[Pkg-Mali-devel] mali-400 usespace drivers

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Thu Jun 28 18:35:34 BST 2018

Hi Maxime, 

I am the maintainer of the debian mali packages, both free kernel
drivers and non-free userspace drivers.

I saw your announcement for mali-400 binaries from allwinner, and
wondered about putting them in the mali-utgard-driver debian package
(in preparation). 

However, grabing the files from
https://github.com/free-electrons/mali-blobs I see that the allwinner
licence does not seem to allow general redistribution, only
redistribution by customers, via a specific github URL. Is that your

It also seems to restrict use and copying to 'users of github' which
is a rather bizarre restriction.

If this is the case then I don't thnk Debian can put these binaries in
a package, which is a pain.

I note that the mali-450 r6p1 drivers are available from ARM with the
new licence:
which suggests that this vintage of driver _could_ be licenced to
allow redistribution. We could try pestering some lawyers to get this 
fixed, but it's always an incredibly slow purpose.

I suppose the only alternative is a 'downloading' package which grabs
the files from the specified location on installation. 

We can still do testing to make sure the packaged kernel driver works
with these binaries. I see you got mali DTB info upstreamed for A23
and A33. Which kernel version did that go into? Ideally we'd be able
to have DTB info for Hikey (mali-450) and A23/A33 in mainline kernels,
so one packaged out-of-tree dkms module should work for both. Is that

This message cc:ed to the pkg-mali-devel list where we discuss the
development/packaging of mali drivers (for debian-based distros). You
would be very welcome to join this (currently quite exclusive!) list :-)

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
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