[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-mocha] 02/08: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.0.1'

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 11 18:52:33 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-mocha.

commit d35db6c0128a5af47dd051b52a17c27f61981dda
Merge: 6c9bcb1 dee49fa
Author: Pirate Praveen <praveen at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 11 23:31:07 2017 +0530

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.0.1'
    Update to upstream version '4.0.1'
    with Debian dir 231f61cccb4887f21c0c497fb6a14baaa485d44b

 .eslintignore                                      |     3 +
 .eslintrc                                          |   130 -
 .eslintrc.yaml                                     |    15 +
 .github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md                         |    51 +
 .github/CONTRIBUTING.md                            |    84 +
 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md                          |    49 +
 .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md                   |    40 +
 .github/stale.yml                                  |    40 +
 .gitignore                                         |    15 +-
 .mailmap                                           |     1 +
 .npmrc                                             |     2 +
 .nycrc                                             |    10 +
 .travis.yml                                        |    61 +-
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |   635 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                    |    49 -
 LICENSE                                            |     2 +-
 Makefile                                           |   215 +-
 README.md                                          |   116 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |    26 +
 assets/mocha-banner-192.png                        |   Bin 0 -> 15667 bytes
 assets/mocha-banner.svg                            |   160 +
 assets/mocha-logo-128.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 7445 bytes
 assets/mocha-logo-192.png                          |   Bin 0 -> 10373 bytes
 assets/mocha-logo-64.png                           |   Bin 0 -> 3275 bytes
 assets/mocha-logo.svg                              |   125 +
 bin/.eslintrc                                      |     3 -
 bin/_mocha                                         |   335 +-
 bin/mocha                                          |    37 +-
 bin/options.js                                     |    12 +-
 bower.json                                         |    46 -
 support/browser-entry.js => browser-entry.js       |    78 +-
 component.json                                     |    20 -
 index.js                                           |     6 +-
 karma.conf.js                                      |   183 +
 lib/browser/.eslintrc.yaml                         |     4 +
 lib/browser/debug.js                               |     4 -
 lib/browser/events.js                              |   193 -
 lib/browser/growl.js                               |     5 +
 lib/browser/progress.js                            |    16 +-
 lib/browser/tty.js                                 |     6 +-
 lib/context.js                                     |    23 +-
 lib/hook.js                                        |     6 +-
 lib/interfaces/bdd.js                              |    60 +-
 lib/interfaces/common.js                           |    92 +-
 lib/interfaces/exports.js                          |     8 +-
 lib/interfaces/index.js                            |     2 +
 lib/interfaces/qunit.js                            |    43 +-
 lib/interfaces/tdd.js                              |    54 +-
 lib/mocha.js                                       |   156 +-
 lib/ms.js                                          |    22 +-
 lib/pending.js                                     |     3 +-
 lib/reporters/base.js                              |   136 +-
 lib/reporters/doc.js                               |    16 +-
 lib/reporters/dot.js                               |    20 +-
 lib/reporters/html-cov.js                          |    56 -
 lib/reporters/html.js                              |   195 +-
 lib/reporters/index.js                             |     4 +-
 lib/reporters/json-cov.js                          |   151 -
 lib/reporters/json-stream.js                       |    14 +-
 lib/reporters/json.js                              |    20 +-
 lib/reporters/landing.js                           |    14 +-
 lib/reporters/list.js                              |    24 +-
 lib/reporters/markdown.js                          |    22 +-
 lib/reporters/min.js                               |     6 +-
 lib/reporters/nyan.js                              |    42 +-
 lib/reporters/progress.js                          |    12 +-
 lib/reporters/spec.js                              |    36 +-
 lib/reporters/tap.js                               |    18 +-
 lib/reporters/templates/coverage.jade              |    51 -
 lib/reporters/templates/menu.jade                  |    13 -
 lib/reporters/templates/script.html                |    34 -
 lib/reporters/templates/style.html                 |   324 -
 lib/reporters/xunit.js                             |    63 +-
