[Git][clojure-team/puppetlabs-http-client-clojure][debian/main] 7 commits: re-enable build tests

Jérôme Charaoui (@lavamind) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Feb 7 21:14:29 GMT 2023

Jérôme Charaoui pushed to branch debian/main at Debian Clojure Maintainers / puppetlabs-http-client-clojure

c0b02d6b by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:01:46-05:00
re-enable build tests

- - - - -
58415ed3 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:02:17-05:00
New upstream version 2.1.1
- - - - -
dd09e11e by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:02:20-05:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.1.1'

Update to upstream version '2.1.1'
with Debian dir 6a0b9e54e319369ade2b08f1baec537ce489e6b0
- - - - -
c1010fc7 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:05:42-05:00
d/patches: refresh patches for new upstream version

- - - - -
481ab927 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:06:33-05:00
d/patches: target clojure 1.x in project.clj

- - - - -
c25cb6f3 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:07:11-05:00
d/control: drop obsolete libcomplete test-dep

- - - - -
c8d1662e by Jérôme Charaoui at 2023-02-07T16:08:06-05:00
Update changelog for 2.1.1-1 release

- - - - -

10 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/patches/0001_Lein_Local.patch
- debian/rules
- project.clj
- src/java/com/puppetlabs/http/client/impl/JavaClient.java
- test/puppetlabs/http/client/async_plaintext_test.clj
- test/puppetlabs/http/client/async_unbuffered_test.clj
- test/puppetlabs/http/client/metrics_test.clj


@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 ## Unreleased
+# 2.1.1
+* [PE-34843](https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PE-34843) Properly reuse connections when using a client certificate
+* Update to clj-parent 5.2.11
 # 2.1.0
 * update to clj-parent 5.2.6 to move from bouncy-castle `15on` libraries to the `18on` version
 * Use `OPTIONS` request method when calling the synchronous client's `options` function.

@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+puppetlabs-http-client-clojure (2.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version 2.1.1
+  * re-enable build tests
+  * d/patches: refresh patches for new upstream version
+  * d/patches: target clojure 1.x in project.clj
+  * d/control: drop obsolete libcomplete test-dep
+ -- Jérôme Charaoui <jerome at riseup.net>  Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:07:57 -0500
 puppetlabs-http-client-clojure (2.1.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/rules: build without tests temporarily (Closes: #1030480, #1030488)

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Build-Depends:
- libclojure-java,
+ libclojure-java (>= 1.11.1-2),
  libhttpasyncclient-java (>= 4.1.5),
@@ -21,15 +21,14 @@ Build-Depends:
  libpuppetlabs-i18n-clojure (>= 0.9.2-2),
-# libcheshire-clojure (>= 5.11.0-2) <!nocheck>,
-# libkitchensink-clojure (>= 3.2.1) <!nocheck>,
-# libtrapperkeeper-clojure (>= 3.1.0) <!nocheck>,
-# libtrapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (>= 4.1.0-2) <!nocheck>,
-# libpuppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure (>= 1.3.0) <!nocheck>,
-# libbcpkix-java <!nocheck>,
-# libcomplete-clojure <!nocheck>,
+ libcheshire-clojure (>= 5.11.0-2) <!nocheck>,
+ libkitchensink-clojure (>= 3.2.1) <!nocheck>,
+ libtrapperkeeper-clojure (>= 3.1.0) <!nocheck>,
+ libtrapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (>= 4.1.0-2) <!nocheck>,
+ libpuppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure (>= 1.3.0) <!nocheck>,
+ libbcpkix-java <!nocheck>,
-# openssl <!nocheck>
+ openssl <!nocheck>
 Standards-Version: 4.6.2
 Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/clojure-team/puppetlabs-http-client-clojure.git
 Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/clojure-team/puppetlabs-http-client-clojure

@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
  1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
 diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
-index f78cb04..15ebb87 100644
+index 669765d..5edba9b 100644
 --- a/project.clj
 +++ b/project.clj
 @@ -5,25 +5,17 @@
    :min-lein-version "2.9.1"
--  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.6"]
+-  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.11"]
 -                   :inherit [:managed-dependencies]}
-+  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.x"]
++  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.x"]
 -  ;; Abort when version ranges or version conflicts are detected in
 -  ;; dependencies. Also supports :warn to simply emit warnings.

