[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-tar] 01/03: Imported Upstream version 1.0.3

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Mar 14 00:34:45 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastic pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-tar.

commit 6f0d67714589d6123712045dbe0d8cc538ff189a
Author: Bas Couwenberg <sebastic at xs4all.nl>
Date:   Fri Mar 13 23:03:05 2015 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 1.0.3
 .gitignore                    |   5 +
 .travis.yml                   |   4 +
 LICENCE                       |  25 ++
 README.md                     |  48 +++
 examples/extracter.js         |  19 +
 examples/packer.js            |  24 ++
 examples/reader.js            |  36 ++
 lib/buffer-entry.js           |  30 ++
 lib/entry-writer.js           | 169 ++++++++
 lib/entry.js                  | 213 ++++++++++
 lib/extended-header-writer.js | 191 +++++++++
 lib/extended-header.js        | 140 +++++++
 lib/extract.js                |  86 ++++
 lib/global-header-writer.js   |  14 +
 lib/header.js                 | 385 +++++++++++++++++
 lib/pack.js                   | 231 +++++++++++
 lib/parse.js                  | 271 ++++++++++++
 package.json                  |  26 ++
 tar.js                        | 173 ++++++++
 test/00-setup-fixtures.js     |  53 +++
 test/extract-move.js          | 132 ++++++
 test/extract.js               | 367 +++++++++++++++++
 test/fixtures.tgz             | Bin 0 -> 19352 bytes
 test/header.js                | 183 +++++++++
 test/pack-no-proprietary.js   | 886 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/pack.js                  | 934 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/parse.js                 | 359 ++++++++++++++++
 test/zz-cleanup.js            |  20 +
 28 files changed, 5024 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c167ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca8ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+language: node_js
+  - 0.10
+  - 0.11
diff --git a/LICENCE b/LICENCE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74489e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) Isaac Z. Schlueter
+All rights reserved.
+The BSD License
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..424a278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# node-tar
+Tar for Node.js.
+## API
+See `examples/` for usage examples.
+### var tar = require('tar')
+Returns an object with `.Pack`, `.Extract` and `.Parse` methods.
+### tar.Pack([properties])
+Returns a through stream. Use
+[fstream](https://npmjs.org/package/fstream) to write files into the
+pack stream and you will receive tar archive data from the pack
+This only works with directories, it does not work with individual files.
+The optional `properties` object are used to set properties in the tar
+'Global Extended Header'.
+### tar.Extract([options])
+Returns a through stream. Write tar data to the stream and the files
+in the tarball will be extracted onto the filesystem.
+`options` can be:
+  path: '/path/to/extract/tar/into',
+  strip: 0, // how many path segments to strip from the root when extracting
+`options` also get passed to the `fstream.Writer` instance that `tar`
+uses internally.
+### tar.Parse()
+Returns a writable stream. Write tar data to it and it will emit
+`entry` events for each entry parsed from the tarball. This is used by
diff --git a/examples/extracter.js b/examples/extracter.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6253a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/extracter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+function onError(err) {
+  console.error('An error occurred:', err)
+function onEnd() {
+  console.log('Extracted!')
+var extractor = tar.Extract({path: __dirname + "/extract"})
+  .on('error', onError)
+  .on('end', onEnd);
+fs.createReadStream(__dirname + "/../test/fixtures/c.tar")
+  .on('error', onError)
+  .pipe(extractor);
diff --git a/examples/packer.js b/examples/packer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039969c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/packer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+var dirDest = fs.createWriteStream('dir.tar')
+function onError(err) {
+  console.error('An error occurred:', err)
+function onEnd() {
+  console.log('Packed!')
+var packer = tar.Pack({ noProprietary: true })
+  .on('error', onError)
+  .on('end', onEnd);
+// This must be a "directory"
+fstream.Reader({ path: __dirname, type: "Directory" })
+  .on('error', onError)
+  .pipe(packer)
+  .pipe(dirDest)
diff --git a/examples/reader.js b/examples/reader.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39f3f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/reader.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+fs.createReadStream(__dirname + "/../test/fixtures/c.tar")
+  .pipe(tar.Parse())
+  .on("extendedHeader", function (e) {
+    console.error("extended pax header", e.props)
+    e.on("end", function () {
+      console.error("extended pax fields:", e.fields)
+    })
+  })
+  .on("ignoredEntry", function (e) {
+    console.error("ignoredEntry?!?", e.props)
+  })
+  .on("longLinkpath", function (e) {
+    console.error("longLinkpath entry", e.props)
+    e.on("end", function () {
+      console.error("value=%j", e.body.toString())
+    })
+  })
+  .on("longPath", function (e) {
+    console.error("longPath entry", e.props)
+    e.on("end", function () {
+      console.error("value=%j", e.body.toString())
+    })
+  })
+  .on("entry", function (e) {
+    console.error("entry", e.props)
+    e.on("data", function (c) {
+      console.error("  >>>" + c.toString().replace(/\n/g, "\\n"))
+    })
+    e.on("end", function () {
+      console.error("  <<<EOF")
+    })
+  })
diff --git a/lib/buffer-entry.js b/lib/buffer-entry.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1da23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/buffer-entry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// just like the Entry class, but it buffers the contents
+// XXX It would be good to set a maximum BufferEntry filesize,
+// since it eats up memory.  In normal operation,
+// these are only for long filenames or link names, which are
+// rarely very big.
+module.exports = BufferEntry
+var inherits = require("inherits")
+  , Entry = require("./entry.js")
+function BufferEntry () {
+  Entry.apply(this, arguments)
+  this._buffer = new Buffer(this.props.size)
+  this._offset = 0
+  this.body = ""
+  this.on("end", function () {
+    this.body = this._buffer.toString().slice(0, -1)
+  })
+inherits(BufferEntry, Entry)
+// collect the bytes as they come in.
+BufferEntry.prototype.write = function (c) {
+  c.copy(this._buffer, this._offset)
+  this._offset += c.length
+  Entry.prototype.write.call(this, c)
diff --git a/lib/entry-writer.js b/lib/entry-writer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e09042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/entry-writer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+module.exports = EntryWriter
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , TarHeader = require("./header.js")
+  , Entry = require("./entry.js")
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , BlockStream = require("block-stream")
+  , ExtendedHeaderWriter
+  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
+  , EOF = {}
+inherits(EntryWriter, Stream)
+function EntryWriter (props) {
+  var me = this
+  if (!(me instanceof EntryWriter)) {
+    return new EntryWriter(props)
+  }
+  Stream.apply(this)
+  me.writable = true
+  me.readable = true
+  me._stream = new BlockStream(512)
+  me._stream.on("data", function (c) {
+    me.emit("data", c)
+  })
+  me._stream.on("drain", function () {
+    me.emit("drain")
+  })
+  me._stream.on("end", function () {
+    me.emit("end")
+    me.emit("close")
+  })
+  me.props = props
+  if (props.type === "Directory") {
+    props.size = 0
+  }
+  props.ustar = "ustar\0"
+  props.ustarver = "00"
+  me.path = props.path
+  me._buffer = []
+  me._didHeader = false
+  me._meta = false
+  me.on("pipe", function () {
+    me._process()
+  })
+EntryWriter.prototype.write = function (c) {
+  // console.error(".. ew write")
+  if (this._ended) return this.emit("error", new Error("write after end"))
+  this._buffer.push(c)
+  this._process()
+  this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0
+  return !this._needDrain
+EntryWriter.prototype.end = function (c) {
+  // console.error(".. ew end")
+  if (c) this._buffer.push(c)
+  this._buffer.push(EOF)
+  this._ended = true
+  this._process()
+  this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0
+EntryWriter.prototype.pause = function () {
+  // console.error(".. ew pause")
+  this._paused = true
+  this.emit("pause")
+EntryWriter.prototype.resume = function () {
+  // console.error(".. ew resume")
+  this._paused = false
+  this.emit("resume")
+  this._process()
+EntryWriter.prototype.add = function (entry) {
+  // console.error(".. ew add")
+  if (!this.parent) return this.emit("error", new Error("no parent"))
+  // make sure that the _header and such is emitted, and clear out
+  // the _currentEntry link on the parent.
+  if (!this._ended) this.end()
+  return this.parent.add(entry)
+EntryWriter.prototype._header = function () {
+  // console.error(".. ew header")
+  if (this._didHeader) return
+  this._didHeader = true
+  var headerBlock = TarHeader.encode(this.props)
+  if (this.props.needExtended && !this._meta) {
+    var me = this
+    ExtendedHeaderWriter = ExtendedHeaderWriter ||
+      require("./extended-header-writer.js")
+    ExtendedHeaderWriter(this.props)
+      .on("data", function (c) {
+        me.emit("data", c)
+      })
+      .on("error", function (er) {
+        me.emit("error", er)
+      })
+      .end()
+  }
+  // console.error(".. .. ew headerBlock emitting")
+  this.emit("data", headerBlock)
+  this.emit("header")
+EntryWriter.prototype._process = function () {
+  // console.error(".. .. ew process")
+  if (!this._didHeader && !this._meta) {
+    this._header()
+  }
+  if (this._paused || this._processing) {
+    // console.error(".. .. .. paused=%j, processing=%j", this._paused, this._processing)
+    return
+  }
+  this._processing = true
+  var buf = this._buffer
+  for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i ++) {
+    // console.error(".. .. .. i=%d", i)
+    var c = buf[i]
+    if (c === EOF) this._stream.end()
+    else this._stream.write(c)
+    if (this._paused) {
+      // console.error(".. .. .. paused mid-emission")
+      this._processing = false
+      if (i < buf.length) {
+        this._needDrain = true
+        this._buffer = buf.slice(i + 1)
+      }
+      return
+    }
+  }
+  // console.error(".. .. .. emitted")
+  this._buffer.length = 0
+  this._processing = false
+  // console.error(".. .. .. emitting drain")
+  this.emit("drain")
+EntryWriter.prototype.destroy = function () {}
diff --git a/lib/entry.js b/lib/entry.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af5c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/entry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// A passthrough read/write stream that sets its properties
+// based on a header, extendedHeader, and globalHeader
+// Can be either a file system object of some sort, or
+// a pax/ustar metadata entry.
+module.exports = Entry
+var TarHeader = require("./header.js")
+  , tar = require("../tar")
+  , assert = require("assert").ok
+  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , fstream = require("fstream").Abstract
+function Entry (header, extended, global) {
+  Stream.call(this)
+  this.readable = true
+  this.writable = true
+  this._needDrain = false
+  this._paused = false
+  this._reading = false
+  this._ending = false
+  this._ended = false
+  this._remaining = 0
+  this._queue = []
+  this._index = 0
+  this._queueLen = 0
+  this._read = this._read.bind(this)
+  this.props = {}
+  this._header = header
+  this._extended = extended || {}
+  // globals can change throughout the course of
+  // a file parse operation.  Freeze it at its current state.
+  this._global = {}
+  var me = this
+  Object.keys(global || {}).forEach(function (g) {
+    me._global[g] = global[g]
+  })
+  this._setProps()
+inherits(Entry, Stream)
+Entry.prototype.write = function (c) {
+  if (this._ending) this.error("write() after end()", null, true)
+  if (this._remaining === 0) {
+    this.error("invalid bytes past eof")
+  }
+  // often we'll get a bunch of \0 at the end of the last write,
+  // since chunks will always be 512 bytes when reading a tarball.
