[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#525292: kdesudo: Cannot find the D-Bus Session Server

Didier Raboud didier at raboud.com
Thu Apr 23 16:25:31 UTC 2009

Le jeudi 23 avril 2009 16:04:50 Jeffrey G Thomas, vous avez écrit :
> Package: kdesudo
> Version: 3.4.1-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> The current KDE4 version of kdesudo fails to lanch and application after
> giving its dialog box, with the errors on the command line reported as:
> <unknown program name>(4734)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus
> session server
> <unknown program name>(4733)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed
> unexpectedly.
> At which point it returns me to the shellprompt.

Hi Jeffrey, and thanks for your bug report,

Could you please make some tests and report the full log here ?

$ kdesudo echo 1
	(… Enter your password in the appearing window …)
$ ps aux | grep dbus
$ eval `dbus-launch`
$ kdesudo echo 1

Best regards, 


Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1802 Corseaux
didier at raboud.com
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