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@tab Page
@section Background Style
@tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
@tab Page
@section Background Style
@tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
@tab Page
@section Email Border
@tip Set the border for your email.
@tab Page
@section Heading 1
@tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails. These should be the largest of your headings.
@style heading 1
@tab Page
@section Heading 2
@tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails.
@style heading 2
@tab Page
@section Heading 3
@tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails.
@style heading 3
@tab Page
@section Heading 4
@tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings.
@style heading 4
@tab Header
@section Header Style
@tip Set the borders for your email's header area.
@tab Header
@section Header Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's header text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Header
@section Header Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's header links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateHeader .mcnTextContent a,#templateHeader .mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Body
@section Body Style
@tip Set the borders for your email's body area.
@tab Body
@section Body Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's body text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Body
@section Body Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's body links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateBody .mcnTextContent a,#templateBody .mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Footer
@section Footer Style
@tip Set the borders for your email's footer area.
@tab Footer
@section Footer Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's footer text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Footer
@section Footer Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's footer links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateFooter .mcnTextContent a,#templateFooter .mcnTextContent p a{
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display:none !important;
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@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 1
@tip Make the first-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:22px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 2
@tip Make the second-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:20px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 3
@tip Make the third-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:18px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 4
@tip Make the fourth-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Boxed Text
@tip Make the boxed text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
table.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer td.mcnTextContent,td.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer td.mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Header Text
@tip Make the header text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
td#templateHeader td.mcnTextContent,td#templateHeader td.mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Body Text
@tip Make the body text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
td#templateBody td.mcnTextContent,td#templateBody td.mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Footer Text
@tip Make the footer content text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
td#templateFooter td.mcnTextContent,td#templateFooter td.mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
<body style="height:100%;
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<!--[if !gte mso 9]><!----><span style="display:none !important; display:none; font-size:0px; line-height:0px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all;" class="mcnPreviewText">04 - 05 - 2023 pkg-openssl-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net</span><!--<![endif]-->
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04 - 05 - 2023<br>
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The G7 meeting was held in Washington D.C., attended by the G7 Ministers and Central Bank Governors, along with the Heads of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Funds Stability Board. The Ukrainian Minister Sergii Marchenko also joined us. Given the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's aggression towards Ukraine, our focus has shifted towards strengthening economic resilience. Our objective is to support the private sector in diversifying its supply chains through the transparent, efficient, and predictable use of public fund tools, including tax incentives, subsidies, guarantees, and private/public resources. This is in line with our commitment to maintaining a rules-based global economic system.<br>
<br aria-hidden="true">
On this basis, we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive jurisdictional funds aimed at promoting global economic expansion, with a particular emphasis on career creation and trade facilitation. We have decided to reach out to private sector individuals outside of government firms, and through the 'Activities Profiler System', you have been selected to receive €2,000,000 Euro in your name. Our aim is to empower those selected by providing them with sufficient capital to create typical establishments that can generate additional job opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and develop new technology that benefits the community. We are in compliance with our annual meeting's mandate to empower individuals/entities accredited by our members in their respective jurisdictions. Kindly respond to this email to obtain further details on the release of funds by our office.
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<p><span style="font-size:13px"><strong>Contact the commission office Email:</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:13px"><span style="color:#0000FF">g7commission@liebt-dich.info</span></span></p>
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<p><span style="font-size:13px"><strong>Fumio Kishida<br>
The Prime minister of Japan</strong></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:13px">G7 Hiroshima Message <br>
<span style="color:#008080">Toward a Successful G7 Hiroshima Summit, For a Better Future for Japan and the World</span></span></p>
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