+  if (c.length > this._remaining) {
+    c = c.slice(0, this._remaining)
+  }
+  this._remaining -= c.length
+  // put it on the stack.
+  var ql = this._queueLen
+  this._queue.push(c)
+  this._queueLen ++
+  this._read()
+  // either paused, or buffered
+  if (this._paused || ql > 0) {
+    this._needDrain = true
+    return false
+  }
+  return true
+Entry.prototype.end = function (c) {
+  if (c) this.write(c)
+  this._ending = true
+  this._read()
+Entry.prototype.pause = function () {
+  this._paused = true
+  this.emit("pause")
+Entry.prototype.resume = function () {
+  // console.error("    Tar Entry resume", this.path)
+  this.emit("resume")
+  this._paused = false
+  this._read()
+  return this._queueLen - this._index > 1
+  // This is bound to the instance
+Entry.prototype._read = function () {
+  // console.error("    Tar Entry _read", this.path)
+  if (this._paused || this._reading || this._ended) return
+  // set this flag so that event handlers don't inadvertently
+  // get multiple _read() calls running.
+  this._reading = true
+  // have any data to emit?
+  while (this._index < this._queueLen && !this._paused) {
+    var chunk = this._queue[this._index ++]
+    this.emit("data", chunk)
+  }
+  // check if we're drained
+  if (this._index >= this._queueLen) {
+    this._queue.length = this._queueLen = this._index = 0
+    if (this._needDrain) {
+      this._needDrain = false
+      this.emit("drain")
+    }
+    if (this._ending) {
+      this._ended = true
+      this.emit("end")
+    }
+  }
+  // if the queue gets too big, then pluck off whatever we can.
+  // this should be fairly rare.
+  var mql = this._maxQueueLen
+  if (this._queueLen > mql && this._index > 0) {
+    mql = Math.min(this._index, mql)
+    this._index -= mql
+    this._queueLen -= mql
+    this._queue = this._queue.slice(mql)
+  }
+  this._reading = false
+Entry.prototype._setProps = function () {
+  // props = extended->global->header->{}
+  var header = this._header
+    , extended = this._extended
+    , global = this._global
+    , props = this.props
+  // first get the values from the normal header.
+  var fields = tar.fields
+  for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
+    var field = fields[f]
+      , val = header[field]
+    if (typeof val !== "undefined") props[field] = val
+  }
+  // next, the global header for this file.
+  // numeric values, etc, will have already been parsed.
+  ;[global, extended].forEach(function (p) {
+    Object.keys(p).forEach(function (f) {
+      if (typeof p[f] !== "undefined") props[f] = p[f]
+    })
+  })
+  // no nulls allowed in path or linkpath
+  ;["path", "linkpath"].forEach(function (p) {
+    if (props.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+      props[p] = props[p].split("\0")[0]
+    }
+  })
+  // set date fields to be a proper date
+  ;["mtime", "ctime", "atime"].forEach(function (p) {
+    if (props.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+      props[p] = new Date(props[p] * 1000)
+    }
+  })
+  // set the type so that we know what kind of file to create
+  var type
+  switch (tar.types[props.type]) {
+    case "OldFile":
+    case "ContiguousFile":
+      type = "File"
+      break
+    case "GNUDumpDir":
+      type = "Directory"
+      break
+    case undefined:
+      type = "Unknown"
+      break
+    case "Link":
+    case "SymbolicLink":
+    case "CharacterDevice":
+    case "BlockDevice":
+    case "Directory":
+    case "FIFO":
+    default:
+      type = tar.types[props.type]
+  }
+  this.type = type
+  this.path = props.path
+  this.size = props.size
+  // size is special, since it signals when the file needs to end.
+  this._remaining = props.size
+Entry.prototype.warn = fstream.warn
+Entry.prototype.error = fstream.error
diff --git a/lib/extended-header-writer.js b/lib/extended-header-writer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1728c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/extended-header-writer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+module.exports = ExtendedHeaderWriter
+var inherits = require("inherits")
+  , EntryWriter = require("./entry-writer.js")
+inherits(ExtendedHeaderWriter, EntryWriter)
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , TarHeader = require("./header.js")
+// props is the props of the thing we need to write an
+// extended header for.
+// Don't be shy with it.  Just encode everything.
+function ExtendedHeaderWriter (props) {
+  // console.error(">> ehw ctor")
+  var me = this
+  if (!(me instanceof ExtendedHeaderWriter)) {
+    return new ExtendedHeaderWriter(props)
+  }
+  me.fields = props
+  var p =
+    { path : ("PaxHeader" + path.join("/", props.path || ""))
+             .replace(/\\/g, "/").substr(0, 100)
+    , mode : props.mode || 0666
+    , uid : props.uid || 0
+    , gid : props.gid || 0
+    , size : 0 // will be set later
+    , mtime : props.mtime || Date.now() / 1000
+    , type : "x"
+    , linkpath : ""
+    , ustar : "ustar\0"
+    , ustarver : "00"
+    , uname : props.uname || ""
+    , gname : props.gname || ""
+    , devmaj : props.devmaj || 0
+    , devmin : props.devmin || 0
+    }
+  EntryWriter.call(me, p)
+  // console.error(">> ehw props", me.props)
+  me.props = p
+  me._meta = true
+ExtendedHeaderWriter.prototype.end = function () {
+  // console.error(">> ehw end")
+  var me = this
+  if (me._ended) return
+  me._ended = true
+  me._encodeFields()
+  if (me.props.size === 0) {
+    // nothing to write!
+    me._ready = true
+    me._stream.end()
+    return
+  }
+  me._stream.write(TarHeader.encode(me.props))
+  me.body.forEach(function (l) {
+    me._stream.write(l)
+  })
+  me._ready = true
+  // console.error(">> ehw _process calling end()", me.props)
+  this._stream.end()
+ExtendedHeaderWriter.prototype._encodeFields = function () {
+  // console.error(">> ehw _encodeFields")
+  this.body = []
+  if (this.fields.prefix) {
+    this.fields.path = this.fields.prefix + "/" + this.fields.path
+    this.fields.prefix = ""
+  }
+  encodeFields(this.fields, "", this.body, this.fields.noProprietary)
+  var me = this
+  this.body.forEach(function (l) {
+    me.props.size += l.length
+  })
+function encodeFields (fields, prefix, body, nop) {
+  // console.error(">> >> ehw encodeFields")
+  // "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
+  // The length is a decimal number, and includes itself and the \n
+  // Numeric values are decimal strings.
+  Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (k) {
+    var val = fields[k]
+      , numeric = tar.numeric[k]
+    if (prefix) k = prefix + "." + k
+    // already including NODETAR.type, don't need File=true also
+    if (k === fields.type && val === true) return
+    switch (k) {
+      // don't include anything that's always handled just fine
+      // in the normal header, or only meaningful in the context
+      // of nodetar
+      case "mode":
+      case "cksum":
+      case "ustar":
+      case "ustarver":
+      case "prefix":
+      case "basename":
+      case "dirname":
+      case "needExtended":
+      case "block":
+      case "filter":
+        return
+      case "rdev":
+        if (val === 0) return
+        break
+      case "nlink":
+      case "dev": // Truly a hero among men, Creator of Star!
+      case "ino": // Speak his name with reverent awe!  It is:
+        k = "SCHILY." + k
+        break
+      default: break
+    }
+    if (val && typeof val === "object" &&
+        !Buffer.isBuffer(val)) encodeFields(val, k, body, nop)
+    else if (val === null || val === undefined) return
+    else body.push.apply(body, encodeField(k, val, nop))
+  })
+  return body
+function encodeField (k, v, nop) {
+  // lowercase keys must be valid, otherwise prefix with
+  // "NODETAR."
+  if (k.charAt(0) === k.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
+    var m = k.split(".")[0]
+    if (!tar.knownExtended[m]) k = "NODETAR." + k
+  }
+  // no proprietary
+  if (nop && k.charAt(0) !== k.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
+    return []
+  }
+  if (typeof val === "number") val = val.toString(10)
+  var s = new Buffer(" " + k + "=" + v + "\n")
+    , digits = Math.floor(Math.log(s.length) / Math.log(10)) + 1
+  // console.error("1 s=%j digits=%j s.length=%d", s.toString(), digits, s.length)
+  // if adding that many digits will make it go over that length,
+  // then add one to it. For example, if the string is:
+  // " foo=bar\n"
+  // then that's 9 characters.  With the "9", that bumps the length
+  // up to 10.  However, this is invalid:
+  // "10 foo=bar\n"
+  // but, since that's actually 11 characters, since 10 adds another
+  // character to the length, and the length includes the number
+  // itself.  In that case, just bump it up again.
+  if (s.length + digits >= Math.pow(10, digits)) digits += 1
+  // console.error("2 s=%j digits=%j s.length=%d", s.toString(), digits, s.length)
+  var len = digits + s.length
+  // console.error("3 s=%j digits=%j s.length=%d len=%d", s.toString(), digits, s.length, len)
+  var lenBuf = new Buffer("" + len)
+  if (lenBuf.length + s.length !== len) {
+    throw new Error("Bad length calculation\n"+
+                    "len="+len+"\n"+
+                    "lenBuf="+JSON.stringify(lenBuf.toString())+"\n"+
+                    "lenBuf.length="+lenBuf.length+"\n"+
+                    "digits="+digits+"\n"+
+                    "s="+JSON.stringify(s.toString())+"\n"+
+                    "s.length="+s.length)
+  }
+  return [lenBuf, s]
diff --git a/lib/extended-header.js b/lib/extended-header.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f432c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/extended-header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// An Entry consisting of:
+// "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
+// The length is a decimal number, and includes itself and the \n
+// \0 does not terminate anything.  Only the length terminates the string.
+// Numeric values are decimal strings.
