[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#565496: Bug#565496: Invalid logic sourcing init-functions

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Sat Jan 16 12:42:40 UTC 2010

Michael Welle schrieb am Samstag, den 16. Januar 2010:


> The logic for sourcing the file init-functions seems to be odd:
> if ! [ -x "/lib/lsb/init-functions" ]; then
>   . /lib/lsb/init-functions
> else
>   echo "E: /lib/lsb/init-functions not found, lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) needed"
>   exit 1
> fi
> The file is not sourced if it exists, but has its execute bits set. On
> the other hand the script tries to source the file if it doesn't exist
> at all. It should be sufficient to just test if the file is readable.
Indeed, thats stupid. Don't ask me how this went into it, but I'll fix that


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