Bug#798728: openni, uses inappropriate compiler flags on arm.

Steve McIntyre steve at einval.com
Thu Oct 18 23:37:39 BST 2018

Control: severity -1 serious

This bug is causing other packages to FTBFS. For example, see this
failed build of python-pcl on armhf:


There's an illegal instruction near the end of the log. Jochen (in CC)
asked for help debugging, so I've just done this on the porter box
abel. I see the same problem, and gdb points to the offending opcode:

(gdb) bt
#0  0xb2a799f8 in TypeManager::AddType(TypeManager::NodeTypeInfo&) () from /usr/lib/libOpenNI.so.0
#1  0xb2a79db2 in TypeManager::TypeManager() () from /usr/lib/libOpenNI.so.0
#2  0xb2a78d14 in _GLOBAL__sub_I_XnTypeManager.cpp () from /usr/lib/libOpenNI.so.0
#3  0xb6f19620 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3

(gdb) disassemble 
Dump of assembler code for function _ZN11TypeManager7AddTypeERNS_12NodeTypeInfoE:
   0xb2a7992c <+0>:     stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}
   0xb2a79930 <+4>:     movs    r6, #1
   0xb2a79932 <+6>:     ldr     r5, [r1, #80]   ; 0x50
   0xb2a79934 <+8>:     sub     sp, #20
   0xb2a79936 <+10>:    ldr     r2, [r1, #92]   ; 0x5c
   0xb2a79938 <+12>:    mov     r4, r1
   0xb2a7993a <+14>:    ldr.w   r10, [pc, #652] ; 0xb2a79bc8 <_ZN11TypeManager7AddTypeERNS_12NodeTypeInfoE+668>
   0xb2a7993e <+18>:    mov     r9, r0
   0xb2a799ec <+192>:   bcc.w   0xb2a79b04 <_ZN11TypeManager7AddTypeERNS_12NodeTypeInfoE+472>
   0xb2a799f0 <+196>:   add.w   r1, r4, #80     ; 0x50
   0xb2a799f4 <+200>:   mov     r3, r4
   0xb2a799f6 <+202>:   mov     r2, r5
=> 0xb2a799f8 <+204>:   vld1.8  {d16-d17}, [r3]
   0xb2a799fc <+208>:   adds    r3, #16
   0xb2a799fe <+210>:   cmp     r3, r1
   0xb2a79a00 <+212>:   vst1.8  {d16-d17}, [r2]
   0xb2a79a04 <+216>:   add.w   r2, r2, #16

That "vld1.8 {d16-d17}, [r3]" is a direct consequence of incorrectly
targetting NEON - the target registers don't exist on platforms
without it. Please fix the build of your package to do this correctly.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve at einval.com
You raise the blade, you make the change... You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane...

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