[Pkg-nagios-devel] Bug#878233: check_running_kernel: find: ‘/boot/efi’: Permission denied

Felix Geyer felix.geyer at credativ.de
Fri Mar 9 14:06:15 UTC 2018

Control: tags -1 patch

On Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:15:12 +0200 Stefan Wendler <stefan.wendler at tngtech.com> wrote:
> Package: nagios-plugins-contrib
> Version: 21.20170222
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
>    * What led up to the situation?
> running 'check_running_kernel' as nagios-user
>    * What was the outcome of this action?
> find: ‘/boot/efi’: Permission denied
>    * What outcome did you expect instead?
> Does /boot/efi have to be read? If not, please exclude reading the /boot/efi directory

The same thing happens when /boot is an own filesystem and /boot/lost+found is only root readable.

Adding a -maxdepth 1 to the offending find calls does the trick.
A patch is attached.


Felix Geyer
Tel.:   +49 2166 9901-0
Fax:    +49 2166 9901-100
Mail: felix.geyer at credativ.de
PGP:    D1DF 8149 7643 8822 7283 92DC 1004
DA1C FF6D B892
Felix Geyer
Tel.:   +49 2166 9901-125
Fax:    +49 2166 9901-100
Mail: felix.geyer at credativ.de
PGP:    D1DF 8149 7643 8822 7283 92DC 1004
DA1C FF6D B892

credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080
USt-ID-Nummer: DE204566209
Trompeterallee 108, 41189 Mönchengladbach
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer

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