@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ override_dh_auto_build:
 	cd target && ln -sf $(NAME)-$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM).jar $(NAME).jar
-#ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
-#	./dev-resources/gen-pki.sh
-#	lein test
+ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+	./dev-resources/gen-pki.sh
+	lein test
 	rm -f debian/maven-repo

@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-(defproject puppetlabs/http-client "2.1.0"
+(defproject puppetlabs/http-client "2.1.1"
   :description "HTTP client wrapper"
   :license {:name "Apache License, Version 2.0"
             :url "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"}
   :min-lein-version "2.9.1"
-  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.6"]
+  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.11"]
                    :inherit [:managed-dependencies]}
   ;; Abort when version ranges or version conflicts are detected in

@@ -532,6 +532,15 @@ public class JavaClient {
         HttpAsyncClientBuilder clientBuilder = HttpAsyncClients.custom();
+        // Typically, the HttpClient library tracks the "user token" for a
+        // connection, which in our case is the SSL certificate name, and
+        // refuses to reuse a connection if the SSL certificate is different
+        // for the next request. Because we create a new HttpClientContext for
+        // every request, this tracking doesn't work in our case. However,
+        // since we bake the SSL context in at the time we create the client,
+        // it's impossible for it to change from request to request, so we can
+        // simply disable that tracking altogether.
+        clientBuilder.disableConnectionState();
         SSLContext context = coercedOptions.getSslContext();
         if (context != null) {

@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@
     {:status 200
      :body "cookie has been set"}))
+(defn clear-latch
+  [latch]
+  (dotimes [_ (.getCount latch)]
+    (.countDown latch)))
 (tk/defservice test-cookie-service
   [[:WebserverService add-ring-handler]]
   (init [this context]
@@ -671,8 +676,10 @@
             (testing "clojure persistent async client"
               (with-open [client (async/create-client {})]
                 (dotimes [n 10] (future (common/get client url {:as :text})))
-                (is (= false (.await countdown 5 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
-                (is (= 2 @actual-count)))))))))
+                (is (= false (.await countdown 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
+                (is (= 2 @actual-count))
+                ;; Clear the latch so the webserver can shutdown
+                (clear-latch countdown))))))))
   (testing "passing client route limit of 0 selects default behavior (a limit of 2)"
     (let [actual-count (atom 0)
@@ -689,8 +696,10 @@
            (testing "clojure persistent async client"
              (with-open [client (async/create-client {:max-connections-per-route 0})]
                (dotimes [n 10] (future (common/get client url {:as :text})))
-               (is (= false (.await countdown 5 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
-               (is (= 2 @actual-count)))))))))
+               (is (= false (.await countdown 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
+               (is (= 2 @actual-count))
+               ;; Clear the latch so the webserver can shutdown
+               (clear-latch countdown))))))))
   (testing "client limits specified requests per route"
@@ -708,8 +717,10 @@
            (testing "clojure persistent async client"
              (with-open [client (async/create-client {:max-connections-per-route 3})]
                (dotimes [n 10] (future (common/get client url {:as :text})))
-               (is (= false (.await countdown 5 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
-               (is (= 3 @actual-count)))))))))
+               (is (= false (.await countdown 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
+               (is (= 3 @actual-count))
+               ;; Clear the latch so the webserver can shutdown
+               (clear-latch countdown))))))))
   (testing "client route limit of 11 does not limit requests per route when less than 11"
     (let [actual-count (atom 0)
@@ -745,5 +756,7 @@
              (with-open [client (async/create-client {:max-connections-per-route 11
                                                       :max-connections-total 3})]
                (dotimes [n 10] (future (common/get client url {:as :text})))
-               (is (= false (.await countdown 5 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
-               (is (= 3 @actual-count))))))))))
+               (is (= false (.await countdown 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)))
+               (is (= 3 @actual-count))
+               ;; Clear the latch so the webserver can shutdown
+               (clear-latch countdown)))))))))

