Bug#1013594: insubstantial: FTBFS: Caused by: : java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 33

Jerome Charaoui jerome at riseup.net
Sat Feb 25 21:32:02 GMT 2023

Control: user debian-release at lists.debian.org
Control: usertag -1 + bsp-2023-02-ca-montreal


I've worked on this today: I can confirm the FTBFS issue occurs
consistently, but I wasn't able to find a solution.

Upstream isn't much help here: 7.3 is the latest release and was tagged
in 2014 (9 years ago) and the project is now archived/read-only on

If we removed this from Debian, notable packages affected would be
include triplea and scilab.


-- Jérôme

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