[Pkg-javascript-devel] New autodep8/pkg-js-tools features

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Thu May 28 16:48:10 BST 2020

Hi all,

autodep8 0.23 permits to add some additional restrictions or additional
package in pkg-js-tools autopkgtest without having to set a manual

Additional dependencies: for a package which has circular dependency,
you can
 * remove test during build (and its dependencies)
 * write test in debian/tests/pkg-js/test as usual
 * write a debian/tests/autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs.conf with test


   NB1: this will be concatenated with default dependencies:
        "@, @builddeps@, pkg-js-autopkgtest
   NB2: this additional dependencies will also be added to "require"
        test (concatenated with "@, nodejs, pkg-js-autopkgtest"

Additional restrictions: autopkgtest will disable network access except
if "needs-internet" is set. To add it (for npm, yarnpkg,...):
 * write test in debian/tests/pkg-js/test as usual
 * write a debian/tests/autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs.conf with
   additional restrictions:


    * require: superficial, skippable
    * test   : allow-stderr, skippable

Other feature (not in autodep8 but in pkg-js-tools): if build and
autopkgtest tests differ, you can use debian/nodejs/test to overwrite
debian/tests/pkg-js/test during build

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