+module.exports = ExtendedHeader
+var Entry = require("./entry.js")
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , numeric = tar.numeric
+  , keyTrans = { "SCHILY.dev": "dev"
+               , "SCHILY.ino": "ino"
+               , "SCHILY.nlink": "nlink" }
+function ExtendedHeader () {
+  Entry.apply(this, arguments)
+  this.on("data", this._parse)
+  this.fields = {}
+  this._position = 0
+  this._fieldPos = 0
+  this._state = SIZE
+  this._sizeBuf = []
+  this._keyBuf = []
+  this._valBuf = []
+  this._size = -1
+  this._key = ""
+inherits(ExtendedHeader, Entry)
+ExtendedHeader.prototype._parse = parse
+var s = 0
+  , states = ExtendedHeader.states = {}
+  , SIZE = states.SIZE = s++
+  , KEY  = states.KEY  = s++
+  , VAL  = states.VAL  = s++
+  , ERR  = states.ERR  = s++
+Object.keys(states).forEach(function (s) {
+  states[states[s]] = states[s]
+states[s] = null
+// char code values for comparison
+var _0 = "0".charCodeAt(0)
+  , _9 = "9".charCodeAt(0)
+  , point = ".".charCodeAt(0)
+  , a = "a".charCodeAt(0)
+  , Z = "Z".charCodeAt(0)
+  , a = "a".charCodeAt(0)
+  , z = "z".charCodeAt(0)
+  , space = " ".charCodeAt(0)
+  , eq = "=".charCodeAt(0)
+  , cr = "\n".charCodeAt(0)
+function parse (c) {
+  if (this._state === ERR) return
+  for ( var i = 0, l = c.length
+      ; i < l
+      ; this._position++, this._fieldPos++, i++) {
+    // console.error("top of loop, size="+this._size)
+    var b = c[i]
+    if (this._size >= 0 && this._fieldPos > this._size) {
+      error(this, "field exceeds length="+this._size)
+      return
+    }
+    switch (this._state) {
+      case ERR: return
+      case SIZE:
+        // console.error("parsing size, b=%d, rest=%j", b, c.slice(i).toString())
+        if (b === space) {
+          this._state = KEY
+          // this._fieldPos = this._sizeBuf.length
+          this._size = parseInt(new Buffer(this._sizeBuf).toString(), 10)
+          this._sizeBuf.length = 0
+          continue
+        }
+        if (b < _0 || b > _9) {
+          error(this, "expected [" + _0 + ".." + _9 + "], got " + b)
+          return
+        }
+        this._sizeBuf.push(b)
+        continue
+      case KEY:
+        // can be any char except =, not > size.
+        if (b === eq) {
+          this._state = VAL
+          this._key = new Buffer(this._keyBuf).toString()
+          if (keyTrans[this._key]) this._key = keyTrans[this._key]
+          this._keyBuf.length = 0
+          continue
+        }
+        this._keyBuf.push(b)
+        continue
+      case VAL:
+        // field must end with cr
+        if (this._fieldPos === this._size - 1) {
+          // console.error("finished with "+this._key)
+          if (b !== cr) {
+            error(this, "expected \\n at end of field")
+            return
+          }
+          var val = new Buffer(this._valBuf).toString()
+          if (numeric[this._key]) {
+            val = parseFloat(val)
+          }
+          this.fields[this._key] = val
+          this._valBuf.length = 0
+          this._state = SIZE
+          this._size = -1
+          this._fieldPos = -1
+          continue
+        }
+        this._valBuf.push(b)
+        continue
+    }
+  }
+function error (me, msg) {
+  msg = "invalid header: " + msg
+      + "\nposition=" + me._position
+      + "\nfield position=" + me._fieldPos
+  me.error(msg)
+  me.state = ERR
diff --git a/lib/extract.js b/lib/extract.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb1e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/extract.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// give it a tarball and a path, and it'll dump the contents
+module.exports = Extract
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , path = require("path")
+function Extract (opts) {
+  if (!(this instanceof Extract)) return new Extract(opts)
+  tar.Parse.apply(this)
+  // have to dump into a directory
+  opts.type = "Directory"
+  opts.Directory = true
+  if (typeof opts !== "object") {
+    opts = { path: opts }
+  }
+  // better to drop in cwd? seems more standard.
+  opts.path = opts.path || path.resolve("node-tar-extract")
+  opts.type = "Directory"
+  opts.Directory = true
+  // similar to --strip or --strip-components
+  opts.strip = +opts.strip
+  if (!opts.strip || opts.strip <= 0) opts.strip = 0
+  this._fst = fstream.Writer(opts)
+  this.pause()
+  var me = this
+  // Hardlinks in tarballs are relative to the root
+  // of the tarball.  So, they need to be resolved against
+  // the target directory in order to be created properly.
+  me.on("entry", function (entry) {
+    // if there's a "strip" argument, then strip off that many
+    // path components.
+    if (opts.strip) {
+      var p = entry.path.split("/").slice(opts.strip).join("/")
+      entry.path = entry.props.path = p
+      if (entry.linkpath) {
+        var lp = entry.linkpath.split("/").slice(opts.strip).join("/")
+        entry.linkpath = entry.props.linkpath = lp
+      }
+    }
+    if (entry.type !== "Link") return
+    entry.linkpath = entry.props.linkpath =
+      path.join(opts.path, path.join("/", entry.props.linkpath))
+  })
+  this._fst.on("ready", function () {
+    me.pipe(me._fst, { end: false })
+    me.resume()
+  })
+  this._fst.on('error', function(err) {
+    me.emit('error', err)
+  })
+  this._fst.on('drain', function() {
+    me.emit('drain')
+  })
+  // this._fst.on("end", function () {
+  //   console.error("\nEEEE Extract End", me._fst.path)
+  // })
+  this._fst.on("close", function () {
+    // console.error("\nEEEE Extract End", me._fst.path)
+    me.emit("end")
+    me.emit("close")
+  })
+inherits(Extract, tar.Parse)
+Extract.prototype._streamEnd = function () {
+  var me = this
+  if (!me._ended) me.error("unexpected eof")
+  me._fst.end()
+  // my .end() is coming later.
diff --git a/lib/global-header-writer.js b/lib/global-header-writer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bfc7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/global-header-writer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module.exports = GlobalHeaderWriter
+var ExtendedHeaderWriter = require("./extended-header-writer.js")
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+inherits(GlobalHeaderWriter, ExtendedHeaderWriter)
+function GlobalHeaderWriter (props) {
+  if (!(this instanceof GlobalHeaderWriter)) {
+    return new GlobalHeaderWriter(props)
+  }
+  ExtendedHeaderWriter.call(this, props)
+  this.props.type = "g"
diff --git a/lib/header.js b/lib/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05b237c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+// parse a 512-byte header block to a data object, or vice-versa
+// If the data won't fit nicely in a simple header, then generate
+// the appropriate extended header file, and return that.
+module.exports = TarHeader
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fields = tar.fields
+  , fieldOffs = tar.fieldOffs
+  , fieldEnds = tar.fieldEnds
+  , fieldSize = tar.fieldSize
+  , numeric = tar.numeric
+  , assert = require("assert").ok
+  , space = " ".charCodeAt(0)
+  , slash = "/".charCodeAt(0)
+  , bslash = process.platform === "win32" ? "\\".charCodeAt(0) : null
+function TarHeader (block) {
+  if (!(this instanceof TarHeader)) return new TarHeader(block)
+  if (block) this.decode(block)
+TarHeader.prototype =
+  { decode : decode
+  , encode: encode
+  , calcSum: calcSum
+  , checkSum: checkSum
+  }
+TarHeader.parseNumeric = parseNumeric
+TarHeader.encode = encode
+TarHeader.decode = decode
+// note that this will only do the normal ustar header, not any kind
+// of extended posix header file.  If something doesn't fit comfortably,
+// then it will set obj.needExtended = true, and set the block to
+// the closest approximation.
+function encode (obj) {
+  if (!obj && !(this instanceof TarHeader)) throw new Error(
+    "encode must be called on a TarHeader, or supplied an object")
+  obj = obj || this
+  var block = obj.block = new Buffer(512)
+  // if the object has a "prefix", then that's actually an extension of
+  // the path field.
+  if (obj.prefix) {
+    // console.error("%% header encoding, got a prefix", obj.prefix)
+    obj.path = obj.prefix + "/" + obj.path
+    // console.error("%% header encoding, prefixed path", obj.path)
+    obj.prefix = ""
+  }
+  obj.needExtended = false
+  if (obj.mode) {
+    if (typeof obj.mode === "string") obj.mode = parseInt(obj.mode, 8)
+    obj.mode = obj.mode & 0777
+  }
+  for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
+    var field = fields[f]
+      , off = fieldOffs[f]
+      , end = fieldEnds[f]
+      , ret
+    switch (field) {
+      case "cksum":
+        // special, done below, after all the others
+        break
+      case "prefix":
+        // special, this is an extension of the "path" field.
+        // console.error("%% header encoding, skip prefix later")
+        break
+      case "type":
+        // convert from long name to a single char.
+        var type = obj.type || "0"
+        if (type.length > 1) {
+          type = tar.types[obj.type]
+          if (!type) type = "0"
+        }
+        writeText(block, off, end, type)
+        break
+      case "path":
+        // uses the "prefix" field if > 100 bytes, but <= 255
+        var pathLen = Buffer.byteLength(obj.path)
+          , pathFSize = fieldSize[fields.path]
+          , prefFSize = fieldSize[fields.prefix]
+        // paths between 100 and 255 should use the prefix field.
+        // longer than 255
+        if (pathLen > pathFSize &&
+            pathLen <= pathFSize + prefFSize) {
+          // need to find a slash somewhere in the middle so that
+          // path and prefix both fit in their respective fields
+          var searchStart = pathLen - 1 - pathFSize
+            , searchEnd = prefFSize
+            , found = false
+            , pathBuf = new Buffer(obj.path)
+          for ( var s = searchStart
+              ; (s <= searchEnd)
+              ; s ++ ) {
+            if (pathBuf[s] === slash || pathBuf[s] === bslash) {
+              found = s
+              break
+            }
+          }
+          if (found !== false) {
+            prefix = pathBuf.slice(0, found).toString("utf8")
+            path = pathBuf.slice(found + 1).toString("utf8")
+            ret = writeText(block, off, end, path)
+            off = fieldOffs[fields.prefix]
+            end = fieldEnds[fields.prefix]
+            // console.error("%% header writing prefix", off, end, prefix)
+            ret = writeText(block, off, end, prefix) || ret
+            break
+          }
+        }
+        // paths less than 100 chars don't need a prefix
+        // and paths longer than 255 need an extended header and will fail
+        // on old implementations no matter what we do here.
+        // Null out the prefix, and fallthrough to default.
+        // console.error("%% header writing no prefix")
+        var poff = fieldOffs[fields.prefix]
+          , pend = fieldEnds[fields.prefix]
+        writeText(block, poff, pend, "")
+        // fallthrough
+      // all other fields are numeric or text
+      default:
+        ret = numeric[field]
+            ? writeNumeric(block, off, end, obj[field])
+            : writeText(block, off, end, obj[field] || "")
+        break
+    }
+    obj.needExtended = obj.needExtended || ret
+  }
+  var off = fieldOffs[fields.cksum]
+    , end = fieldEnds[fields.cksum]
+  writeNumeric(block, off, end, calcSum.call(this, block))
+  return block
+// if it's a negative number, or greater than will fit,
+// then use write256.
+var MAXNUM = { 12: 077777777777
+             , 11: 07777777777
+             , 8 : 07777777
+             , 7 : 0777777 }
+function writeNumeric (block, off, end, num) {
+  var writeLen = end - off
+    , maxNum = MAXNUM[writeLen] || 0
+  num = num || 0
+  // console.error("  numeric", num)
+  if (num instanceof Date ||
+      Object.prototype.toString.call(num) === "[object Date]") {
+    num = num.getTime() / 1000
+  }
+  if (num > maxNum || num < 0) {
+    write256(block, off, end, num)
+    // need an extended header if negative or too big.
+    return true
+  }
+  // god, tar is so annoying
+  // if the string is small enough, you should put a space
+  // between the octal string and the \0, but if it doesn't
+  // fit, then don't.