 lib/runnable.js                                    |   113 +-
 lib/runner.js                                      |   254 +-
 lib/suite.js                                       |    93 +-
 lib/test.js                                        |    15 +-
 lib/utils.js                                       |   391 +-
 mocha.css                                          |    41 +-
 mocha.js                                           | 12710 -------------------
 package.json                                       |   602 +-
 scripts/dedefine.js                                |    25 +
 scripts/ensure-compatible-npm.sh                   |    11 -
 scripts/travis-before-install.sh                   |     9 +
 scripts/travis-before-script.sh                    |     7 +
 test/.eslintrc                                     |     3 -
 test/.eslintrc.yaml                                |     7 +
 test/acceptance/context.js                         |    72 -
 test/acceptance/duration.js                        |    25 -
 test/acceptance/fs.js                              |    17 -
 test/acceptance/glob/glob.js                       |     5 -
 test/acceptance/glob/glob.sh                       |    55 -
 test/acceptance/http.js                            |    16 -
 test/acceptance/interfaces/bdd.js                  |    34 -
 test/acceptance/interfaces/exports.js              |    43 -
 test/acceptance/interfaces/qunit.js                |    23 -
 test/acceptance/interfaces/tdd.js                  |    41 -
 test/acceptance/misc/exit.js                       |    18 -
 test/acceptance/misc/many.js                       |    27 -
 test/acceptance/misc/nontty.js                     |     9 -
 test/acceptance/misc/only/bdd.js                   |    14 -
 test/acceptance/misc/only/qunit.js                 |    15 -
 test/acceptance/misc/only/tdd.js                   |    14 -
 test/acceptance/require/a.js                       |     2 -
 test/acceptance/require/c.js                       |     2 -
 test/acceptance/require/require.js                 |     9 -
 test/acceptance/root.js                            |    11 -
 test/acceptance/timeout.js                         |    79 -
 test/acceptance/utils.js                           |   403 -
 test/browser-fixtures/bdd.fixture.js               |     8 +
 test/browser-fixtures/exports.fixture.js           |     8 +
 test/browser-fixtures/qunit.fixture.js             |     8 +
 test/browser-fixtures/tdd.fixture.js               |     8 +
 test/browser/README.md                             |     3 +
 test/browser/array.js                              |    38 -
 test/browser/array.spec.js                         |    39 +
 test/browser/grep.html                             |     2 +-
 test/browser/grep.js                               |   108 -
 test/browser/grep.spec.js                          |   110 +
 test/browser/index.html                            |     8 +-
 test/browser/{large.js => large.spec.js}           |    49 +-
 .../{multiple-done.js => multiple-done.spec.js}    |    18 +-
 test/browser/opts.html                             |     4 +-
 test/browser/opts.js                               |     5 -
 test/browser/opts.spec.js                          |     7 +
 test/browser/stack-trace.html                      |     2 +-
 test/browser/stack-trace.js                        |    20 -
 test/browser/stack-trace.spec.js                   |    22 +
 test/browser/ui.html                               |     2 +-
 test/browser/{ui.js => ui.spec.js}                 |    16 +-
 test/color.js                                      |    17 -
 .../foo.js => compiler-fixtures/foo.fixture.js}    |     9 +-
 test/{acceptance => compiler}/test.coffee          |     2 +-
 test/{acceptance => compiler}/test.foo             |     0
 test/grep.js                                       |    48 -
 test/hook.async.js                                 |   129 -
 test/hook.sync.js                                  |    97 -
 test/hook.sync.nested.js                           |    98 -
 test/hook.timeout.js                               |     8 -
 test/http.meta.2.js                                |    91 -
 test/http.meta.js                                  |    61 -
 test/integration/compiler-globbing.spec.js         |    24 +
 test/integration/{diffs.js => diffs.spec.js}       |    25 +-
 .../fixtures/{cascade.js => cascade.fixture.js}    |    34 +-
 .../fixtures/diffs/{diffs.js => diffs.fixture.js}  |    71 +-
 test/integration/fixtures/exit.fixture.js          |     8 +
 test/integration/fixtures/glob/glob.spec.js        |     7 +
 test/integration/fixtures/glob/nested/glob.spec.js |     7 +
 ....error.js => after-hook-async-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 ...r.hook.error.js => after-hook-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 ...or.js => afterEach-hook-async-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 ...ok.error.js => afterEach-hook-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 .../hooks/before-hook-async-error-tip.fixture.js   |    13 +
 ...error.js => before-hook-async-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 .../hooks/before-hook-error-tip.fixture.js         |    11 +
 ....hook.error.js => before-hook-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 .../fixtures/hooks/before.hook.async.error.tip.js  |    11 -
