Bug#995026: Update

Jeremy Hendricks jwh1981 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 03:00:52 GMT 2022

I was able to finally track down this issue. The issue is due to the
32bit packages being installed if you have 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture
i386'. If you do, 'sudo apt install nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver' will
install libnvidia-cfg1 (which is an nvidia 460 component) that causes the
initial issue and you won't have the driver installed properly.

Two workarounds if you need 32bit support like I do:

1. 'sudo apt install libnvidia-legacy-390xx-cfg1
nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver' This will prevent libnvidia-cfg1 from being
installed and things will be happy for your nvidia 400/500 series like mine.

2. Install normally and ignore the warning about the GPU not being
supported. Once it's installed, do this before you reboot: 'sudo apt purge
--autoremove libnvidia-cfg1' then reboot. You should be good now.

Option #1 is preferable as I don't know if installing updates down the road
for Option #1 would cause libnvidia-cfg1 to be installed. I assume it will
be fine but you know what they say about 'assume'.
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