            across multiple threads. Some Xerces users have reported that, while doing XML Schema 1.1 
+            validation javax.xml.validation.Schema is seen to be not thread safe. This problem was 
+            observed in certain use cases, while using the XSD 1.1 construct <assert> in the 
+            XSD documents. But there are also, various cases observed while using XSD 1.1 
+            construct <assert>, when thread safety of javax.xml.validation.Schema is 
+            seen to be working correctly.

@@ -65,10 +65,9 @@ import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
  * @author Michael Glavassevich, IBM
- * @version $Id: SourceValidator.java 1335920 2012-05-09 04:15:35Z mrglavas $
+ * @version $Id: SourceValidator.java 1838308 2018-08-18 05:47:11Z mukulg $
-public class SourceValidator 
-    implements ErrorHandler {
+public class SourceValidator implements ErrorHandler {
     // Constants

@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 package org.apache.html.dom;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement;
  * @xerces.internal
- * @version $Revision: 1029415 $ $Date: 2010-10-31 22:32:22 +0530 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010) $
+ * @version $Revision: 1866821 $ $Date: 2019-09-12 09:55:36 +0530 (Thu, 12 Sep 2019) $
  * @author <a href="mailto:arkin at exoffice.com">Assaf Arkin</a>
  * @see org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLFrameElement
  * @see org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl
@@ -126,6 +127,12 @@ public class HTMLFrameElementImpl
         setAttribute( "src", src );
+    // method added, so that xerces can be built with JDK 9 & above
+    public Document getContentDocument() {
+        return null;
+    }

@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 package org.apache.html.dom;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement;
  * @xerces.internal
- * @version $Revision: 1029415 $ $Date: 2010-10-31 22:32:22 +0530 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010) $
+ * @version $Revision: 1866821 $ $Date: 2019-09-12 09:55:36 +0530 (Thu, 12 Sep 2019) $
  * @author <a href="mailto:arkin at exoffice.com">Assaf Arkin</a>
  * @see org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLIFrameElement
  * @see org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl
@@ -149,6 +150,12 @@ public class HTMLIFrameElementImpl
         setAttribute( "width", width );
+    // method added, so that xerces can be built with JDK 9 & above
+    public Document getContentDocument() {
+        return null;
+    }

@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
 package org.apache.html.dom;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement;
  * @xerces.internal
- * @version $Revision: 1029415 $ $Date: 2010-10-31 22:32:22 +0530 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010) $
+ * @version $Revision: 1866821 $ $Date: 2019-09-12 09:55:36 +0530 (Thu, 12 Sep 2019) $
  * @author <a href="mailto:arkin at exoffice.com">Assaf Arkin</a>
  * @see org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLObjectElement
  * @see org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl
@@ -240,6 +241,11 @@ public class HTMLObjectElementImpl
+    // method added, so that xerces can be built with JDK 9 & above
+    public Document getContentDocument() {
+        return null;
+    }
      * Constructor requires owner document.

