Bug#748600: xbmc-bin needs libnfs.so.1, libnfs1 provides libnfs.so.4

Bálint Réczey balint at balintreczey.hu
Sun May 18 19:46:29 UTC 2014

Control: reassign -1 libnfs 1.9.3-1
Control: affects -1 xbmc-bin

Hi Gonzalo,

2014-05-18 19:23 GMT+02:00 Gonzalo Bermúdez <gonzalob at gonz0.com.ar>:
> Package: xbmc-bin
> Severity: normal
> Hash: SHA256
> Dear Maintainer,
> xbmc-bin recommends any version of libnfs1. However, after upgrading to 1.9, it
> no longer
> connects to nfs shares. Logs show that it is looking for libnfs.so.1, but the
> new version of libnfs1
> no longer provides that file. Instead it ships libnfs.so.4.
> symlinking libnfs.so.4 to libnfs.so.1 makes it work again.
> Maybe xbmc-bin should be more specific about the version of libnfs1 it
> recommends?
The dependency is generated at build time from the information
libnfs-dev provides. The bug is caused by the .so version change
without changing the
library package's name.


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