tomcat4 bugs

Martin Michlmayr tbm at
Wed Aug 9 19:08:37 UTC 2006

tomcat4 has been removed, apparetly because it has been "superseded by
tomcat5".  Can someone please check which of the following bugs apply
to tomcat5, reassign those and close the rest.  Thanks.

146644: wishlist: A init.d style for the tomcat start?
153801: wishlist: tomcat4: doesn't write the auto config file
202043: minor: Jikes Compiler misses rt.jar in classpath
248267: wishlist: Please move tomcat-users.xml to /etc/tomcat
268002: wishlist: tomcat4: server.xml is publically readable so any user can shutdown
270248: normal: tomcat4: rotatelogs2 keeps stdout/stderr busy
279839: important: tomcat4: Server dies reproducibly with "cannot open display" when using JButton in .jsp.
281502: normal: tomcat4: don't work with contineo
284833: minor: superfluous directory in catalina_home?
292448: normal: tomcat4 doesn't start unless tomcat4-webapps is installed
294707: important: tomcat4: Tomcat ignores "allowLinking" resource on restart (not reload) from manager
294741: important: Foreign characters lost at start (Bad UTF-8 decoding)
296868: normal: tomcat4: memory leak
299635: wishlist: NAME definition in /etc/init.d/tomcat4
303728: normal: tomcat4: does not start debugger with option -debug
304543: wishlist: SableVM
316580: normal: tomcat4 with kaffe and security manager does not start
322227: normal: tomcat does not start without tomcat4-webapps installed
324845: normal: tomcat4: Stopping Tomcat with a cronjob sometimes crashs the System!
358712: important: mysql-server-4.1: initscript start and stop level should be less than 20
370766: serious: tomcat4 MUST depend on tomcat4-webapps
274111: normal: Tomcat4-admin won't load on tomcat startup, because struts-legacy.jar is missing

Martin Michlmayr

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