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 # This file contains error and warning messages related to XML Schema
 # The messages are arranged in key and value tuples in a ListResourceBundle.
-# @version $Id: XMLSchemaMessages.properties 1631026 2014-10-11 07:30:37Z mukulg $
+# @version $Id: XMLSchemaMessages.properties 1869198 2019-10-31 05:21:00Z mukulg $
         BadMessageKey = The error message corresponding to the message key can not be found.
         FormatFailed = An internal error occurred while formatting the following message:\n
@@ -33,14 +33,15 @@
         AbsentKeyValue = cvc-identity-constraint.4.2.1.a: Element \"{0}\" has no value for the key \"{1}\".
         DuplicateField = Duplicate match in scope for field \"{0}\".
-        DuplicateKey = cvc-identity-constraint.4.2.2: Duplicate key value [{0}] declared for identity constraint \"{2}\" of element \"{1}\".
-        DuplicateUnique = cvc-identity-constraint.4.1: Duplicate unique value [{0}] declared for identity constraint \"{2}\" of element \"{1}\".
+        DuplicateKey = cvc-identity-constraint.4.2.2: Duplicate key value [{0}] found for identity constraint \"{2}\" of element \"{1}\".
+        DuplicateUnique = cvc-identity-constraint.4.1: Duplicate unique value [{0}] found for identity constraint \"{2}\" of element \"{1}\".
         FieldMultipleMatch = cvc-identity-constraint.3: Field \"{0}\" of identity constraint \"{1}\" matches more than one value within the scope of its selector; fields must match unique values.
         FixedDiffersFromActual = The content of this element is not equivalent to the value of the \"fixed\" attribute in the element's declaration in the schema.
         KeyMatchesNillable = cvc-identity-constraint.4.2.3: Element \"{0}\" has the key \"{1}\" which matches an element which has nillable set to true.
         KeyNotEnoughValues = cvc-identity-constraint.4.2.1.b: Not enough values specified for <key name=\"{1}\"> identity constraint specified for element \"{0}\".
         KeyNotFound = cvc-identity-constraint.4.3: Key ''{0}'' with value ''{1}'' not found for identity constraint of element ''{2}''.
-        KeyRefOutOfScope = Identity Constraint error:  identity constraint \"{0}\" has a keyref which refers to a key or unique that is out of scope.
+        ## KeyRefOutOfScope = Identity Constraint error: identity constraint \"{0}\" has a keyref which refers to a key or unique that is out of scope.
+        KeyRefOutOfScope = Identity Constraint error: the keyref identity constraint \"{0}\" refers to a key or unique that is out of scope.
         KeyRefReferNotFound = Key reference declaration \"{0}\" refers to unknown key with name \"{1}\".
         UnknownField = Internal identity constraint error; unknown field \"{0}\" for identity constraint \"{2}\" specified for element \"{1}\".
@@ -117,9 +118,9 @@
         src-attribute.4 = src-attribute.4: Attribute ''{0}'' has both a ''type'' attribute and an anonymous ''simpleType'' child. Only one of these is allowed for an attribute.
         src-attribute_group.2 = src-attribute_group.2: The intersection of wildcards is not expressible for attribute group ''{0}''.
         src-attribute_group.3 = src-attribute_group.3: Circular definitions detected for attribute group ''{0}''. Recursively following attribute group references eventually leads back to itself.
-        src-ct.1 = src-ct.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <complexContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType. ''{1}'' is a simpleType.
-        src-ct.2.1 = src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. ''{1}'' satisfies none of these conditions.
-        src-ct.2.2 = src-ct.2.2: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''.  When a complexType with simpleContent restricts a complexType with mixed content and emptiable particle, then there must be a <simpleType> among the children of <restriction>.
+        src-ct.1 = src-ct.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. When <complexContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType. ''{1}'' is a simpleType.
+        src-ct.2.1 = src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. ''{1}'' satisfies none of these conditions.
+        src-ct.2.2 = src-ct.2.2: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. When a complexType with simpleContent restricts a complexType with mixed content and emptiable particle, then there must be a <simpleType> among the children of <restriction>.
         src-ct.4 = src-ct.4: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. The intersection of wildcards is not expressible.
         src-ct.5 = src-ct.5: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type ''{0}''. The union of wildcards is not expressible.
         src-element.1 = src-element.1: The properties ''default'' and ''fixed'' cannot both be present in element declaration ''{0}''. Use only one of them.
@@ -161,15 +162,15 @@
 #constraint valid (3.X.6)
-        ag-props-correct.2 = ag-props-correct.2: Error for attribute group ''{0}''.  Duplicate attribute uses with the same name and target namespace are specified.  Name of duplicate attribute use is ''{1}''.
-        ag-props-correct.3 = ag-props-correct.3: Error for attribute group ''{0}''.  Two attribute declarations, ''{1}'' and ''{2}'' have types which are derived from ID.
+        ag-props-correct.2 = ag-props-correct.2: Error for attribute group ''{0}''. Duplicate attribute uses with the same name and target namespace are specified. Name of duplicate attribute use is ''{1}''.
+        ag-props-correct.3 = ag-props-correct.3: Error for attribute group ''{0}''. Two attribute declarations, ''{1}'' and ''{2}'' have types which are derived from ID.
         a-props-correct.2 = a-props-correct.2: Invalid value constraint value ''{1}'' in attribute ''{0}''.
         a-props-correct.3 = a-props-correct.3: Attribute ''{0}'' cannot use ''fixed'' or ''default'', because the attribute''s '{'type definition'}' is ID, or is derived from ID.
         au-props-correct.2 = au-props-correct.2: In the attribute declaration of ''{0}'', a fixed value of ''{1}'' was specified. So if the attribute use referring to ''{0}'' also has a '{'value constraint'}', it must be fixed and its value must be ''{1}''.
         cos-all-limited.1.2 = cos-all-limited.1.2: An 'all' model group must appear in a particle with '{'min occurs'}' = '{'max occurs'}' = 1, and that particle must be part of a pair which constitutes the '{'content type'}' of a complex type definition.
         cos-all-limited.2 = cos-all-limited.2: The '{'max occurs'}' of an element in an ''all'' model group must be 0 or 1. The value ''{0}'' for element ''{1}'' is invalid.
         cos-applicable-facets = cos-applicable-facets: Facet ''{0}'' is not allowed by type {1}.
-        cos-ct-extends.1.1 = cos-ct-extends.1.1: Type ''{0}'' was derived by extension from type ''{1}''.  However, the ''final'' attribute of ''{1}'' forbids derivation by extension.
+        cos-ct-extends.1.1 = cos-ct-extends.1.1: Type ''{0}'' was derived by extension from type ''{1}''. However, the ''final'' attribute of ''{1}'' forbids derivation by extension.
         cos-ct-extends. = cos-ct-extends. The content type of a derived type and that of its base must both be mixed or both be element-only. Type ''{0}'' is element only, but its base type is not.
         cos-ct-extends. = cos-ct-extends. The content type of a derived type and that of its base must both be mixed or both be element-only. Type ''{0}'' is mixed, but its base type is not.
         cos-element-consistent = cos-element-consistent: Error for type ''{0}''. Multiple elements with name ''{1}'', with different types, appear in the model group.
@@ -186,23 +187,23 @@
         cos-valid-default.2.2.2 = cos-valid-default.2.2.2: Since element ''{0}'' has a '{'value constraint'}' and its type definition has mixed '{'content type'}', then the particle of the '{'content type'}' must be emptiable.
         c-props-correct.2 = c-props-correct.2: Cardinality of Fields for keyref ''{0}'' and key ''{1}'' must match each other.
         ct-props-correct.3 = ct-props-correct.3: Circular definitions detected for complex type ''{0}''. This means that ''{0}'' is contained in its own type hierarchy, which is an error.
-        ct-props-correct.4 = ct-props-correct.4: Error for type ''{0}''. Duplicate attribute uses with the same name and target namespace are specified.  Name of duplicate attribute use is ''{1}''.
+        ct-props-correct.4 = ct-props-correct.4: Error for type ''{0}''. Duplicate attribute uses with the same name and target namespace are specified. Name of duplicate attribute use is ''{1}''.
