<div class="userStyles" style=" font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;"><span style="font-size:9pt;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS,cursive;">Dear Sir, <br>
We are financial consultants to a group of investors whom we have their consent to manage their funds which are in our custody for cooperation in joint venture business investments, Having gone through a methodical search; I am pleased to contact you on a business platform haven noted your potentiality in the investment industry and your need for foreign investors. Area of interest include Oil/Gas, Finance Services and Leisure, Real Estate, Stock Speculation and Mining, Transportation/logistics, Health Sector and Tobacco, Communication Services, <br>
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing, and thus any other lucrative sector.<br>
Funds shall be made available to you as a direct investment loan at a 3% interest rate per annul for a period of 5 to 10 years depending on what you prefer.<br>
If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of the mentioned business sectors or any other business in your country, we are also ready to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating an 8% annual return on investment, Joint venture partnership, and Hard loan funding. <br>
We look forward to your reply and acknowledge receipt of the email to enable us provide all the necessary details for possible business co-operation. .<br>
Yours Sincerely,<br>
Javier Peres Reyes.<br>
Presidente / Junta Directiva</span></span></div>