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<div><font color="white"> with a gaze under which even the hard。 eagle eyes grew restless. looked across to Chateauroy? and addressed his antagonist rather than the president!</font>
<div><font color="white">Most true: and might I in return ask you who you are? who wander alone and unhappy! Believe me I should think myself very fortunate?</font>
<div><font color="white"> if love and hate had not possessed him so entirely? he would never have ventured again to witness the magical powers of his friend?</font>
<div><font size="4"><font color="white"> he would be content togo to England! and then make a voyage back to Bengal by theCompany's ships.</font> </font>
<div><font size="4"><font color="white"> and that for many reasons: he hadbeen the companion of my travels; he was not only faithful to me.but sincerely affectionate to the last degree; and I had resolvedto do something considerable for him if he out-lived me! as it wasprobable he would!</font> </font>
<div><font color="white" size="4"> he must be right, or you would never sit musing there like an owl in the sunlight. Take a draught of my burgundy; bright as rubies,</font></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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