         ct-props-correct.5 = ct-props-correct.5: Error for type ''{0}''. Two attribute declarations, ''{1}'' and ''{2}'' have types which are derived from ID.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.1: Type ''{0}'' was derived by restriction from type ''{1}''.  However, ''{1}'' has a '{'final'}' property that forbids derivation by restriction.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.1: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has a ''use'' value of ''{2}'', which is inconsistent with the value of ''required'' in a matching attribute use in the base type.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.2: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has type ''{2}'', which is not validly derived from ''{3}'', the type of the matching attribute use in the base type.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.a = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.a: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has an effective value constraint which is not fixed, and the effective value constraint of the matching attribute use in the base type is fixed.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.b = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.b: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has an effective value constraint fixed with a value of ''{2}'', which is not consistent with the value of ''{3}'' for the fixed effective value constraint of the matching attribute use in the base type.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.a = derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.a: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type does not have a matching attribute use in the base, and the base type does not have a wildcard attribute.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.b = derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.b: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type does not have a matching attribute use in the base, and the wildcard in the base type does not allow the namespace ''{2}'' of this attribute use.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.3 = derivation-ok-restriction.3: Error for type ''{0}''.  The attribute use ''{1}'' in the base type has REQUIRED as true, but there is no matching attribute use in the derived type.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.4.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.1: Error for type ''{0}''.  The derivation has an attribute wildcard, but the base does not have one.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.4.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.2: Error for type ''{0}''.  The wildcard in the derivation is not a valid wildcard subset of the one in the base.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.4.3 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.3: Error for type ''{0}''.  The process contents of the wildcard in the derivation ({1}) is weaker than that in the base ({2}).
-        derivation-ok-restriction. = derivation-ok-restriction. Error for type ''{0}''.  The simple content type of this type, ''{1}'', is not a valid restriction of the simple content type of the base, ''{2}''.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.5.3.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.5.3.2: Error for type ''{0}''.  The content type of this type is empty, but the content type of the base, ''{1}'', is not empty or emptiable.
-        derivation-ok-restriction. = derivation-ok-restriction. Error for type ''{0}''.  The content type of this type is mixed, but the content type of the base, ''{1}'', is not.
-        derivation-ok-restriction.5.4.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.5.4.2: Error for type ''{0}''.  The particle of the type is not a valid restriction of the particle of the base.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.1: Type ''{0}'' was derived by restriction from type ''{1}''. However, ''{1}'' has a '{'final'}' property that forbids derivation by restriction.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.1: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has a ''use'' value of ''{2}'', which is inconsistent with the value of ''required'' in a matching attribute use in the base type.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.2: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has type ''{2}'', which is not validly derived from ''{3}'', the type of the matching attribute use in the base type.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.a = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.a: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has an effective value constraint which is not fixed, and the effective value constraint of the matching attribute use in the base type is fixed.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.b = derivation-ok-restriction.2.1.3.b: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type has an effective value constraint fixed with a value of ''{2}'', which is not consistent with the value of ''{3}'' for the fixed effective value constraint of the matching attribute use in the base type.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.a = derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.a: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type does not have a matching attribute use in the base, and the base type does not have a wildcard attribute.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.b = derivation-ok-restriction.2.2.b: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in this type does not have a matching attribute use in the base, and the wildcard in the base type does not allow the namespace ''{2}'' of this attribute use.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.3 = derivation-ok-restriction.3: Error for type ''{0}''. The attribute use ''{1}'' in the base type has REQUIRED as true, but there is no matching attribute use in the derived type.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.4.1 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.1: Error for type ''{0}''. The derivation has an attribute wildcard, but the base does not have one.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.4.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.2: Error for type ''{0}''. The wildcard in the derivation is not a valid wildcard subset of the one in the base.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.4.3 = derivation-ok-restriction.4.3: Error for type ''{0}''. The process contents of the wildcard in the derivation ({1}) is weaker than that in the base ({2}).
+        derivation-ok-restriction. = derivation-ok-restriction. Error for type ''{0}''. The simple content type of this type, ''{1}'', is not a valid restriction of the simple content type of the base, ''{2}''.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.5.3.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.5.3.2: Error for type ''{0}''. The content type of this type is empty, but the content type of the base, ''{1}'', is not empty or emptiable.
+        derivation-ok-restriction. = derivation-ok-restriction. Error for type ''{0}''. The content type of this type is mixed, but the content type of the base, ''{1}'', is not.
+        derivation-ok-restriction.5.4.2 = derivation-ok-restriction.5.4.2: Error for type ''{0}''. The particle of the type is not a valid restriction of the particle of the base.
         enumeration-required-notation = enumeration-required-notation: The NOTATION type, ''{0}'' used by {2} ''{1}'', must have an enumeration facet value which specifies the notation elements used by this type.
         enumeration-valid-restriction = enumeration-valid-restriction: Enumeration value ''{0}'' is not in the value space of the base type, {1}.
         e-props-correct.2 = e-props-correct.2: Invalid value constraint value ''{1}'' in element ''{0}''.
@@ -288,8 +289,8 @@
         s4s-elt-must-match.1 = s4s-elt-must-match.1: The content of ''{0}'' must match {1}. A problem was found starting at: {2}.
         s4s-elt-must-match.2 = s4s-elt-must-match.2: The content of ''{0}'' must match {1}. Not enough elements were found.
         # the "invalid-content" messages provide less information than the "must-match" counterparts above. They're used for complex types when providing a "match" would be an information dump
-        s4s-elt-invalid-content.1 = s4s-elt-invalid-content.1: The content of ''{0}'' is invalid.  Element ''{1}'' is invalid, misplaced, or occurs too often.
-        s4s-elt-invalid-content.2 = s4s-elt-invalid-content.2: The content of ''{0}'' is invalid.  Element ''{1}'' cannot be empty.
+        s4s-elt-invalid-content.1 = s4s-elt-invalid-content.1: The content of ''{0}'' is invalid. Element ''{1}'' is invalid, misplaced, or occurs too often.
+        s4s-elt-invalid-content.2 = s4s-elt-invalid-content.2: The content of ''{0}'' is invalid. Element ''{1}'' cannot be empty.
         s4s-elt-invalid-content.3 = s4s-elt-invalid-content.3: Elements of type ''{0}'' cannot appear after declarations as children of a <schema> element.
         s4s-elt-schema-ns = s4s-elt-schema-ns: The namespace of element ''{0}'' must be from the schema namespace, ''http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema''.
         s4s-elt-character = s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than ''xs:appinfo'' and ''xs:documentation''. Saw ''{0}''.

