[Pkg-net-snmp-devel] Bug#781257: snmp: preinst kills all processes of user snmp

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Thu Oct 8 12:15:12 UTC 2015

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 03:39:52PM +0100, Christian Seiler wrote:
> 5. And finally: why is this even done? I simply don't see the point of
> doing this... The commit message in git doesn't describe the need for
> this change, and I can't imagine any scenario for this: snmp contains a
> bunch of client utilities and shouldn't have anything directly to do
> with the SNMP server, so why start killing the server process and
> subagents it started? Especially if the server isn't restarted in
> postinst. I just don't get it.

> The way I see it, it would probably best to just revert this change.
> But if for some reason in some corner case snmpd actually has to be
> restarted when the snmp package is installed, then please do that with
> invoke-rc.d (and also restart it in postinst) and not with killall -u.

Looks like this was done in response to
https://launchpad.net/bugs/573391 in Ubuntu, and Debian merged that

But since
deluser isn't even called any more. So I don't think the killall is
necessary anymore anyway, but I'd like someone to review this.


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