[Pkg-nagios-devel] NDOutils in squeeze

Alexander Wirt formorer at formorer.de
Wed Sep 29 13:28:09 UTC 2010

Mehdi Dogguy schrieb am Wednesday, den 29. September 2010:


> >having a look into the status of the nagios packages in squeeze, we
> >discovered, that ndoutils is not in squeeze (yet).
> >
> >Not having ndoutils in squeeze means:
> >
> >* nagvis is broken (missing recommand)
> That doesn't mean that nagvis is broken, since it only recommends
> ndoutils-mysql. If it's a real runtime non-optional dependency, it makes
> nagvis RC buggy.
nagvis can use several backends, currently ndoutils-mysql is the only one
that is available in debian. 

> >* ndoutils is in lenny but dropped with squeeze (maybe without any
> >strong reason)
> Never assume that! It was rc-buggy (#560681, causing some data-loss) and
> that's why it was removed. Its maintainer didn't try to get it back in
> testing. It has been out of testing for over than 7 months now...
The maintainer is more or less MIA - we (as nagios team) now took over.
Shouldn't the package get automatically back into testing if the RC bug

> >* many 3rd party applications are based on ndoutils, so this will
> >have a significant effect for the nagios "ecosystem" on squeeze
> Nothing depends on it (unless I'm on crack), so how its removal can
> have a significant effect for the nagios "ecosystem" in Squeeze?
Most 3rd party reporting tools and most homebrew thingys around that use ndo. 

> >* popcon count is 235
> >
> Which is not high...
It means that at least 20% of all nagios3 installations have it. Which isn't
that less. 

Alexander Wirt, formorer at formorer.de 
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