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   (apply str "xxxx" (repeatedly (/ data-size 35) #(UUID/randomUUID))))
-(defn successful-handler
+(defn streaming-handler
   "A Ring handler that asynchronously sends some data, waits for confirmation the data has been received then sends
   some more data"
   [data send-more-data]
@@ -39,32 +39,19 @@
       {:status 200
        :body instream})))
-(defn blocking-handler
-  "A Ring handler that sends some data but then never closes the socket"
-  [data]
-  (fn [_]
-    (let [outstream (PipedOutputStream.)
-          instream (PipedInputStream.)]
-      (.connect instream outstream)
-      ;; Return the response immediately and asynchronously stream some data into it
-      (future
-       (.write outstream (.getBytes data)))
-      {:status 200
-       :body instream})))
 (defn- clojure-non-blocking-streaming
-  "Stream 32M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't buffer it all. Checks the data is
+  "Stream 1M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't buffer it all. Checks the data is
   streamed in a non-blocking manner i.e some data is received by the client before the server has finished
-   (let [data (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024))
+   (let [data (generate-data (* 1024 1024))
          opts {:as :unbuffered-stream :decompress-body decompress-body?}]
      (testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
        (let [send-more-data (promise)]
-          (successful-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+          (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
           (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
                                                    :socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
             (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
@@ -78,19 +65,21 @@
                 (is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream)))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
      (testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
-       (try
-         (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-          (blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-          (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
-                                                   :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
-            (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
-                  {:keys [body error]} response]
-              (is (nil? error))
-              ;; Consume the body to get the exception
-              (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))))
-         (catch TimeoutException e
-                ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-                nil)))
+       (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+         (try
+           (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+             (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+             (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
+                                                      :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
+               (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
+                     {:keys [body error]} response]
+                 (is (nil? error))
+                 ;; Consume the body to get the exception
+                 (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))))
+                 (deliver send-more-data true))
+           (catch TimeoutException e
+             ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+             nil))))
      (testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
        (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100})]
@@ -100,11 +89,11 @@
            (is (instance? ConnectException error))))))))
 (deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
-  (testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and no decompression"
+  (testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1MB payload and no decompression"
     (clojure-non-blocking-streaming false)))
 (deftest clojure-non-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
-  (testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and decompression"
+  (testing "clojure :unbuffered-stream with 1MB payload and decompression"
     (clojure-non-blocking-streaming true)))
 (defn- clojure-blocking-streaming
@@ -114,7 +103,7 @@
    (testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
-      (successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+      (streaming-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
       (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
                                                :socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000})]
         (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
@@ -127,17 +116,19 @@
             (is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
    (testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
-     (try
-       (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-        (blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-        (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
-                                                 :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
-          (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
-                {:keys [error]} response]
-            (is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error)))))
-       (catch TimeoutException e
-         ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-         nil)))
+     (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+       (try
+         (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+           (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+           (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
+                                                    :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200})]
+             (let [response @(common/get client (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello") opts)
+                   {:keys [error]} response]
+               (is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error))))
+               (deliver send-more-data true))
+         (catch TimeoutException e
+           ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+           nil))))
    (testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
@@ -168,25 +159,25 @@
     (clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))
 (deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-without-decompression
-  (testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and no decompression"
-    (clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
+  (testing "clojure :stream with 1M payload and no decompression"
+    (clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body false})))
 (deftest clojure-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-with-decompression
-  (testing "clojure :stream with 32M payload and decompression"
-    (clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))
+  (testing "clojure :stream with 1M payload and decompression"
+    (clojure-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 1024 1024)) {:as :stream :decompress-body true})))
 (defn- java-non-blocking-streaming
-  "Stream 32M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't buffer it all. Checks the data is
-  streamed in a non-blocking manner i.e some data is received by the client before the server has finished
-  transmission"
+  "Stream 1M of data (roughly) which is large enough to ensure the client won't
+  buffer it all. Checks the data is streamed in a non-blocking manner i.e some
