Bug#1006647: libeclipse-jdt-core-java 4.21 breaks Java 8 compatibility for Tomcat

Per Lundberg per.lundberg at hibox.tv
Wed Mar 2 10:54:15 GMT 2022

reassign 1006647 tomcat9

This might better belong to this package, since the problem is that 
tomcat9-common depends on default-jre-headless | java8-runtime-headless 
| java8-runtime, while in reality it requires Java 11. (because of 
Eclipse JDT 4.21, see original bug report for details)

If we are unable to fully resolve this, I think that we should at least 
fix these incorrect dependencies to make the package depend on 
"default-jre-headless | java11-runtime-headless | java11-runtime" 
instead. But as previously mentioned, I would much rather see us move to 
Eclipse JDT 4.20 instead so we can retain Java 8 support until Debian at 
some point upgrades to Tomcat 10.1 (at which point requiring Java 11 is 

Best regards,

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