[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-tap] 20/186: rm unused lib/asserts.js

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 1 16:40:39 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-tap.

commit 6f8d240061fc3946da88e30ba7ff0dcfceada9ac
Author: isaacs <i at izs.me>
Date:   Sun Aug 13 18:53:17 2017 -0700

    rm unused lib/asserts.js
 lib/asserts.js | 382 ---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 382 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/asserts.js b/lib/asserts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d0621e..0000000
--- a/lib/asserts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-const synonyms = require('./synonyms.js')
-const tsame = require('tsame') // same thing, strict or not
-const tmatch = require('tmatch') // ok with partial estimates
-const extraFromError = require('./extra-from-error.js')
-const stack = require('./stack.js')
-// Load Buffer the old way for browserify's sake
-const Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer // eslint-disable-line
-// this is actually the "working half" of the Test class.
-// each method figures out if it's a pass or fail, and decorates
-// the extra bit, and then calls either pass() or fail() or some
-// other assert method.
-// typically, a plugin would do this on a specific instance, eg on
-// the root test harness instance.  but we do this here to add some
-// useful prototype methods.
-exports.decorate = decorate
-function decorate (t) {
-  t.addAssert('ok', 1, function (obj, message, extra) {
-    message = message || 'expect truthy value'
-    if (obj) {
-      return this.pass(message, extra)
-    }
-    return this.fail(message, extra)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('notOk', 1, function (obj, message, extra) {
-    message = message || 'expect falsey value'
-    return this.ok(!obj, message, extra)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('error', 1, function (er, message, extra) {
-    if (!er) {
-      return this.pass(message || 'should not error', extra)
-    }
-    if (!(er instanceof Error)) {
-      extra.found = er
-      return this.fail(message || 'non-Error error encountered', extra)
-    }
-    message = message || er.message
-    extra.found = er
-    return this.fail(message, extra)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('equal', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should be equal'
-    if (f === w) {
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    e.found = f
-    e.wanted = w
-    e.compare = '==='
-    if (typeof f === 'object' &&
-        typeof w === 'object' &&
-        f &&
-        w &&
-        tsame(f, w)) {
-      e.note = 'Objects never === one another'
-    }
-    return this.fail(m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('not', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should not be equal'
-    if (f !== w) {
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    e.found = f
-    e.doNotWant = w
-    e.compare = '!=='
-    return this.fail(m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('same', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should be equivalent'
-    e.found = f
-    e.wanted = w
-    return this.ok(tsame(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('notSame', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should not be equivalent'
-    e.found = f
-    e.doNotWant = w
-    return this.notOk(tsame(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('strictSame', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should be equivalent strictly'
-    e.found = f
-    e.wanted = w
-    return this.ok(tsame.strict(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('strictNotSame', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should be equivalent strictly'
-    e.found = f
-    e.doNotWant = w
-    return this.notOk(tsame.strict(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('match', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should match pattern provided'
-    e.found = f
-    e.pattern = w
-    return this.ok(tmatch(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('notMatch', 2, function (f, w, m, e) {
-    m = m || 'should not match pattern provided'
-    e.found = f
-    e.pattern = w
-    return this.ok(!tmatch(f, w), m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('type', 2, function (obj, klass, m, e) {
-    const name = typeof klass === 'function' ?
-      klass.name || '(anonymous constructor)'
-      : klass
-    m = m || 'type is ' + name
-    // simplest case, it literally is the same thing
-    if (obj === klass) {
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    const tof = typeof obj
-    const type = (!obj && tof === 'object') ? 'null'
-      // treat as object, but not Object
-      // t.type(() => {}, Function)
-      : (tof === 'function' &&
-        typeof klass === 'function' &&
-        klass !== Object) ? 'object'
-      : tof
-    if (type === 'object' && klass !== 'object') {
-      if (typeof klass === 'function') {
-        e.found = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor.name
-        e.wanted = name
-        return this.ok(obj instanceof klass, m, e)
-      }
-      // check prototype chain for name
-      // at this point, we already know klass is not a function
-      // if the klass specified is an obj in the proto chain, pass
-      // if the name specified is the name of a ctor in the chain, pass
-      for (let p = obj; p; p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p)) {
-        const ctor = p.constructor && p.constructor.name
