Bug#1058797: RM: tomcat9 -- NBS; "only one Tomcat version is supported"

Chris Hofstaedtler zeha at debian.org
Sat Dec 16 16:47:07 GMT 2023

Package: ftp.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: ftp.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: remove
X-Debbugs-Cc: tomcat9 at packages.debian.org
Control: affects -1 + src:tomcat9

Dear ftpmasters,

please remove tomcat9 9.0.70-1, with these binary packages:

libtomcat9-embed-java |   9.0.70-1 | all
  tomcat9 |   9.0.70-1 | all
tomcat9-admin |   9.0.70-1 | all
tomcat9-common |   9.0.70-1 | all
tomcat9-docs |   9.0.70-1 | all
tomcat9-examples |   9.0.70-1 | all
tomcat9-user |   9.0.70-1 | all

This will break dogtag-pki, but its already been removed from testing
since May 2023, exactly because of this dependency being broken.

tomcat9 9.0.70-2 and its libtomcat9-java binary should stay for now.

Additional discussion can be found in #1034824.


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