[debian-mysql] [MBF] mysql meta-packages

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sat Dec 17 21:46:58 UTC 2016


I've been thinking about smooth upgrades from mysql-server in jessie to
default-mysql-server in stretch.
Since mysql-server is (only) recommended (and not being depended on) by
quite a few packages and that recommendation will be likely replaced by
"default-mysql-server | mysql-server", I can anticipate upgrade
scenarios where the jessie system successfully upgraded to stretch but
still runs mysql-5.5 from jessie. This is because stretch will ship
without a mysql-server package. (Providing it as a virtual package
somewhere will not help.)

Therefore I would suggest the following:

Let's build a transitional mysql-server package from src:mysql-defaults
and have that depend on default-mysql-server. Version would be something
along 5.7.16+1.0.2 to take over the package from src:mysql-5.7
Temporarily stop building mysql-server from src:mysql-5.7 until the
freeze is over. After the freeze and after mysql-5.7 had a new upstream
release, build the package again from src:mysql-5.7.

Should we do the same for mysql-client? Any other package?

(Testing these upgrade scenarios in stretch is currently quite difficult
since there is still mysql-server from src:mysql-5.6 in stretch and
therefore the upgrade usually installs mysql-server-5.6)

Having these transitional packages would also ease the transition we
have now - the bugs don't have to be RC in the end.

If you are interested, I could implement this.

Please keep me Cc:ed - I'm not subscribed to the list.


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