 .../fixtures/hooks/before.hook.error.tip.js        |     9 -
 ...r.js => beforeEach-hook-async-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 ...k.error.js => beforeEach-hook-error.fixture.js} |     2 +
 ...ror.js => multiple-hook-async-error.fixture.js} |    80 +-
 ...ook.error.js => multiple-hook-error.fixture.js} |    80 +-
 .../fixtures/multiple-done-before.fixture.js       |    12 +
 .../fixtures/multiple-done-beforeEach.fixture.js   |    16 +
 .../fixtures/multiple-done-specs.fixture.js        |    12 +
 .../{multiple.done.js => multiple-done.fixture.js} |     6 +-
 test/integration/fixtures/multiple.done.before.js  |    10 -
 .../fixtures/multiple.done.beforeEach.js           |    14 -
 test/integration/fixtures/multiple.done.specs.js   |    10 -
 .../fixtures/options/async-only-async.fixture.js   |     5 +
 .../fixtures/options/async-only-sync.fixture.js    |     3 +
 .../fixtures/options/async-only.async.js           |     3 -
 .../fixtures/options/async-only.sync.js            |     1 -
 test/integration/fixtures/options/bail.fixture.js  |    23 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/bail.js          |    21 -
 .../fixtures/options/delay-fail.fixture.js         |     8 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/delay-fail.js    |     5 -
 test/integration/fixtures/options/delay.fixture.js |    16 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/delay.js         |    19 -
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-only/only-suite.js     |     5 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-only/only.js           |     7 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-only/passed.js         |     7 +
 .../options/forbid-pending/before-this.skip.js     |     6 +
 .../options/forbid-pending/beforeEach-this.skip.js |     6 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-pending/passed.js      |     7 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-pending/pending.js     |     7 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-pending/skip-suite.js  |     5 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-pending/skip.js        |     7 +
 .../fixtures/options/forbid-pending/this.skip.js   |     7 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/grep.fixture.js  |    19 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/grep.js          |    12 -
 .../fixtures/options/only/bdd.fixture.js           |    72 +
 .../fixtures/options/only/qunit.fixture.js         |    27 +
 .../fixtures/options/only/tdd.fixture.js           |    37 +
 .../options/{retries.js => retries.fixture.js}     |     4 +-
 .../{sort.alpha.js => sort-alpha.fixture.js}       |     6 +-
 .../fixtures/options/sort-beta.fixture.js          |     7 +
 test/integration/fixtures/options/sort.beta.js     |     5 -
 test/integration/fixtures/passing.fixture.js       |    13 +
 test/integration/fixtures/passing.js               |    11 -
 .../fixtures/pending/skip-async-before.fixture.js  |    18 +
 .../pending/skip-async-beforeEach.fixture.js       |    18 +
 .../fixtures/pending/skip-async-spec.fixture.js    |    14 +
 .../fixtures/pending/skip-sync-before.fixture.js   |    15 +
 .../pending/skip-sync-beforeEach.fixture.js        |    15 +
 .../fixtures/pending/skip-sync-spec.fixture.js     |    12 +
 .../fixtures/pending/skip.sync.before.js           |    13 -
 .../fixtures/pending/skip.sync.beforeEach.js       |    13 -
 .../integration/fixtures/pending/skip.sync.spec.js |    10 -
 test/integration/fixtures/pending/spec.fixture.js  |     5 +
 test/integration/fixtures/pending/spec.js          |     3 -
 .../fixtures/regression/1794/issue-1794.fixture.js |     5 +
 .../fixtures/regression/1794/issue-1794.js         |     3 -
 .../fixtures/regression/1794/simple-ui.js          |    15 +-
 .../fixtures/regression/issue-1327.fixture.js      |    17 +
 test/integration/fixtures/regression/issue-1327.js |    15 -
 .../fixtures/regression/issue-1417.fixture.js      |    22 +
 .../{issue-1991.js => issue-1991.fixture.js}       |    18 +-
 .../fixtures/regression/issue-2315.fixture.js      |    11 +
 .../fixtures/regression/issue-2406.fixture.js      |    17 +
 .../fixtures/regression/issue-2417.fixture.js      |     9 +
 .../retries/{async.js => async.fixture.js}         |     8 +-
 .../{early-pass.js => early-pass.fixture.js}       |     6 +-
 .../retries/{hooks.js => hooks.fixture.js}         |     8 +-
 .../retries/{nested.js => nested.fixture.js}       |     6 +-
 test/integration/fixtures/simple-reporter.js       |    28 +
 .../fixtures/suite/suite-no-callback.fixture.js    |     3 +
 .../suite/suite-skipped-callback.fixture.js        |     3 +
 .../suite/suite-skipped-no-callback.fixture.js     |     3 +
 test/integration/fixtures/timeout.fixture.js       |    19 +
 test/integration/fixtures/timeout.js               |    17 -
 test/integration/fixtures/uncaught-hook.fixture.js |    15 +
 .../fixtures/{uncaught.js => uncaught.fixture.js}  |    14 +-
 test/integration/fixtures/uncaught.hook.js         |    15 -
 test/integration/glob.spec.js                      |   101 +
 test/integration/helpers.js                        |   105 +-
 test/integration/hook-err.spec.js                  |   227 +
 test/integration/hook.err.js                       |   215 -
