[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] new package: xul-ext-zotero

Θοδωρής Λύτρας thlytras at gmail.com
Sun Jun 26 22:06:34 UTC 2011

Dear DebianMozExt Team,

I have packaged the latest version of Zotero, which is the best citation 
manager software out there, for Debian. 

As it is not on the repositories, I would like to contribute this package to 
Debian and maintain it in the future. 

Being a **complete** rookie in packaging however, I would appreciate some 
guidance. Where should I upload it and who is going to check if it's 100% OK? 
I used mozilla-devscripts as described in the wiki, the package passed lintian 
and it does work fine on my system, but I certainly may have missed a detail 
or something. 

And also, how can this package reach the repositories? From what I read, a 
Debian Developer must act as a sponsor. Is there anyone in your team that 
might do this?

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Theodore Lytras

"Beauty is transitory"
"Beauty survives"
        - Mr. Spock & Capt. Kirk, "That which survives", stardate unknown
by Theodore Lytras <thlytras at gmail.com>

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