+  var numStr = Math.floor(num).toString(8)
+  if (num < MAXNUM[writeLen - 1]) numStr += " "
+  // pad with "0" chars
+  if (numStr.length < writeLen) {
+    numStr = (new Array(writeLen - numStr.length).join("0")) + numStr
+  }
+  if (numStr.length !== writeLen - 1) {
+    throw new Error("invalid length: " + JSON.stringify(numStr) + "\n" +
+                    "expected: "+writeLen)
+  }
+  block.write(numStr, off, writeLen, "utf8")
+  block[end - 1] = 0
+function write256 (block, off, end, num) {
+  var buf = block.slice(off, end)
+  var positive = num >= 0
+  buf[0] = positive ? 0x80 : 0xFF
+  // get the number as a base-256 tuple
+  if (!positive) num *= -1
+  var tuple = []
+  do {
+    var n = num % 256
+    tuple.push(n)
+    num = (num - n) / 256
+  } while (num)
+  var bytes = tuple.length
+  var fill = buf.length - bytes
+  for (var i = 1; i < fill; i ++) {
+    buf[i] = positive ? 0 : 0xFF
+  }
+  // tuple is a base256 number, with [0] as the *least* significant byte
+  // if it's negative, then we need to flip all the bits once we hit the
+  // first non-zero bit.  The 2's-complement is (0x100 - n), and the 1's-
+  // complement is (0xFF - n).
+  var zero = true
+  for (i = bytes; i > 0; i --) {
+    var byte = tuple[bytes - i]
+    if (positive) buf[fill + i] = byte
+    else if (zero && byte === 0) buf[fill + i] = 0
+    else if (zero) {
+      zero = false
+      buf[fill + i] = 0x100 - byte
+    } else buf[fill + i] = 0xFF - byte
+  }
+function writeText (block, off, end, str) {
+  // strings are written as utf8, then padded with \0
+  var strLen = Buffer.byteLength(str)
+    , writeLen = Math.min(strLen, end - off)
+    // non-ascii fields need extended headers
+    // long fields get truncated
+    , needExtended = strLen !== str.length || strLen > writeLen
+  // write the string, and null-pad
+  if (writeLen > 0) block.write(str, off, writeLen, "utf8")
+  for (var i = off + writeLen; i < end; i ++) block[i] = 0
+  return needExtended
+function calcSum (block) {
+  block = block || this.block
+  assert(Buffer.isBuffer(block) && block.length === 512)
+  if (!block) throw new Error("Need block to checksum")
+  // now figure out what it would be if the cksum was "        "
+  var sum = 0
+    , start = fieldOffs[fields.cksum]
+    , end = fieldEnds[fields.cksum]
+  for (var i = 0; i < fieldOffs[fields.cksum]; i ++) {
+    sum += block[i]
+  }
+  for (var i = start; i < end; i ++) {
+    sum += space
+  }
+  for (var i = end; i < 512; i ++) {
+    sum += block[i]
+  }
+  return sum
+function checkSum (block) {
+  var sum = calcSum.call(this, block)
+  block = block || this.block
+  var cksum = block.slice(fieldOffs[fields.cksum], fieldEnds[fields.cksum])
+  cksum = parseNumeric(cksum)
+  return cksum === sum
+function decode (block) {
+  block = block || this.block
+  assert(Buffer.isBuffer(block) && block.length === 512)
+  this.block = block
+  this.cksumValid = this.checkSum()
+  var prefix = null
+  // slice off each field.
+  for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
+    var field = fields[f]
+      , val = block.slice(fieldOffs[f], fieldEnds[f])
+    switch (field) {
+      case "ustar":
+        // if not ustar, then everything after that is just padding.
+        if (val.toString() !== "ustar\0") {
+          this.ustar = false
+          return
+        } else {
+          // console.error("ustar:", val, val.toString())
+          this.ustar = val.toString()
+        }
+        break
+      // prefix is special, since it might signal the xstar header
+      case "prefix":
+        var atime = parseNumeric(val.slice(131, 131 + 12))
+          , ctime = parseNumeric(val.slice(131 + 12, 131 + 12 + 12))
+        if ((val[130] === 0 || val[130] === space) &&
+            typeof atime === "number" &&
+            typeof ctime === "number" &&
+            val[131 + 12] === space &&
+            val[131 + 12 + 12] === space) {
+          this.atime = atime
+          this.ctime = ctime
+          val = val.slice(0, 130)
+        }
+        prefix = val.toString("utf8").replace(/\0+$/, "")
+        // console.error("%% header reading prefix", prefix)
+        break
+      // all other fields are null-padding text
+      // or a number.
+      default:
+        if (numeric[field]) {
+          this[field] = parseNumeric(val)
+        } else {
+          this[field] = val.toString("utf8").replace(/\0+$/, "")
+        }
+        break
+    }
+  }
+  // if we got a prefix, then prepend it to the path.
+  if (prefix) {
+    this.path = prefix + "/" + this.path
+    // console.error("%% header got a prefix", this.path)
+  }
+function parse256 (buf) {
+  // first byte MUST be either 80 or FF
+  // 80 for positive, FF for 2's comp
+  var positive
+  if (buf[0] === 0x80) positive = true
+  else if (buf[0] === 0xFF) positive = false
+  else return null
+  // build up a base-256 tuple from the least sig to the highest
+  var zero = false
+    , tuple = []
+  for (var i = buf.length - 1; i > 0; i --) {
+    var byte = buf[i]
+    if (positive) tuple.push(byte)
+    else if (zero && byte === 0) tuple.push(0)
+    else if (zero) {
+      zero = false
+      tuple.push(0x100 - byte)
+    } else tuple.push(0xFF - byte)
+  }
+  for (var sum = 0, i = 0, l = tuple.length; i < l; i ++) {
+    sum += tuple[i] * Math.pow(256, i)
+  }
+  return positive ? sum : -1 * sum
+function parseNumeric (f) {
+  if (f[0] & 0x80) return parse256(f)
+  var str = f.toString("utf8").split("\0")[0].trim()
+    , res = parseInt(str, 8)
+  return isNaN(res) ? null : res
diff --git a/lib/pack.js b/lib/pack.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff14dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pack.js
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// pipe in an fstream, and it'll make a tarball.
+// key-value pair argument is global extended header props.
+module.exports = Pack
+var EntryWriter = require("./entry-writer.js")
+  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
+  , path = require("path")
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , GlobalHeaderWriter = require("./global-header-writer.js")
+  , collect = require("fstream").collect
+  , eof = new Buffer(512)
+for (var i = 0; i < 512; i ++) eof[i] = 0
+inherits(Pack, Stream)
+function Pack (props) {
+  // console.error("-- p ctor")
+  var me = this
+  if (!(me instanceof Pack)) return new Pack(props)
+  if (props) me._noProprietary = props.noProprietary
+  else me._noProprietary = false
+  me._global = props
+  me.readable = true
+  me.writable = true
+  me._buffer = []
+  // console.error("-- -- set current to null in ctor")
+  me._currentEntry = null
+  me._processing = false
+  me._pipeRoot = null
+  me.on("pipe", function (src) {
+    if (src.root === me._pipeRoot) return
+    me._pipeRoot = src
+    src.on("end", function () {
+      me._pipeRoot = null
+    })
+    me.add(src)
+  })
+Pack.prototype.addGlobal = function (props) {
+  // console.error("-- p addGlobal")
+  if (this._didGlobal) return
+  this._didGlobal = true
+  var me = this
+  GlobalHeaderWriter(props)
+    .on("data", function (c) {
+      me.emit("data", c)
+    })
+    .end()
+Pack.prototype.add = function (stream) {
+  if (this._global && !this._didGlobal) this.addGlobal(this._global)
+  if (this._ended) return this.emit("error", new Error("add after end"))
+  collect(stream)
+  this._buffer.push(stream)
+  this._process()
+  this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0
+  return !this._needDrain
+Pack.prototype.pause = function () {
+  this._paused = true
+  if (this._currentEntry) this._currentEntry.pause()
+  this.emit("pause")
+Pack.prototype.resume = function () {
+  this._paused = false
+  if (this._currentEntry) this._currentEntry.resume()
+  this.emit("resume")
+  this._process()
+Pack.prototype.end = function () {
+  this._ended = true
+  this._buffer.push(eof)
+  this._process()
+Pack.prototype._process = function () {
+  var me = this
+  if (me._paused || me._processing) {
+    return
+  }
+  var entry = me._buffer.shift()
+  if (!entry) {
+    if (me._needDrain) {
+      me.emit("drain")
+    }
+    return
+  }
+  if (entry.ready === false) {
+    // console.error("-- entry is not ready", entry)
+    me._buffer.unshift(entry)
+    entry.on("ready", function () {
+      // console.error("-- -- ready!", entry)
+      me._process()
+    })
+    return
+  }
+  me._processing = true
+  if (entry === eof) {
+    // need 2 ending null blocks.
+    me.emit("data", eof)
+    me.emit("data", eof)
+    me.emit("end")
+    me.emit("close")
+    return
+  }
+  // Change the path to be relative to the root dir that was
+  // added to the tarball.
+  //
+  // XXX This should be more like how -C works, so you can
+  // explicitly set a root dir, and also explicitly set a pathname
+  // in the tarball to use.  That way we can skip a lot of extra
+  // work when resolving symlinks for bundled dependencies in npm.
+  var root = path.dirname((entry.root || entry).path)
+  var wprops = {}
+  Object.keys(entry.props || {}).forEach(function (k) {
+    wprops[k] = entry.props[k]
+  })
+  if (me._noProprietary) wprops.noProprietary = true
+  wprops.path = path.relative(root, entry.path || '')
+  // actually not a matter of opinion or taste.
+  if (process.platform === "win32") {
+    wprops.path = wprops.path.replace(/\\/g, "/")
+  }
+  if (!wprops.type)
+    wprops.type = 'Directory'
+  switch (wprops.type) {
+    // sockets not supported
+    case "Socket":
+      return
+    case "Directory":
+      wprops.path += "/"
+      wprops.size = 0
+      break
+    case "Link":
+      var lp = path.resolve(path.dirname(entry.path), entry.linkpath)
+      wprops.linkpath = path.relative(root, lp) || "."
+      wprops.size = 0
+      break
+    case "SymbolicLink":
+      var lp = path.resolve(path.dirname(entry.path), entry.linkpath)
+      wprops.linkpath = path.relative(path.dirname(entry.path), lp) || "."
+      wprops.size = 0
+      break
+  }
+  // console.error("-- new writer", wprops)
+  // if (!wprops.type) {
+  //   // console.error("-- no type?", entry.constructor.name, entry)
+  // }
+  // console.error("-- -- set current to new writer", wprops.path)
+  var writer = me._currentEntry = EntryWriter(wprops)
+  writer.parent = me
+  // writer.on("end", function () {
+  //   // console.error("-- -- writer end", writer.path)
+  // })
+  writer.on("data", function (c) {
+    me.emit("data", c)
+  })
+  writer.on("header", function () {
+    Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function () {
+      return this.toString().split(/\0/).join(".")