 test/integration/{hooks.js => hooks.spec.js}       |    26 +-
 .../{multiple.done.js => multiple-done.spec.js}    |    52 +-
 test/integration/only.spec.js                      |    54 +
 test/integration/options.js                        |   170 -
 test/integration/options.spec.js                   |   389 +
 test/integration/pending.js                        |    63 -
 test/integration/pending.spec.js                   |   123 +
 test/integration/regression.js                     |    53 -
 test/integration/regression.spec.js                |   142 +
 test/integration/reporters.js                      |    63 -
 test/integration/reporters.spec.js                 |    96 +
 test/integration/{retries.js => retries.spec.js}   |    53 +-
 test/integration/suite.spec.js                     |    52 +
 test/integration/timeout.js                        |    18 -
 test/integration/timeout.spec.js                   |    21 +
 test/integration/{uncaught.js => uncaught.spec.js} |    28 +-
 test/interfaces/bdd.spec.js                        |    34 +
 test/interfaces/exports.spec.js                    |    48 +
 test/interfaces/qunit.spec.js                      |    25 +
 test/interfaces/tdd.spec.js                        |    42 +
 test/jsapi/index.js                                |    32 +-
 test/mocha.js                                      |    33 -
 test/mocha.opts                                    |     2 +-
 test/ms.js                                         |    82 -
 test/node-unit/color.spec.js                       |    20 +
 test/node-unit/file-utils.spec.js                  |   116 +
 test/node-unit/fs.spec.js                          |    22 +
 test/node-unit/stack-trace-filter.spec.js          |   156 +
 .../bdd-require.js => only/bdd-require.spec.js}    |    12 +-
 test/only/bdd.spec.js                              |   127 +
 test/only/global/bdd.spec.js                       |    14 +
 test/only/global/qunit.spec.js                     |    14 +
 test/only/global/tdd.spec.js                       |    14 +
 test/only/qunit.spec.js                            |    75 +
 test/only/tdd.spec.js                              |   127 +
 test/reporters/base.js                             |   171 -
 test/reporters/base.spec.js                        |   342 +
 test/reporters/doc.spec.js                         |   213 +
 test/reporters/dot.spec.js                         |   212 +
 test/reporters/json-stream.spec.js                 |   140 +
 test/reporters/json.js                             |    61 -
 test/reporters/json.spec.js                        |    63 +
 test/reporters/landing.spec.js                     |   154 +
 test/reporters/list.spec.js                        |   215 +
 test/reporters/markdown.spec.js                    |   100 +
 test/reporters/min.spec.js                         |    56 +
 test/reporters/nyan.js                             |    30 -
 test/reporters/nyan.spec.js                        |   550 +
 test/reporters/progress.spec.js                    |   145 +
 test/reporters/spec.spec.js                        |   128 +
 test/reporters/tap.spec.js                         |   212 +
 test/reporters/xunit.spec.js                       |   381 +
 test/require/a.js                                  |     4 +
 test/{acceptance => }/require/b.coffee             |     0
 test/require/c.js                                  |     4 +
 test/{acceptance => }/require/d.coffee             |     0
 test/require/require.spec.js                       |    11 +
 test/runnable.js                                   |   447 -
 test/runner.js                                     |   377 -
 test/sanity/sanity.spec.js                         |     9 +
 test/setup.js                                      |     4 +
 test/suite.js                                      |   396 -
 test/test.js                                       |    55 -
 test/unit/context.spec.js                          |    73 +
 test/unit/duration.spec.js                         |    27 +
 .../globals.js => unit/globals.spec.js}            |    22 +-
 test/unit/grep.spec.js                             |    67 +
 test/unit/hook-async.spec.js                       |   135 +
 test/unit/hook-sync-nested.spec.js                 |   104 +
 test/unit/hook-sync.spec.js                        |   103 +
 test/unit/hook-timeout.spec.js                     |    10 +
 test/unit/mocha.spec.js                            |   170 +
 test/unit/ms.spec.js                               |    82 +
 test/unit/overspecified-async.spec.js              |    10 +
 .../required-tokens.spec.js}                       |     6 +-
 test/unit/root.spec.js                             |    13 +
 test/unit/runnable.spec.js                         |   492 +
 test/unit/runner.spec.js                           |   450 +
 test/unit/suite.spec.js                            |   527 +
 test/unit/test.spec.js                             |    76 +
 test/{acceptance/throw.js => unit/throw.spec.js}   |   105 +-
 test/unit/timeout.spec.js                          |    80 +
 test/unit/utils.spec.js                            |   550 +
 test/utils.js                                      |   149 -
 322 files changed, 12863 insertions(+), 19961 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-mocha.git

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