RFS: slv2

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Tue Apr 21 07:06:47 UTC 2009

Fabian Greffrath <greffrath at leat.rub.de> writes:

> Reinhard Tartler schrieb:
>>> You might want to have a look to cdbs, which, once mastered, is
>>> usually cleaner than debhelper.
>> http://bzed.de/posts/2009/04/package_build_time:_cdbs_vs_dh/
> So it takes a minute longer to build. That's a price I am definitely
> willing to pay if it reduces my entire debian/rules to five lines.

Err, the dh rules are actually even shorter than the cdbs version,
because of less "includes".

Note that the clean rule can even be more simplified in both cases, by
putting the files to clean in the file debian/clean.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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