@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import org.apache.xerces.xs.XSTypeDefinition;
  * @author Elena Litani IBM
  * @author Andy Clark IBM
  * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems, inc.
- * @version $Id: XMLSchemaValidator.java 1428379 2013-01-03 14:55:20Z mukulg $
+ * @version $Id: XMLSchemaValidator.java 1871903 2019-12-22 06:45:03Z mukulg $
 public class XMLSchemaValidator
     implements XMLComponent, XMLDocumentFilter, FieldActivator, RevalidationHandler, XSElementDeclHelper {
@@ -2442,7 +2442,7 @@ public class XMLSchemaValidator
                             fValueStoreCache.getValueStoreFor(id, selMatcher.getInitialDepth());
                         // nothing to do if nothing matched, or if not all
                         // fields are present.
-                        if (values != null && values.fValuesCount == values.fFieldCount)
+                        if (values != null && values.fHasValue)
@@ -3714,6 +3714,7 @@ public class XMLSchemaValidator
         /** Current data value count. */
         protected int fValuesCount;
+        protected boolean fHasValue = false;
         /** global data */
         public final Vector fValues = new Vector();
@@ -3881,6 +3882,7 @@ public class XMLSchemaValidator
             else {
+                fHasValue = true;
             fLocalValues[i] = actualValue;
             fLocalValueTypes[i] = valueType;
@@ -4248,7 +4250,7 @@ public class XMLSchemaValidator
             if (fKeyValueStore == null) {
                 // report error
                 String code = "KeyRefOutOfScope";
-                String value = fIdentityConstraint.toString();
+                String value = fIdentityConstraint.getName();
                 reportSchemaError(code, new Object[] { value });