+    }
+    // console.error("-- -- writer header %j", writer.props)
+    if (writer.props.size === 0) nextEntry()
+  })
+  writer.on("close", nextEntry)
+  var ended = false
+  function nextEntry () {
+    if (ended) return
+    ended = true
+    // console.error("-- -- writer close", writer.path)
+    // console.error("-- -- set current to null", wprops.path)
+    me._currentEntry = null
+    me._processing = false
+    me._process()
+  }
+  writer.on("error", function (er) {
+    // console.error("-- -- writer error", writer.path)
+    me.emit("error", er)
+  })
+  // if it's the root, then there's no need to add its entries,
+  // or data, since they'll be added directly.
+  if (entry === me._pipeRoot) {
+    // console.error("-- is the root, don't auto-add")
+    writer.add = null
+  }
+  entry.pipe(writer)
+Pack.prototype.destroy = function () {}
+Pack.prototype.write = function () {}
diff --git a/lib/parse.js b/lib/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8517c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+// A writable stream.
+// It emits "entry" events, which provide a readable stream that has
+// header info attached.
+module.exports = Parse.create = Parse
+var stream = require("stream")
+  , Stream = stream.Stream
+  , BlockStream = require("block-stream")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , TarHeader = require("./header.js")
+  , Entry = require("./entry.js")
+  , BufferEntry = require("./buffer-entry.js")
+  , ExtendedHeader = require("./extended-header.js")
+  , assert = require("assert").ok
+  , inherits = require("inherits")
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+// reading a tar is a lot like reading a directory
+// However, we're actually not going to run the ctor,
+// since it does a stat and various other stuff.
+// This inheritance gives us the pause/resume/pipe
+// behavior that is desired.
+inherits(Parse, fstream.Reader)
+function Parse () {
+  var me = this
+  if (!(me instanceof Parse)) return new Parse()
+  // doesn't apply fstream.Reader ctor?
+  // no, becasue we don't want to stat/etc, we just
+  // want to get the entry/add logic from .pipe()
+  Stream.apply(me)
+  me.writable = true
+  me.readable = true
+  me._stream = new BlockStream(512)
+  me.position = 0
+  me._ended = false
+  me._stream.on("error", function (e) {
+    me.emit("error", e)
+  })
+  me._stream.on("data", function (c) {
+    me._process(c)
+  })
+  me._stream.on("end", function () {
+    me._streamEnd()
+  })
+  me._stream.on("drain", function () {
+    me.emit("drain")
+  })
+// overridden in Extract class, since it needs to
+// wait for its DirWriter part to finish before
+// emitting "end"
+Parse.prototype._streamEnd = function () {
+  var me = this
+  if (!me._ended) me.error("unexpected eof")
+  me.emit("end")
+// a tar reader is actually a filter, not just a readable stream.
+// So, you should pipe a tarball stream into it, and it needs these
+// write/end methods to do that.
+Parse.prototype.write = function (c) {
+  if (this._ended) {
+    // gnutar puts a LOT of nulls at the end.
+    // you can keep writing these things forever.
+    // Just ignore them.
+    for (var i = 0, l = c.length; i > l; i ++) {
+      if (c[i] !== 0) return this.error("write() after end()")
+    }
+    return
+  }
+  return this._stream.write(c)
+Parse.prototype.end = function (c) {
+  this._ended = true
+  return this._stream.end(c)
+// don't need to do anything, since we're just
+// proxying the data up from the _stream.
+// Just need to override the parent's "Not Implemented"
+// error-thrower.
+Parse.prototype._read = function () {}
+Parse.prototype._process = function (c) {
+  assert(c && c.length === 512, "block size should be 512")
+  // one of three cases.
+  // 1. A new header
+  // 2. A part of a file/extended header
+  // 3. One of two or more EOF null blocks
+  if (this._entry) {
+    var entry = this._entry
+    entry.write(c)
+    if (entry._remaining === 0) {
+      entry.end()
+      this._entry = null
+    }
+  } else {
+    // either zeroes or a header
+    var zero = true
+    for (var i = 0; i < 512 && zero; i ++) {
+      zero = c[i] === 0
+    }
+    // eof is *at least* 2 blocks of nulls, and then the end of the
+    // file.  you can put blocks of nulls between entries anywhere,
+    // so appending one tarball to another is technically valid.
+    // ending without the eof null blocks is not allowed, however.
+    if (zero) {
+      if (this._eofStarted)
+        this._ended = true
+      this._eofStarted = true
+    } else {
+      this._eofStarted = false
+      this._startEntry(c)
+    }
+  }
+  this.position += 512
+// take a header chunk, start the right kind of entry.
+Parse.prototype._startEntry = function (c) {
+  var header = new TarHeader(c)
+    , self = this
+    , entry
+    , ev
+    , EntryType
+    , onend
+    , meta = false
+  if (null === header.size || !header.cksumValid) {
+    var e = new Error("invalid tar file")
+    e.header = header
+    e.tar_file_offset = this.position
+    e.tar_block = this.position / 512
+    return this.emit("error", e)
+  }
+  switch (tar.types[header.type]) {
+    case "File":
+    case "OldFile":
+    case "Link":
+    case "SymbolicLink":
+    case "CharacterDevice":
+    case "BlockDevice":
+    case "Directory":
+    case "FIFO":
+    case "ContiguousFile":
+    case "GNUDumpDir":
+      // start a file.
+      // pass in any extended headers
+      // These ones consumers are typically most interested in.
+      EntryType = Entry
+      ev = "entry"
+      break
+    case "GlobalExtendedHeader":
+      // extended headers that apply to the rest of the tarball
+      EntryType = ExtendedHeader
+      onend = function () {
+        self._global = self._global || {}
+        Object.keys(entry.fields).forEach(function (k) {
+          self._global[k] = entry.fields[k]
+        })
+      }
+      ev = "globalExtendedHeader"
+      meta = true
+      break
+    case "ExtendedHeader":
+    case "OldExtendedHeader":
+      // extended headers that apply to the next entry
+      EntryType = ExtendedHeader
+      onend = function () {
+        self._extended = entry.fields
+      }
+      ev = "extendedHeader"
+      meta = true
+      break
+    case "NextFileHasLongLinkpath":
+      // set linkpath=<contents> in extended header
+      EntryType = BufferEntry
+      onend = function () {
+        self._extended = self._extended || {}
+        self._extended.linkpath = entry.body
+      }
+      ev = "longLinkpath"
+      meta = true
+      break
+    case "NextFileHasLongPath":
+    case "OldGnuLongPath":
+      // set path=<contents> in file-extended header
+      EntryType = BufferEntry
+      onend = function () {
+        self._extended = self._extended || {}
+        self._extended.path = entry.body
+      }
+      ev = "longPath"
+      meta = true
+      break
+    default:
+      // all the rest we skip, but still set the _entry
+      // member, so that we can skip over their data appropriately.
+      // emit an event to say that this is an ignored entry type?
+      EntryType = Entry
+      ev = "ignoredEntry"
+      break
+  }
+  var global, extended
+  if (meta) {
+    global = extended = null
+  } else {
+    var global = this._global
+    var extended = this._extended
+    // extendedHeader only applies to one entry, so once we start
+    // an entry, it's over.
+    this._extended = null
+  }
+  entry = new EntryType(header, extended, global)
+  entry.meta = meta
+  // only proxy data events of normal files.
+  if (!meta) {
+    entry.on("data", function (c) {
+      me.emit("data", c)
+    })
+  }
+  if (onend) entry.on("end", onend)
+  this._entry = entry
+  var me = this
+  entry.on("pause", function () {
+    me.pause()
+  })
+  entry.on("resume", function () {
+    me.resume()
+  })
+  if (this.listeners("*").length) {
+    this.emit("*", ev, entry)
+  }
+  this.emit(ev, entry)
+  // Zero-byte entry.  End immediately.
+  if (entry.props.size === 0) {
+    entry.end()
+    this._entry = null
+  }
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61fc2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  "author": "Isaac Z. Schlueter <i at izs.me> (http://blog.izs.me/)",
+  "name": "tar",
+  "description": "tar for node",
+  "version": "1.0.3",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git://github.com/isaacs/node-tar.git"
+  },
+  "main": "tar.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "tap test/*.js"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "block-stream": "*",
+    "fstream": "^1.0.2",
+    "inherits": "2"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "graceful-fs": "^3.0.2",
+    "rimraf": "1.x",
+    "tap": "0.x",
+    "mkdirp": "^0.5.0"
+  },
+  "license": "BSD"
diff --git a/tar.js b/tar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a81298b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// field paths that every tar file must have.
+// header is padded to 512 bytes.
+var f = 0
+  , fields = {}
+  , path = fields.path = f++
+  , mode = fields.mode = f++
+  , uid = fields.uid = f++
+  , gid = fields.gid = f++
+  , size = fields.size = f++
+  , mtime = fields.mtime = f++
+  , cksum = fields.cksum = f++
+  , type = fields.type = f++
+  , linkpath = fields.linkpath = f++
+  , headerSize = 512
+  , blockSize = 512
+  , fieldSize = []
+fieldSize[path] = 100
+fieldSize[mode] = 8
+fieldSize[uid] = 8
+fieldSize[gid] = 8
+fieldSize[size] = 12
+fieldSize[mtime] = 12
+fieldSize[cksum] = 8
+fieldSize[type] = 1
+fieldSize[linkpath] = 100
+// "ustar\0" may introduce another bunch of headers.
+// these are optional, and will be nulled out if not present.
+var ustar = fields.ustar = f++
+  , ustarver = fields.ustarver = f++
+  , uname = fields.uname = f++
+  , gname = fields.gname = f++
+  , devmaj = fields.devmaj = f++
+  , devmin = fields.devmin = f++
+  , prefix = fields.prefix = f++
+  , fill = fields.fill = f++
+// terminate fields.
+fields[f] = null
+fieldSize[ustar] = 6
+fieldSize[ustarver] = 2
+fieldSize[uname] = 32
+fieldSize[gname] = 32
+fieldSize[devmaj] = 8
+fieldSize[devmin] = 8
+fieldSize[prefix] = 155
+fieldSize[fill] = 12
+// nb: prefix field may in fact be 130 bytes of prefix,
+// a null char, 12 bytes for atime, 12 bytes for ctime.
+// To recognize this format:
+// 1. prefix[130] === ' ' or '\0'
+// 2. atime and ctime are octal numeric values
+// 3. atime and ctime have ' ' in their last byte
+var fieldEnds = {}
+  , fieldOffs = {}
+  , fe = 0
+for (var i = 0; i < f; i ++) {
+  fieldOffs[i] = fe
+  fieldEnds[i] = (fe += fieldSize[i])
+// build a translation table of field paths.
+Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (f) {
+  if (fields[f] !== null) fields[fields[f]] = f
+// different values of the 'type' field
+// paths match the values of Stats.isX() functions, where appropriate
+var types =
+  { 0: "File"
+  , "\0": "OldFile" // like 0
+  , "": "OldFile"
+  , 1: "Link"
+  , 2: "SymbolicLink"
+  , 3: "CharacterDevice"
+  , 4: "BlockDevice"
+  , 5: "Directory"
+  , 6: "FIFO"
+  , 7: "ContiguousFile" // like 0
+  // posix headers
+  , g: "GlobalExtendedHeader" // k=v for the rest of the archive
+  , x: "ExtendedHeader" // k=v for the next file
+  // vendor-specific stuff
+  , A: "SolarisACL" // skip
+  , D: "GNUDumpDir" // like 5, but with data, which should be skipped
+  , I: "Inode" // metadata only, skip
+  , K: "NextFileHasLongLinkpath" // data = link path of next file
+  , L: "NextFileHasLongPath" // data = path of next file
+  , M: "ContinuationFile" // skip
+  , N: "OldGnuLongPath" // like L
+  , S: "SparseFile" // skip
+  , V: "TapeVolumeHeader" // skip
+  , X: "OldExtendedHeader" // like x
+  }
+Object.keys(types).forEach(function (t) {
+  types[types[t]] = types[types[t]] || t
+// values for the mode field
+var modes =
+  { suid: 04000 // set uid on extraction
+  , sgid: 02000 // set gid on extraction
+  , svtx: 01000 // set restricted deletion flag on dirs on extraction
+  , uread:  0400
+  , uwrite: 0200
+  , uexec:  0100
+  , gread:  040
+  , gwrite: 020
+  , gexec:  010
+  , oread:  4
+  , owrite: 2
+  , oexec:  1
+  , all: 07777
+  }
+var numeric =
+  { mode: true
+  , uid: true
+  , gid: true
+  , size: true
+  , mtime: true
+  , devmaj: true
+  , devmin: true
+  , cksum: true
+  , atime: true
+  , ctime: true
+  , dev: true
+  , ino: true
+  , nlink: true
+  }
+Object.keys(modes).forEach(function (t) {
+  modes[modes[t]] = modes[modes[t]] || t
+var knownExtended =
+  { atime: true
+  , charset: true
+  , comment: true
+  , ctime: true
+  , gid: true
+  , gname: true
+  , linkpath: true
+  , mtime: true
+  , path: true
+  , realtime: true
+  , security: true
+  , size: true
+  , uid: true
+  , uname: true }
+exports.fields = fields
+exports.fieldSize = fieldSize
+exports.fieldOffs = fieldOffs
+exports.fieldEnds = fieldEnds
+exports.types = types
+exports.modes = modes
+exports.numeric = numeric
+exports.headerSize = headerSize
+exports.blockSize = blockSize
+exports.knownExtended = knownExtended
+exports.Pack = require("./lib/pack.js")
+exports.Parse = require("./lib/parse.js")
+exports.Extract = require("./lib/extract.js")
diff --git a/test/00-setup-fixtures.js b/test/00-setup-fixtures.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1524ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/00-setup-fixtures.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// the fixtures have some weird stuff that is painful
+// to include directly in the repo for various reasons.
+// So, unpack the fixtures with the system tar first.
+// This means, of course, that it'll only work if you
+// already have a tar implementation, and some of them
+// will not properly unpack the fixtures anyway.
+// But, since usually those tests will fail on Windows
+// and other systems with less capable filesystems anyway,
+// at least this way we don't cause inconveniences by
+// merely cloning the repo or installing the package.
+var tap = require("tap")
+, child_process = require("child_process")
+, rimraf = require("rimraf")
+, test = tap.test
+, path = require("path")
+test("clean fixtures", function (t) {
+  rimraf(path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures"), function (er) {
+    t.ifError(er, "rimraf ./fixtures/")
+    t.end()
+  })
+test("clean tmp", function (t) {
+  rimraf(path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp"), function (er) {
+    t.ifError(er, "rimraf ./tmp/")
+    t.end()
+  })
+test("extract fixtures", function (t) {
+  var c = child_process.spawn("tar"
+                             ,["xzvf", "fixtures.tgz"]
+                             ,{ cwd: __dirname })
+  c.stdout.on("data", errwrite)
+  c.stderr.on("data", errwrite)
+  function errwrite (chunk) {
+    process.stderr.write(chunk)
+  }
+  c.on("exit", function (code) {
+    t.equal(code, 0, "extract fixtures should exit with 0")
+    if (code) {
+      t.comment("Note, all tests from here on out will fail because of this.")
+    }
+    t.end()
+  })
diff --git a/test/extract-move.js b/test/extract-move.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45400cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/extract-move.js
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Set the umask, so that it works the same everywhere.
+process.umask(parseInt('22', 8))
+var tap = require("tap")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+  , gfs = require("graceful-fs")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , file = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/dir.tar")
+  , target = path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp/extract-test")
+  , index = 0
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , rimraf = require("rimraf")
+  , mkdirp = require("mkdirp")
+  , ee = 0
+  , expectEntries = [
+      {
+        "path" : "dir/",
+        "mode" : "750",
+        "type" : "5",
+        "depth" : undefined,
+        "size" : 0,
+        "linkpath" : "",
+        "nlink" : undefined,
+        "dev" : undefined,
+        "ino" : undefined
+      },
+      {
+        "path" : "dir/sub/",
+        "mode" : "750",
+        "type" : "5",
+        "depth" : undefined,
+        "size" : 0,
+        "linkpath" : "",
+        "nlink" : undefined,
+        "dev" : undefined,
+        "ino" : undefined
+      } ]
+function slow (fs, method, t1, t2) {
+  var orig = fs[method]
+  if (!orig) return null
+  fs[method] = function () {
+    var args = [].slice.call(arguments)
+    console.error("slow", method, args[0])
+    var cb = args.pop()
+    setTimeout(function () {
+      orig.apply(fs, args.concat(function(er, data) {
+        setTimeout(function() {
+          cb(er, data)
+        }, t2)
+      }))
+    }, t1)
+  }
+// Make sure we get the graceful-fs that fstream is using.
+var gfs2
+try {
+  gfs2 = require("fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs")
+} catch (er) {}
+var slowMethods = ["chown", "chmod", "utimes", "lutimes"]
+slowMethods.forEach(function (method) {
+  var t1 = 500
+  var t2 = 0
+  slow(fs, method, t1, t2)
+  slow(gfs, method, t1, t2)
+  if (gfs2) {
+    slow(gfs2, method, t1, t2)
+  }
+// The extract class basically just pipes the input
+// to a Reader, and then to a fstream.DirWriter
+// So, this is as much a test of fstream.Reader and fstream.Writer
+// as it is of tar.Extract, but it sort of makes sense.
+tap.test("preclean", function (t) {
+  rimraf.sync(target)
+  /mkdirp.sync(target)
+  t.pass("cleaned!")
+  t.end()
+tap.test("extract test", function (t) {
+  var extract = tar.Extract(target)
+  var inp = fs.createReadStream(file)
+  // give it a weird buffer size to try to break in odd places
+  inp.bufferSize = 1234
+  inp.pipe(extract)
+  extract.on("end", function () {
+    rimraf.sync(target)
+    t.equal(ee, expectEntries.length, "should see "+ee+" entries")
+    // should get no more entries after end
+    extract.removeAllListeners("entry")
+    extract.on("entry", function (e) {
+      t.fail("Should not get entries after end!")
+    })
+    t.end()
+  })
+  extract.on("entry", function (entry) {
+    var found =
+      { path: entry.path
+      , mode: entry.props.mode.toString(8)
+      , type: entry.props.type
+      , depth: entry.props.depth
+      , size: entry.props.size
+      , linkpath: entry.props.linkpath
+      , nlink: entry.props.nlink
+      , dev: entry.props.dev
+      , ino: entry.props.ino
+      }
+    var wanted = expectEntries[ee ++]
+    t.equivalent(found, wanted, "tar entry " + ee + " " + wanted.path)
+  })
diff --git a/test/extract.js b/test/extract.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca4e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/extract.js
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// Set the umask, so that it works the same everywhere.
+process.umask(parseInt('22', 8))
+var tap = require("tap")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , file = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/c.tar")
+  , target = path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp/extract-test")
+  , index = 0
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , ee = 0
+  , expectEntries =
+[ { path: 'c.txt',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 513,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+  { path: 'cc.txt',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 513,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+  { path: 'r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 100,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+  { path: 'Ω.txt',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 2,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+  { path: 'Ω.txt',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 2,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: 1,
+    dev: 234881026,
+    ino: 51693379 },
+  { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 200,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: 1,
+    dev: 234881026,
+    ino: 51681874 },
+  { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 201,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+    mode: '777',
+    type: '2',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 0,
+    linkpath: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    nlink: undefined,
+    dev: undefined,
+    ino: undefined },
+  { path: '200-hard',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '0',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 200,
+    linkpath: '',
+    nlink: 2,
+    dev: 234881026,
+    ino: 51681874 },
+  { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '644',
+    type: '1',
+    depth: undefined,
+    size: 0,
+    linkpath: path.resolve(target, '200-hard'),
+    nlink: 2,
+    dev: 234881026,
+    ino: 51681874 } ]
+  , ef = 0
+  , expectFiles =
+[ { path: '',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 0,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/200-hard',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'File',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 200,
+    linkpath: undefined,
+    nlink: 2 },
+    mode: '120777',
+    type: 'SymbolicLink',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 200,
+    linkpath: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    nlink: 1 },
+  { path: '/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'Link',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 200,
+    linkpath: path.join(target, '200-hard'),
+    nlink: 2 },
+  { path: '/c.txt',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'File',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 513,
+    linkpath: undefined,
+    nlink: 1 },
+  { path: '/cc.txt',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'File',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 513,
+    linkpath: undefined,
+    nlink: 1 },
+  { path: '/r',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 1,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 2,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 3,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 4,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 5,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 6,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 7,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 8,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 9,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 10,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 11,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 12,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 13,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 14,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 15,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 16,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 17,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 18,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 19,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 20,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 21,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 22,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h',
+    mode: '40755',
+    type: 'Directory',
+    depth: 23,
+    linkpath: undefined },
+  { path: '/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'File',
+    depth: 24,
+    size: 100,
+    linkpath: undefined,
+    nlink: 1 },
+  { path: '/Ω.txt',
+    mode: '100644',
+    type: 'File',
+    depth: 1,
+    size: 2,
+    linkpath: undefined,
+    nlink: 1 } ]
+// The extract class basically just pipes the input
+// to a Reader, and then to a fstream.DirWriter
+// So, this is as much a test of fstream.Reader and fstream.Writer
+// as it is of tar.Extract, but it sort of makes sense.
+tap.test("preclean", function (t) {
+  require("rimraf").sync(__dirname + "/tmp/extract-test")
+  t.pass("cleaned!")
+  t.end()
+tap.test("extract test", function (t) {
+  var extract = tar.Extract(target)
+  var inp = fs.createReadStream(file)
+  // give it a weird buffer size to try to break in odd places
+  inp.bufferSize = 1234
+  inp.pipe(extract)
+  extract.on("end", function () {
+    t.equal(ee, expectEntries.length, "should see "+ee+" entries")
+    // should get no more entries after end
+    extract.removeAllListeners("entry")
+    extract.on("entry", function (e) {
+      t.fail("Should not get entries after end!")