+  data is received by the client before the server has finished transmission"
-    (let [data (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024))]
+    (let [data (generate-data (* 1024 1024))]
       (testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
         (let [send-more-data (promise)]
-            (successful-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+            (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
             (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
                                    (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
                                    (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
@@ -206,25 +197,27 @@
                   (is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream)))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
       (testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
-        (try
-          (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-            (blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-            (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
-                                   (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
-                                   (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
-                                   (Async/createClient))]
-              (let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
-                                      (.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
-                                      (.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
-                    response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
-                    body (.getBody response)
-                    error (.getError response)]
-                (is (nil? error))
-                ;; Consume the body to get the exception
-                (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))))
-          (catch TimeoutException e
-            ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-            nil)))
+        (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+          (try
+            (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+              (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+              (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
+                                     (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
+                                     (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
+                                     (Async/createClient))]
+                (let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
+                                        (.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM)
+                                        (.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
+                      response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
+                      body (.getBody response)
+                      error (.getError response)]
+                  (is (nil? error))
+                  ;; Consume the body to get the exception
+                  (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))))
+              (deliver send-more-data true))
+            (catch TimeoutException e
+              ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+              nil))))
       (testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
@@ -240,11 +233,11 @@
             (is (instance? ConnectException error))))))))
 (deftest java-non-blocking-streaming-without-decompression
-  (testing "java :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and no decompression"
+  (testing "java :unbuffered-stream with 1MB payload and no decompression"
     (java-non-blocking-streaming false)))
 (deftest java-non-blocking-streaming-with-decompression
-  (testing "java :unbuffered-stream with 32MB payload and decompression"
+  (testing "java :unbuffered-stream with 1MB payload and decompression"
     (java-non-blocking-streaming true)))
 (defn- java-blocking-streaming
@@ -254,7 +247,7 @@
     (testing " - check data can be streamed successfully"
-        (successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+        (streaming-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
         (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
                                (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
                                (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
@@ -273,22 +266,24 @@
               (is (= (str data "yyyy") (str "xxxx" (slurp instream))))))))) ;; Read the rest and validate
     (testing " - check socket timeout is handled"
-      (try
-        (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-          (blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-          (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
-                                 (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
-                                 (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
-                                 (Async/createClient))]
-            (let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
-                                    (.setAs response-body-type)
-                                    (.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
-                  response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
-                  error (.getError response)]
-              (is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error)))))
-        (catch TimeoutException e
-          ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-          nil)))
+      (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+        (try
+          (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+            (streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+            (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
+                                   (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
+                                   (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
+                                   (Async/createClient))]
+              (let [request-options (doto (RequestOptions. (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello"))
+                                      (.setAs response-body-type)
+                                      (.setDecompressBody decompress-body?))
+                    response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
+                    error (.getError response)]
+                (is (instance? SocketTimeoutException error))))
+            (deliver send-more-data true))
+          (catch TimeoutException e
+            ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+            nil))))
     (testing " - check connection timeout is handled"
@@ -324,9 +319,9 @@
     (java-blocking-streaming (generate-data 1024) ResponseBodyType/STREAM true)))
 (deftest java-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-without-decompression
-  (testing "java :stream with 32M payload and no decompression"
-    (java-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) ResponseBodyType/STREAM false)))
+  (testing "java :stream with 1M payload and no decompression"
+    (java-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 1024 1024)) ResponseBodyType/STREAM false)))
 (deftest java-existing-streaming-with-large-payload-with-decompression
-  (testing "java :stream with 32M payload and decompression"
-    (java-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 32 1024 1024)) ResponseBodyType/STREAM true)))
+  (testing "java :stream with 1M payload and decompression"
+    (java-blocking-streaming (generate-data (* 1024 1024)) ResponseBodyType/STREAM true)))

