[Pkg-mozext-maintainers] [Enigmail] Enigmail in Debian

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at fifthhorseman.net
Mon Jul 15 21:14:02 UTC 2013

On 07/15/2013 04:34 PM, Ximin Luo wrote:
> For xul-ext-gnome-keyring, I am building the extension twice, against both xulrunner-dev *and* icedove-dev, then packaging both binaries into the same XUL extension and using the appId to tell XPCOM to conditionally load the correct one. Have a look at debian/rules for source, although I don't know if the same strategy would be applicable to enigmail. I'm also not sure which version of the xulrunner lib the Debian iceape uses.
> http://packages.debian.org/sid/xul-ext-gnome-keyring
> https://github.com/infinity0/mozilla-gnome-keyring/tree/debian

This is a neat approach, but my understanding of enigmail is that the
the issue is not just building against different -dev environments;
there are actually changes in enigmail source between the different
versions that are aligned to the behavior of the corresponding MUA versions.

So i don't think just building the same source package twice against
different dev environments will do the trick :(


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