+    })
+    next()
+  })
+  extract.on("entry", function (entry) {
+    var found =
+      { path: entry.path
+      , mode: entry.props.mode.toString(8)
+      , type: entry.props.type
+      , depth: entry.props.depth
+      , size: entry.props.size
+      , linkpath: entry.props.linkpath
+      , nlink: entry.props.nlink
+      , dev: entry.props.dev
+      , ino: entry.props.ino
+      }
+    var wanted = expectEntries[ee ++]
+    t.equivalent(found, wanted, "tar entry " + ee + " " + wanted.path)
+  })
+  function next () {
+    var r = fstream.Reader({ path: target
+                           , type: "Directory"
+                           // this is just to encourage consistency
+                           , sort: "alpha" })
+    r.on("ready", function () {
+      foundEntry(r)
+    })
+    r.on("end", finish)
+    function foundEntry (entry) {
+      var p = entry.path.substr(target.length)
+      var found =
+        { path: p
+        , mode: entry.props.mode.toString(8)
+        , type: entry.props.type
+        , depth: entry.props.depth
+        , size: entry.props.size
+        , linkpath: entry.props.linkpath
+        , nlink: entry.props.nlink
+        }
+      var wanted = expectFiles[ef ++]
+      t.has(found, wanted, "unpacked file " + ef + " " + wanted.path)
+      entry.on("entry", foundEntry)
+    }
+    function finish () {
+      t.equal(ef, expectFiles.length, "should have "+ef+" items")
+      t.end()
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/test/fixtures.tgz b/test/fixtures.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f167602
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/fixtures.tgz differ
diff --git a/test/header.js b/test/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea6f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+var tap = require("tap")
+var TarHeader = require("../lib/header.js")
+var tar = require("../tar.js")
+var fs = require("fs")
+var headers =
+  { "a.txt file header":
+    [ "612e7478740000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303034303120313136353133363033333320303132343531002030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true
+      , path: 'a.txt'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 257
+      , mtime: 1319493851
+      , cksum: 5417
+      , type: '0'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' }
+    ]
+  , "omega pax": // the extended header from omega tar.
+    [ "5061784865616465722fcea92e747874000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303031373020313135343337313036313120303135303531002078000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true
+      , path: 'PaxHeader/Ω.txt'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 120
+      , mtime: 1301254537
+      , cksum: 6697
+      , type: 'x'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' } ]
+  , "omega file header":
+    [ "cea92e74787400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303030303220313135343337313036313120303133303732002030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true
+      , path: 'Ω.txt'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 2
+      , mtime: 1301254537
+      , cksum: 5690
+      , type: '0'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' } ]
+  , "foo.js file header":
+    [ "666f6f2e6a7300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303030303420313135343336373037343120303132363137002030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true
+      , path: 'foo.js'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 4
+      , mtime: 1301246433
+      , cksum: 5519
+      , type: '0'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' }
+    ]
+  , "b.txt file header":
+    [ "622e7478740000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303130303020313136353133363036373720303132343631002030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true
+      , path: 'b.txt'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 512
+      , mtime: 1319494079
+      , cksum: 5425
+      , type: '0'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' }
+    ]
+  , "deep nested file":
+    [ "63636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363636363303030363434200030353737363120003030303032342000303030303030303031343420313136353231353135333320303433333134002030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [...]
+    , { cksumValid: true,
+        path: 'r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc'
+      , mode: 420
+      , uid: 24561
+      , gid: 20
+      , size: 100
+      , mtime: 1319687003
+      , cksum: 18124
+      , type: '0'
+      , linkpath: ''
+      , ustar: 'ustar\0'
+      , ustarver: '00'
+      , uname: 'isaacs'
+      , gname: 'staff'
+      , devmaj: 0
+      , devmin: 0
+      , fill: '' }
+    ]
+  }
+tap.test("parsing", function (t) {
+  Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (name) {
+    var h = headers[name]
+      , header = new Buffer(h[0], "hex")
+      , expect = h[1]
+      , parsed = new TarHeader(header)
+    // console.error(parsed)
+    t.has(parsed, expect, "parse " + name)
+  })
+  t.end()
+tap.test("encoding", function (t) {
+  Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (name) {
+    var h = headers[name]
+      , expect = new Buffer(h[0], "hex")
+      , encoded = TarHeader.encode(h[1])
+    // might have slightly different bytes, since the standard
+    // isn't very strict, but should have the same semantics
+    // checkSum will be different, but cksumValid will be true
+    var th = new TarHeader(encoded)
+    delete h[1].block
+    delete h[1].needExtended
+    delete h[1].cksum
+    t.has(th, h[1], "fields "+name)
+  })
+  t.end()
+// test these manually.  they're a bit rare to find in the wild
+tap.test("parseNumeric tests", function (t) {
+  var parseNumeric = TarHeader.parseNumeric
+    , numbers =
+      { "303737373737373700": 2097151
+      , "30373737373737373737373700": 8589934591
+      , "303030303036343400": 420
+      , "800000ffffffffffff": 281474976710655
+      , "ffffff000000000001": -281474976710654
+      , "ffffff000000000000": -281474976710655
+      , "800000000000200000": 2097152
+      , "8000000000001544c5": 1393861
+      , "ffffffffffff1544c5": -15383354 }
+  Object.keys(numbers).forEach(function (n) {
+    var b = new Buffer(n, "hex")
+    t.equal(parseNumeric(b), numbers[n], n + " === " + numbers[n])
+  })
+  t.end()
diff --git a/test/pack-no-proprietary.js b/test/pack-no-proprietary.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4b03a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pack-no-proprietary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
+// This is exactly like test/pack.js, except that it's excluding
+// any proprietary headers.
+// This loses some information about the filesystem, but creates
+// tarballs that are supported by more versions of tar, especially
+// old non-spec-compliant copies of gnutar.
+// the symlink file is excluded from git, because it makes
+// windows freak the hell out.
+var fs = require("fs")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , symlink = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/symlink")
+try { fs.unlinkSync(symlink) } catch (e) {}
+fs.symlinkSync("./hardlink-1", symlink)
+process.on("exit", function () {
+  fs.unlinkSync(symlink)
+var tap = require("tap")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , pkg = require("../package.json")
+  , Pack = tar.Pack
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , Reader = fstream.Reader
+  , Writer = fstream.Writer
+  , input = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/")
+  , target = path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp/pack.tar")
+  , uid = process.getuid ? process.getuid() : 0
+  , gid = process.getgid ? process.getgid() : 0
+  , entries =
+    // the global header and root fixtures/ dir are going to get
+    // a different date each time, so omit that bit.
+    // Also, dev/ino values differ across machines, so that's not
+    // included.
+    [ [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/200cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: 'fixtures/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200 } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/a.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 257,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/b.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 512,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/c.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 513,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/cc.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 513,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/dir/',
+        mode: 488,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/dir/sub/',
+        mode: 488,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/foo.js',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 4,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/hardlink-1',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/hardlink-2',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '1',
+        linkpath: 'fixtures/hardlink-1',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/omega.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/omega.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/star.4.html',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 54081,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2 } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 100,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/symlink',
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '2',
+        linkpath: 'hardlink-1',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: "fixtures/Ω.txt"
+      , uid: uid
+      , gid: gid
+      , size: 2 } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    ]
+// first, make sure that the hardlinks are actually hardlinks, or this
+// won't work.  Git has a way of replacing them with a copy.
+var hard1 = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/hardlink-1")
+  , hard2 = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/hardlink-2")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+try { fs.unlinkSync(hard2) } catch (e) {}
+fs.linkSync(hard1, hard2)
+tap.test("with global header", { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) {
+  runTest(t, true)
+tap.test("without global header", { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) {
+  runTest(t, false)
+function alphasort (a, b) {
+  return a === b ? 0
+       : a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1
+       : a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1
+       : a > b ? 1
+       : -1
+function runTest (t, doGH) {
+  var reader = Reader({ path: input
+                      , filter: function () {
+                          return !this.path.match(/\.(tar|hex)$/)
+                        }
+                      , sort: alphasort
+                      })
+  var props = doGH ? pkg : {}
+  props.noProprietary = true
+  var pack = Pack(props)
+  var writer = Writer(target)
+  // global header should be skipped regardless, since it has no content.
+  var entry = 0
+  t.ok(reader, "reader ok")
+  t.ok(pack, "pack ok")
+  t.ok(writer, "writer ok")
+  pack.pipe(writer)
+  var parse = tar.Parse()
+  t.ok(parse, "parser should be ok")
+  pack.on("data", function (c) {
+    // console.error("PACK DATA")
+    if (c.length !== 512) {
+      // this one is too noisy, only assert if it'll be relevant
+      t.equal(c.length, 512, "parser should emit data in 512byte blocks")
+    }
+    parse.write(c)
+  })
+  pack.on("end", function () {
+    // console.error("PACK END")
+    t.pass("parser ends")
+    parse.end()
+  })
+  pack.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("pack error", er)
+  })
+  parse.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("parse error", er)
+  })
+  writer.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("writer error", er)
+  })
+  reader.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("reader error", er)
+  })
+  parse.on("*", function (ev, e) {
+    var wanted = entries[entry++]
+    if (!wanted) {
+      t.fail("unexpected event: "+ev)
+      return
+    }
+    t.equal(ev, wanted[0], "event type should be "+wanted[0])
+    if (ev !== wanted[0] || e.path !== wanted[1].path) {
+      console.error("wanted", wanted)
+      console.error([ev, e.props])
+      e.on("end", function () {
+        console.error(e.fields)
+        throw "break"
+      })
+    }
+    t.has(e.props, wanted[1], "properties "+wanted[1].path)
+    if (wanted[2]) {
+      e.on("end", function () {
+        if (!e.fields) {
+          t.ok(e.fields, "should get fields")
+        } else {
+          t.has(e.fields, wanted[2], "should get expected fields")
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  })
+  reader.pipe(pack)
+  writer.on("close", function () {
+    t.equal(entry, entries.length, "should get all expected entries")
+    t.pass("it finished")
+    t.end()
+  })
diff --git a/test/pack.js b/test/pack.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf033c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pack.js
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+// the symlink file is excluded from git, because it makes
+// windows freak the hell out.
+var fs = require("fs")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , symlink = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/symlink")
+try { fs.unlinkSync(symlink) } catch (e) {}
+fs.symlinkSync("./hardlink-1", symlink)
+process.on("exit", function () {
+  fs.unlinkSync(symlink)
+var tap = require("tap")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , pkg = require("../package.json")
+  , Pack = tar.Pack
+  , fstream = require("fstream")
+  , Reader = fstream.Reader
+  , Writer = fstream.Writer
+  , input = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/")
+  , target = path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp/pack.tar")
+  , uid = process.getuid ? process.getuid() : 0
+  , gid = process.getgid ? process.getgid() : 0
+  , entries =
+    // the global header and root fixtures/ dir are going to get
+    // a different date each time, so omit that bit.
+    // Also, dev/ino values differ across machines, so that's not
+    // included.