@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@
      (testing "metrics work for a successful request"
        (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
-          (unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+          (unbuffered-test/streaming-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
           (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
                                  (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 20000)
                                  (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
@@ -486,52 +486,54 @@
                   (is (<= 1000 (.getMean full-response-data)))
                   (is (<= 1000 (.getAggregate full-response-data))))))))))
      (testing "metrics work for failed request"
-       (try
-         (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-          (unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-          (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
-            (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
-                                   (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
-                                   (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
-                                   (.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
-                                   (Async/createClient))]
-              (let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")
-                    request-options (doto (RequestOptions. url)
-                                      (.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
-                    response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
-                    error (.getError response)
-                    body (.getBody response)]
-                (is (nil? error))
-                (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))
-                (let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
-                      client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
-                      client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
-                      full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
-                      full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
-                                                          metric-namespace url)]
-                  (is (= [full-response-name]
-                         (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers client-metrics))
-                         (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))))
-                  (is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
-                         (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))
-                         (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
-                  (is (= [] (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
-                         (.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)))
-                  (is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
-                              (concat (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
-                                      (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))))
-                  (let [full-response-data (first (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))]
-                    (is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
-                                (concat (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
-                                        (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
-                    (is (= 1 (.getCount full-response-data)))
-                    (is (= full-response-name (.getMetricName full-response-data)))
-                    (is (<= 200 (.getMean full-response-data)))
-                    (is (<= 200 (.getAggregate full-response-data)))))))))
-         (catch TimeoutException e
-           ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-           ))))))
+       (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+         (try
+           (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+             (unbuffered-test/streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+             (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
+               (with-open [client (-> (ClientOptions.)
+                                      (.setSocketTimeoutMilliseconds 200)
+                                      (.setConnectTimeoutMilliseconds 100)
+                                      (.setMetricRegistry metric-registry)
+                                      (Async/createClient))]
+                 (let [url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")
+                       request-options (doto (RequestOptions. url)
+                                         (.setAs ResponseBodyType/UNBUFFERED_STREAM))
+                       response (-> client (.get request-options) .deref)
+                       error (.getError response)
+                       body (.getBody response)]
+                   (is (nil? error))
+                   (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body)))
+                   (let [client-metric-registry (.getMetricRegistry client)
+                         client-metrics (Metrics/getClientMetrics client-metric-registry)
+                         client-metrics-data (Metrics/getClientMetricsData client-metric-registry)
+                         full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
+                         full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
+                                                                metric-namespace url)]
+                     (is (= [full-response-name]
+                            (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlTimers client-metrics))
+                            (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))))
+                     (is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
+                            (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))
+                            (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
+                     (is (= [] (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)
+                            (.getMetricIdData client-metrics-data)))
+                     (is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
+                                 (concat (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)
+                                         (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics))))
+                     (let [full-response-data (first (.getUrlData client-metrics-data))]
+                       (is (every? #(instance? ClientMetricData %)
+                                   (concat (.getUrlData client-metrics-data)
+                                           (.getUrlAndMethodData client-metrics-data))))
+                       (is (= 1 (.getCount full-response-data)))
