[Pkg-javascript-commits] [rainloop] branch master created (now 1aa6679)

Daniel Ring techwolf-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 15 06:03:10 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

techwolf-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository rainloop.

        at  1aa6679   Fixed line endings of patch files.

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  83d82b6   New upstream version 1.11.1
       new  5f61b51   Set up a proper Debian package build system.
       new  9e22e00   Removed version number from pathnames. Added lintian override for long line in source code.
       new  55bf066   Use Debian php-pclzip package instead of bundled copy.
       new  af21895   Use Debian php-guzzlehttp package instead of bundled copy.
       new  e3579f5   Use Debian php-seclib package instead of bundled copy.
       new  05e85c9   Use Debian libphp-predis package instead of bundled copy.
       new  16628f8   Use Debian php-sabre-dav and php-sabre-vobject packages instead of bundled copies.
       new  860134d   Change target distribution from UNRELEASED to unstable. Added lintian overrides for remaining bundled libraries from upstream.
       new  ced2782   Depend on newer nodejs for npm package instead of npm itself. For details, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=857986
       new  874753b   Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser links to debian/control.
       new  98dbe49   Updated changelog for new version. Removed php5-specific dependencies. Added full AGPL-3 license to copyright file and unified licensing.
       new  2f88c46   Removed postinst script in favor of dh_fixperms override.
       new  e8dd90f   Bundled libraries missing from Debian. :(
       new  db96b5f   Bundled NPM modules required for build system. :(
       new  80c8c7a   Fixed nodejs build-dependency. Patched build system to reduce dependencies. Unbundled build system packages already present in Debian.
       new  5750df2   Removed minified versions of bundled libraries, since the build process minifies them anyway.
       new  458fdce   Moved build clean step into Makefile to reduce dependencies.
       new  5e455df   Switched from gulp build to Makefile to reduce bundled dependencies.
       new  8ece369   Cleaned up Makefile. Fixed stylesheet issues caused by change in ordering.
       new  b7d995e   Removed unused bundled library for es6-promise-polyfill.
       new  e6d9795   Removed autoprefixer to reduce dependencies.
       new  35d4d07   Updated to new upstream version (v1.11.1). Updated .gitignore to exclude autogenerated files from debuild. Updated bundled dependencies to new upstream versions.
       new  35de32b   Switched to system installations of raw-loader and style-loader. Removed Debian nodejs rename as it's no longer necessary.
       new  8b21561   Switched to system installation of babel-loader. Build-depend on webpack and babel from contrib instead of bundled npm packages.
       new  d76fe43   Switched to system installations of babel-preset-stage-0 and babel-plugin-transform-runtime.
       new  8ce1fdb   Switched to system installations of babel-preset-env and babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy.
       new  3f4156b   Removed package.json changes from quilt patchset.
       new  566ce76   Moved bundled library removal to post-build step to avoid modifying source directory.
       new  9849caf   Removed unused bundled libraries for jquery-scrollstop and matchmedia-polyfill.
       new  7ce439f   Removed unused bundled library for json3.
       new  e1aec61   Added license and copyright details for upstream bundled PHP libraries. Updated changelog.
       new  d4cde27   Added license and copyright information for upstream bundled JS libraries.
       new  deec82f   Removed VCS control files of upstream bundled JS libraries from package.
       new  90f8e80   Added license and copyright information for bundled JS libraries.
       new  8bd20b5   Removed debhelper generated files from repository.
       new  c9cb6bf   Removed unnecessary dependency on node-babel-runtime. Restored .gitignore and makedeb.sh to upstream versions.
       new  1aa6679   Fixed line endings of patch files.

The 38 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/rainloop.git

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