+    [ [ 'globalExtendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/',
+        mode: 438,
+        uid: 0,
+        gid: 0,
+        type: 'g',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { "NODETAR.author": pkg.author,
+        "NODETAR.name": pkg.name,
+        "NODETAR.description": pkg.description,
+        "NODETAR.version": pkg.version,
+        "NODETAR.repository.type": pkg.repository.type,
+        "NODETAR.repository.url": pkg.repository.url,
+        "NODETAR.main": pkg.main,
+        "NODETAR.scripts.test": pkg.scripts.test } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/200cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: 'fixtures/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        'NODETAR.depth': '1',
+        'NODETAR.type': 'File',
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+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200,
+        'NODETAR.blksize': '4096',
+        'NODETAR.blocks': '8' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '',
+        'NODETAR.depth': '1',
+        'NODETAR.type': 'File',
+        nlink: 1,
+        'NODETAR.blksize': '4096',
+        'NODETAR.blocks': '8' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/a.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 257,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
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+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/b.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
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+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/c.txt',
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+        gid: gid,
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+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/cc.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 513,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/dir/',
+        mode: 488,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/dir/sub/',
+        mode: 488,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/foo.js',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 4,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/hardlink-1',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 200,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/hardlink-2',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '1',
+        linkpath: 'fixtures/hardlink-1',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/omega.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/omega.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/star.4.html',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 54081,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        'NODETAR.depth': '2',
+        'NODETAR.type': 'File',
+        nlink: 1,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        'NODETAR.blksize': '4096',
+        'NODETAR.blocks': '8' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/packtest/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '',
+        'NODETAR.depth': '2',
+        'NODETAR.type': 'File',
+        nlink: 1,
+        'NODETAR.blksize': '4096',
+        'NODETAR.blocks': '8' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
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+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/',
+        mode: 493,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '5',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 100,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/symlink',
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 0,
+        type: '2',
+        linkpath: 'hardlink-1',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' } ]
+    , [ 'extendedHeader',
+      { path: 'PaxHeader/fixtures/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        type: 'x',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '' },
+      { path: "fixtures/Ω.txt"
+      , "NODETAR.depth": "1"
+      , "NODETAR.type": "File"
+      , nlink: 1
+      , uid: uid
+      , gid: gid
+      , size: 2
+      , "NODETAR.blksize": "4096"
+      , "NODETAR.blocks": "8" } ]
+    , [ 'entry',
+      { path: 'fixtures/Ω.txt',
+        mode: 420,
+        uid: uid,
+        gid: gid,
+        size: 2,
+        type: '0',
+        linkpath: '',
+        ustar: 'ustar\u0000',
+        ustarver: '00',
+        uname: '',
+        gname: '',
+        devmaj: 0,
+        devmin: 0,
+        fill: '',
+        'NODETAR.depth': '1',
+        'NODETAR.type': 'File',
+        nlink: 1,
+        'NODETAR.blksize': '4096',
+        'NODETAR.blocks': '8' } ]
+    ]
+// first, make sure that the hardlinks are actually hardlinks, or this
+// won't work.  Git has a way of replacing them with a copy.
+var hard1 = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/hardlink-1")
+  , hard2 = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/hardlink-2")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+try { fs.unlinkSync(hard2) } catch (e) {}
+fs.linkSync(hard1, hard2)
+tap.test("with global header", { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) {
+  runTest(t, true)
+tap.test("without global header", { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) {
+  runTest(t, false)
+function alphasort (a, b) {
+  return a === b ? 0
+       : a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1
+       : a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1
+       : a > b ? 1
+       : -1
+function runTest (t, doGH) {
+  var reader = Reader({ path: input
+                      , filter: function () {
+                          return !this.path.match(/\.(tar|hex)$/)
+                        }
+                      , sort: alphasort
+                      })
+  var pack = Pack(doGH ? pkg : null)
+  var writer = Writer(target)
+  // skip the global header if we're not doing that.
+  var entry = doGH ? 0 : 1
+  t.ok(reader, "reader ok")
+  t.ok(pack, "pack ok")
+  t.ok(writer, "writer ok")
+  pack.pipe(writer)
+  var parse = tar.Parse()
+  t.ok(parse, "parser should be ok")
+  pack.on("data", function (c) {
+    // console.error("PACK DATA")
+    if (c.length !== 512) {
+      // this one is too noisy, only assert if it'll be relevant
+      t.equal(c.length, 512, "parser should emit data in 512byte blocks")
+    }
+    parse.write(c)
+  })
+  pack.on("end", function () {
+    // console.error("PACK END")
+    t.pass("parser ends")
+    parse.end()
+  })
+  pack.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("pack error", er)
+  })
+  parse.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("parse error", er)
+  })
+  writer.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("writer error", er)
+  })
+  reader.on("error", function (er) {
+    t.fail("reader error", er)
+  })
+  parse.on("*", function (ev, e) {
+    var wanted = entries[entry++]
+    if (!wanted) {
+      t.fail("unexpected event: "+ev)
+      return
+    }
+    t.equal(ev, wanted[0], "event type should be "+wanted[0])
+    if (ev !== wanted[0] || e.path !== wanted[1].path) {
+      console.error("wanted", wanted)
+      console.error([ev, e.props])
+      e.on("end", function () {
+        console.error(e.fields)
+        throw "break"
+      })
+    }
+    t.has(e.props, wanted[1], "properties "+wanted[1].path)
+    if (wanted[2]) {
+      e.on("end", function () {
+        if (!e.fields) {
+          t.ok(e.fields, "should get fields")
+        } else {
+          t.has(e.fields, wanted[2], "should get expected fields")
+        }
+      })
+    }
+  })
+  reader.pipe(pack)
+  writer.on("close", function () {
+    t.equal(entry, entries.length, "should get all expected entries")
+    t.pass("it finished")
+    t.end()
+  })
diff --git a/test/parse.js b/test/parse.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f765a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parse.js
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+var tap = require("tap")
+  , tar = require("../tar.js")
+  , fs = require("fs")
+  , path = require("path")
+  , file = path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures/c.tar")
+  , index = 0
+  , expect =
+[ [ 'entry',
+    { path: 'c.txt',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 513,
+      mtime: new Date('Wed, 26 Oct 2011 01:10:58 GMT'),
+      cksum: 5422,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: 'cc.txt',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 513,
+      mtime: new Date('Wed, 26 Oct 2011 01:11:02 GMT'),
+      cksum: 5525,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: 'r/e/a/l/l/y/-/d/e/e/p/-/f/o/l/d/e/r/-/p/a/t/h/cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 100,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:43:23 GMT'),
+      cksum: 18124,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: 'Ω.txt',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 2,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:51:49 GMT'),
+      cksum: 5695,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'extendedHeader',
+    { path: 'PaxHeader/Ω.txt',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 120,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:51:49 GMT'),
+      cksum: 6702,
+      type: 'x',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    { path: 'Ω.txt',
+      ctime: 1319737909,
+      atime: 1319739061,
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51693379,
+      nlink: 1 } ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: 'Ω.txt',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 2,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:51:49 GMT'),
+      cksum: 5695,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '',
+      ctime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 17:51:49 GMT'),
+      atime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 18:11:01 GMT'),
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51693379,
+      nlink: 1 },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'extendedHeader',
+    { path: 'PaxHeader/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 353,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 14488,
+      type: 'x',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      ctime: 1319686868,
+      atime: 1319741254,
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 1 } ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 200,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 14570,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '',
+      ctime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      atime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 18:47:34 GMT'),
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 1 },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'longPath',
+    { path: '././@LongLink',
+      mode: 0,
+      uid: 0,
+      gid: 0,
+      size: 201,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'),
+      cksum: 4976,
+      type: 'L',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: false },
+    '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc' ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 1000,
+      gid: 1000,
+      size: 201,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 22:21:50 GMT'),
+      cksum: 14086,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: false },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'longLinkpath',
+    { path: '././@LongLink',
+      mode: 0,
+      uid: 0,
+      gid: 0,
+      size: 201,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'),
+      cksum: 4975,
+      type: 'K',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: false },
+    '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc' ],
+  [ 'longPath',
+    { path: '././@LongLink',
+      mode: 0,
+      uid: 0,
+      gid: 0,
+      size: 201,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'),
+      cksum: 4976,
+      type: 'L',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: false },
+  [ 'entry',
+      mode: 511,
+      uid: 1000,
+      gid: 1000,
+      size: 0,
+      mtime: new Date('Fri, 28 Oct 2011 23:05:17 GMT'),
+      cksum: 21603,
+      type: '2',
+      linkpath: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      ustar: false },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'extendedHeader',
+    { path: 'PaxHeader/200-hard',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 143,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 6533,
+      type: 'x',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    { ctime: 1320617144,
+      atime: 1320617232,
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 2 } ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: '200-hard',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 200,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 5526,
+      type: '0',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '',
+      ctime: new Date('Sun, 06 Nov 2011 22:05:44 GMT'),
+      atime: new Date('Sun, 06 Nov 2011 22:07:12 GMT'),
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 2 },
+    undefined ],
+  [ 'extendedHeader',
+    { path: 'PaxHeader/200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 353,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 14488,
+      type: 'x',
+      linkpath: '',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '' },
+    { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      ctime: 1320617144,
+      atime: 1320617406,
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 2 } ],
+  [ 'entry',
+    { path: '200ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
+      mode: 420,
+      uid: 24561,
+      gid: 20,
+      size: 0,
+      mtime: new Date('Thu, 27 Oct 2011 03:41:08 GMT'),
+      cksum: 15173,
+      type: '1',
+      linkpath: '200-hard',
+      ustar: 'ustar\0',
+      ustarver: '00',
+      uname: 'isaacs',
+      gname: 'staff',
+      devmaj: 0,
+      devmin: 0,
+      fill: '',
+      ctime: new Date('Sun, 06 Nov 2011 22:05:44 GMT'),
+      atime: new Date('Sun, 06 Nov 2011 22:10:06 GMT'),
+      'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime': '1319686852',
+      dev: 234881026,
+      ino: 51681874,
+      nlink: 2 },
+    undefined ] ]
+tap.test("parser test", function (t) {
+  var parser = tar.Parse()
+  parser.on("end", function () {
+    t.equal(index, expect.length, "saw all expected events")
+    t.end()
+  })
+  fs.createReadStream(file)
+    .pipe(parser)
+    .on("*", function (ev, entry) {
+      var wanted = expect[index]
+      if (!wanted) {
+        return t.fail("Unexpected event: " + ev)
+      }
+      var result = [ev, entry.props]
+      entry.on("end", function () {
+        result.push(entry.fields || entry.body)
+        t.equal(ev, wanted[0], index + " event type")
+        t.equivalent(entry.props, wanted[1], wanted[1].path + " entry properties")
+        if (wanted[2]) {
+          t.equivalent(result[2], wanted[2], "metadata values")
+        }
+        index ++
+      })
+    })
diff --git a/test/zz-cleanup.js b/test/zz-cleanup.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a00ff7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/zz-cleanup.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// clean up the fixtures
+var tap = require("tap")
+, rimraf = require("rimraf")
+, test = tap.test
+, path = require("path")
+test("clean fixtures", function (t) {
+  rimraf(path.resolve(__dirname, "fixtures"), function (er) {
+    t.ifError(er, "rimraf ./fixtures/")
+    t.end()
+  })
+test("clean tmp", function (t) {
+  rimraf(path.resolve(__dirname, "tmp"), function (er) {
+    t.ifError(er, "rimraf ./tmp/")
+    t.end()
+  })

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-tar.git

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