-        if (p === klass || ctor === name) {
-          return this.pass(m, e)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return this.equal(type, name, m, e)
-  })
-  t.addAssert('throws', 4, function (fn_, wanted_, m_, e_, m, e__) {
-    let fn, wanted, e
-    for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
-      const arg = arguments[i]
-      if (typeof arg === 'function') {
-        if (arg === Error || arg.prototype instanceof Error) {
-          wanted = arg
-        } else if (!fn) {
-          fn = arg
-        }
-      } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && arg) {
-        m = arg
-      } else if (typeof arg === 'object') {
-        if (!wanted) {
-          wanted = arg
-        } else {
-          e = arg
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Copy local properties of the 'extra' object, like 'skip' etc
-    Object.keys(e__).forEach(function (i) {
-      e[i] = e__[i]
-    })
-    if (!m) {
-      m = fn && fn.name || 'expected to throw'
-    }
-    if (wanted) {
-      if (wanted instanceof Error) {
-        const w = {
-          message: wanted.message
-        }
-        if (wanted.name) {
-          w.name = wanted.name
-        }
-        // intentionally copying non-local properties, since this
-        // is an Error object, and those are funky.
-        for (i in wanted) {
-          w[i] = wanted[i]
-        }
-        wanted = w
-        m += ': ' + (wanted.name || 'Error') + ' ' + wanted.message
-        e = e || {}
-        if (e !== wanted) {
-          e.wanted = wanted
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      e = e || {}
-      e.todo = true
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    try {
-      fn()
-      return this.fail(m, e)
-    } catch (er) {
-      // 'name' is a getter.
-      if (er.name) {
-        er.name = er.name + ''
-      }
-      if (wanted) {
-        if (Object.prototype.toString.call(wanted) === '[object RegExp]') {
-          return this.match(er.message, wanted, m, e)
-        }
-        return this.has(er, wanted, m, e)
-      } else {
-        return this.pass(m, e)
-      }
-    }
-  })
-  t.addAssert('doesNotThrow', 1, function (fn, m, e) {
-    if (typeof fn === 'string') {
-      const x = fn
-      fn = m
-      m = x
-    }
-    if (!m) {
-      m = fn && fn.name || 'expected to not throw'
-    }
-    if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      e.todo = true
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    try {
-      fn()
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    } catch (er) {
-      const extra = extraFromError(er, e)
-      extra.message = er.message
-      return this.fail(m, extra)
-    }
-  })
-  // like throws, but rejects a returned promise instead
-  // also, can pass in a promise instead of a function
-  t.addAssert('rejects', 4, function (fn_, wanted_, m_, e_, m, e__) {
-    let fn, wanted, e = {}, promise
-    for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
-      const arg = arguments[i]
-      if (typeof arg === 'function') {
-        if (arg === Error || arg.prototype instanceof Error) {
-          wanted = arg
-        } else if (!fn) {
-          fn = arg
-        }
-      } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && arg) {
-        m = arg
-      } else if (arg && typeof arg.then === 'function' && !promise) {
-        promise = arg
-      } else if (typeof arg === 'object') {
-        if (!wanted) {
-          wanted = arg
-        } else {
-          e = arg
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Copy local properties of the 'extra' object, like 'skip' etc
-    Object.keys(e__).forEach(function (i) {
-      e[i] = e__[i]
-    })
-    if (!m) {
-      m = fn && fn.name || 'expect rejected Promise'
-    }
-    if (wanted) {
-      if (wanted instanceof Error) {
-        const w = {
-          message: wanted.message
-        }
-        if (wanted.name) {
-          w.name = wanted.name
-        }
-        // intentionally copying non-local properties, since this
-        // is an Error object, and those are funky.
-        for (i in wanted) {
-          w[i] = wanted[i]
-        }
-        wanted = w
-        m += ': ' + (wanted.name || 'Error') + ' ' + wanted.message
-        if (e !== wanted) {
-          e.wanted = wanted
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!promise && typeof fn !== 'function') {
-      e.todo = true
-      return this.pass(m, e)
-    }
-    if (!promise)
-      promise = fn()
-    if (!promise || typeof promise.then !== 'function')
-      return this.fail(m, e)
-    // have to do as a subtest, because promises are async
-    e.at = stack.at(this.currentAssert)
-    this.test(m, { buffered: true }, function (t) {
-      return promise.then(function (value) {
-        e.found = value
-        t.fail(m, e)
-      }, function (er) {
-        // 'name' is a getter.
-        if (er.name) {
-          er.name = er.name + ''
-        }
-        if (wanted) {
-          if (Object.prototype.toString.call(wanted) === '[object RegExp]') {
-            return t.match(er.message, wanted, m, e)
-          }
-          return t.has(er, wanted, m, e)
-        } else {
-          return t.pass(m, e)
-        }
-      })
-    })
-  })
-  // synonyms are helpful.
-  Object.keys(synonyms).forEach(function (c) {
-    if (t[c]) {
-      synonyms[c].forEach(function (s) {
-        Object.defineProperty(t, s, {
-          value: t[c],
-          enumerable: false,
-          configurable: true,
-          writable: true
-        })
-      })
-    }
-  })

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