+                       (is (= full-response-name (.getMetricName full-response-data)))
+                       (is (<= 200 (.getMean full-response-data)))
+                       (is (<= 200 (.getAggregate full-response-data)))))))
+               (deliver send-more-data true)))
+           (catch TimeoutException e
+             ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+             )))))))
 (deftest clojure-metrics-for-unbuffered-streaming-test
@@ -540,7 +542,7 @@
      (testing "metrics work for a successful request"
        (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)]
-          (unbuffered-test/successful-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+          (unbuffered-test/streaming-handler data nil) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
           (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
                                                    :socket-timeout-milliseconds 20000
                                                    :metric-registry metric-registry})]
@@ -576,43 +578,45 @@
                   (is (<= 1000 (:mean full-response-data)))
                   (is (<= 1000 (:aggregate full-response-data))))))))))
      (testing "metrics work for a failed request"
-       (try
-         (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
-          (unbuffered-test/blocking-handler data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
-          (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
-                url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
-            (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
-                                                     :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200
-                                                     :metric-registry metric-registry})]
-              (let [response @(common/get client url opts)
-                    {:keys [body error]} response]
-                (is (nil? error))
-                ;; Consume the body to get the exception
-                (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))
-              (let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
-                    client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
-                    client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
-                    full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
-                    full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
-                                                        metric-namespace url)]
-                (is (= [full-response-name]
-                       (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url client-metrics))
-                       (map :metric-name (:url client-metrics-data))))
-                (is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
-                       (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url-and-method client-metrics))
-                       (map :metric-name (:url-and-method client-metrics-data))))
-                (is (= [] (:metric-id client-metrics) (:metric-id client-metrics-data)))
-                (is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
-                            (concat (:url client-metrics)
-                                    (:url-and-method client-metrics))))
-                (let [full-response-data (first (:url client-metrics-data))]
-                  (is (= {:count 1 :metric-name full-response-name}
-                         (select-keys full-response-data [:metric-name :count])))
-                  (is (<= 200 (:mean full-response-data)))
-                  (is (<= 200 (:aggregate full-response-data))))))))
-         (catch TimeoutException e
-           ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
-           ))))))
+       (let [send-more-data (promise)]
+         (try
+           (testwebserver/with-test-webserver-and-config
+             (unbuffered-test/streaming-handler data send-more-data) port {:shutdown-timeout-seconds 1}
+             (let [metric-registry (MetricRegistry.)
+                   url (str "http://localhost:" port "/hello")]
+               (with-open [client (async/create-client {:connect-timeout-milliseconds 100
+                                                        :socket-timeout-milliseconds 200
+                                                        :metric-registry metric-registry})]
+                 (let [response @(common/get client url opts)
+                       {:keys [body error]} response]
+                   (is (nil? error))
+                   ;; Consume the body to get the exception
+                   (is (thrown? SocketTimeoutException (slurp body))))
+                 (let [client-metric-registry (common/get-client-metric-registry client)
+                       client-metrics (metrics/get-client-metrics client-metric-registry)
+                       client-metrics-data (metrics/get-client-metrics-data client-metric-registry)
+                       full-response-name (format "%s.with-url.%s.full-response" metric-namespace url)
+                       full-response-name-with-method (format "%s.with-url-and-method.%s.GET.full-response"
+                                                              metric-namespace url)]
+                   (is (= [full-response-name]
+                          (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url client-metrics))
+                          (map :metric-name (:url client-metrics-data))))
+                   (is (= [full-response-name-with-method]
+                          (map #(.getMetricName %) (:url-and-method client-metrics))
+                          (map :metric-name (:url-and-method client-metrics-data))))
+                   (is (= [] (:metric-id client-metrics) (:metric-id client-metrics-data)))
+                   (is (every? #(instance? ClientTimer %)
+                               (concat (:url client-metrics)
+                                       (:url-and-method client-metrics))))
+                   (let [full-response-data (first (:url client-metrics-data))]
+                     (is (= {:count 1 :metric-name full-response-name}
+                            (select-keys full-response-data [:metric-name :count])))
+                     (is (<= 200 (:mean full-response-data)))
+                     (is (<= 200 (:aggregate full-response-data))))))
+               (deliver send-more-data true)))
+           (catch TimeoutException e
+             ;; Expected whenever a server-side failure is generated
+             )))))))
 (deftest metric-namespace-test
   (let [metric-prefix "my-metric-prefix"
@@ -797,4 +801,4 @@
                  metric-names (set (map #(.getMetricName %) (.getMetricIdTimers client-metrics)))]
              (is (.isEmpty (.getUrlTimers client-metrics)))
              (is (.isEmpty (.getUrlAndMethodTimers client-metrics)))
-             (is (= #{long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name} metric-names)))))))))
\ No newline at end of file
+             (is (= #{long-foo-name long-foo-bar-name} metric-names)))))))))

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