Bug#1032164: bouncycastle: inconsistency in debian/rules?

Thomas Uhle thomas.uhle at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Tue Feb 28 21:08:12 GMT 2023

Source: bouncycastle
Version: 1.72-1
Severity: normal

Dear maintainers,

I wonder why in debian/rules the pom files were synchronized with the 
ones from Maven having the suffix "-jdk18on" while for building the binary 
packages still "ant/jdk15+.xml" is used instead of "ant/jdk18+.xml".

On Maven Central, the two versions of BouncyCastle jar files with the 
suffices "-jdk18on" and "-jdk15to18" differ in the point that unlike the 
latter the ones with the suffix "-jdk18on" are multi-release jar files 
which also support some features that have been introduced in newer Java 
releases (9, 11 and 15), and so could speed up some computations.

Debian's versions of the jar files seem to match the ones from Maven with 
the suffix "-jdk15to18" but the pom files in 
/usr/share/maven-repo/org/bouncycastle/*/1.72/ claim that they match the 
ones with the suffix "-jdk18on".  This seems to be inconsistent.

Could this be or become a problem?

Best regards,

Thomas Uhle

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