Bug#911078: triplea: Fails to start with NullPointerException

Markus Koschany apo at debian.org
Thu Nov 22 23:19:27 GMT 2018


Am 22.11.18 um 23:09 schrieb Dan Van Atta:
>> Presumably the latest Substance binaries have fixed this issue.
> I'm eager for confirmation that this looks to be fixed, I'm happy to
> help with what I can in that effort.

Thank you very much for responding to this bug report. I'm not 100% sure
though what you mean by "the latest Substance binaries have fixed this
issue". In Debian we use a fork of substance called insubstantial.


If I recall correctly the old substance package had some serious issues
and didn't even compile anymore. However insubstantial hasn't received
any updates in the past years either.


It would be great if you could point us to the aforementioned fix. But
to be honest it would be even greater if you or someone else from the
community lent a helping in hand in keeping triplea up-to-date because I
fear the original uploader/maintainer is no longer active. I have done
the previous updates to keep the game in Debian but it is unlikely that
I will update the game on a more regular basis.

In any case I would sponsor patches and updates or you can also make a
pull request on salsa.debian.org if you prefer that work flow.




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