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import org.w3c.dom.Element;
  * @xerces.internal  
- * @version $Id: XSDComplexTypeTraverser.java 1631026 2014-10-11 07:30:37Z mukulg $
+ * @version $Id: XSDComplexTypeTraverser.java 1867108 2019-09-18 09:31:04Z mukulg $
 class  XSDComplexTypeTraverser extends XSDAbstractParticleTraverser {
@@ -1237,7 +1237,7 @@ class  XSDComplexTypeTraverser extends XSDAbstractParticleTraverser {
         if(annotation == null)
         // it isn't very likely that there will be more than one annotation
-        // in a complexType decl.  This saves us fromhaving to push/pop
+        // in a complexType decl. This saves us from having to push/pop
         // one more object from the fGlobalStore, and that's bound
         // to be a savings for most applications
         if(fAnnotations == null) {

@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
  * @author Neil Graham, IBM
  * @author Pavani Mukthipudi, Sun Microsystems
- * @version $Id: XSDHandler.java 1371253 2012-08-09 15:23:06Z sandygao $
+ * @version $Id: XSDHandler.java 1868534 2019-10-17 05:36:40Z mukulg $
 public class XSDHandler {
@@ -1623,22 +1623,21 @@ public class XSDHandler {
     // since it is forbidden for traversers to talk to each other
-    // directly (except wen a traverser encounters a local declaration),
+    // directly (except when a traverser encounters a local declaration),
     // this provides a generic means for a traverser to call
     // for the traversal of some declaration.  An XSDocumentInfo is
     // required because the XSDocumentInfo that the traverser is traversing
     // may bear no relation to the one the handler is operating on.
     // This method will:
-    // 1.  See if a global definition matching declToTraverse exists;
+    // 1. see if a global definition matching declToTraverse exists.
     // 2. if so, determine if there is a path from currSchema to the
     // schema document where declToTraverse lives (i.e., do a lookup
-    // in DependencyMap);
+    // in DependencyMap).
     // 3. depending on declType (which will be relevant to step 1 as
     // well), call the appropriate traverser with the appropriate
     // XSDocumentInfo object.
-    // This method returns whatever the traverser it called returned;
-    // this will be an Object of some kind
-    // that lives in the Grammar.
+    // This method returns whatever the traverser it called returned.
+    // This will be an Object of some kind that lives in the Grammar.
     protected Object getGlobalDecl(XSDocumentInfo currSchema,
             int declType,
             QName declToTraverse,

@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
 package org.apache.xerces.util;
- * This class is an unsynchronized hash table primary used for String
+ * This class is an unsynchronized hash table primarily used for String
  * to Object mapping.
  * <p>
  * The hash code uses the same algorithm as SymbolTable class.
  * @author Elena Litani
- * @version $Id: SymbolHash.java 1357381 2012-07-04 19:56:10Z mrglavas $
+ * @version $Id: SymbolHash.java 1867092 2019-09-18 03:54:53Z mukulg $
 public class SymbolHash {

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