[Pkg-opencl-devel] Bug#1001545: pyopencl, build-depends on package that is no longer in testing

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Tue Jan 11 15:44:32 GMT 2022

Source: pyopencl
Version: 2021.2.9-1
Followup-For: Bug #1001545

Reading the history further, mesa-opencl-icd was replaced by
pocl-opencl-icd | opencl-icd for 2016.1+git20161003-2,
commit 3b0d193c,
"pocl-opencl-icd is the best default choice when there no other OpenCL
ICD installed as it uses CPU and no specialized hardware" 

But that was only for the binary package Depends.  The source package
Build-Depends: pocl-opencl-icd was added much later for 2020.2.2-1,
Commit 0000f815

Would we more packaging stability that respects the intention to use
pocl-opencl-icd where available if we switch to

  Build-Depends: mesa-opencl-icd | pocl-opencl-icd | opencl-icd
with python3-pyopencl
  Depends: pocl-opencl-icd | mesa-opencl-icd | opencl-icd

i.e. use mesa-opencl-icd to build the package, and prefer
pocl-opencl-icd to use it.

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