<HTML><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/></head><BODY><P>It will be advantageous to you and your family if you read my letter with an open mind.</P>
<P>My Name is Mark Pincus, you can look me up on Forbes.</P>
<P>I spent my 20s in a series of jobs that never stuck, By the time I was 28 I felt lost. I went to temple for the High Holidays for the first time since I was a kid because I couldn't follow the Hebrew, I started writing in a notebook. I wrote about my failed dreams and how I felt like a passive follower on my life journey not a passionate protagonist.</P>
<P>Adding to my Book of Life has become an annual commitment for the past 28 years. I have come to call this “partnering with my future self.” Each year I ask what future Mark would thank present Mark for doing. I then commit to making it happen.Through this practice, I have changed my life—gaining the focus to improve habits, relationships, and build companies.</P>
<P>When a community comes together to solve its own problems it reclaims its agency and becomes emboldened. This community focus is core to my giving philosophy, which is shaped by a desire to facilitate entrepreneurial ingenuity so that people can take sustainable and regenerative action in their communities.</P>
<P>I am motivated by the forces that shape me. I hope my children can live in a world that is regenerative, biodiverse, balanced, and thriving. To that end, I plan to end poverty in my community as much as I can, You are my community.</P>
<P>It is with great joy that I am launching the Future Self Project. This Project is basically helping to change the future of generations to come by helping random individuals build generational wealth.</P>
<P>If you received this letter, You have been cautiously selected to be a beneficiary of my Future Self Project, What this entails is quite straightforward. We will be giving you $1.2 Million, No Strings Attached!</P>
<P>All I need you to do is confirm your Full Name and Full Address and I will provide you with further instructions on how you will be paid.</P>
<P>The problems we face are human problems and therefore are capable of human solutions.</P>
<P>Mark Jonathan Pincus</P><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100%">
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