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<p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver"><p>It was not a very agreeable session. The potato famine did something more than repeal the corn laws. It proved that there was no floating capital left in the country; and when the Barings and Rothschilds combined, almost as much from public spirit as from private speculation, to raise a loan of a few millions for the minister, they absolutely found the public purse was exhausted, and had to supply the greater portion of the amount from their own resources. In one of the many financial debates that consequently occurred, Trenchard established himself by a clear and comprehensive view of the position of affairs, and by modestly reminding the House, that a year ago he had predicted the present condition of things, and indicated its inevitable cause.</p><p>"Together they form ‘a basket suitable for putting plucked flowers in,’" Yüan Yang continued.</p><p>"E. EUSTACE."</p><p>"Yes; he was dear to us, and we were dear to him," said Myra; "but the curtain has fallen. We have to exert ourselves. Energy and self-control were never more necessary to two human beings than to us. Here are his keys; his papers must be examined by no one but ourselves. There is a terrible ceremony taking place, or impending. When it is all over, we must visit the hall at least once more."</p><p>"Is it any business of yours, young lady?"</p><p>This was the great speech on a great night, and Mr. Bertie Tremaine walked home with Trenchard. It was observed that Mr. Bertie Tremaine always walked home with the member who had made the speech of the evening.</p><p>Lady Feng was however intent upon gently sipping her tea, and after a good long while of abstraction, she at last smiled: "Never mind," she remarked; "you can go. But come after you’ve had your evening meal, and I’ll then tell you about it. Just now there are visitors here; and besides, I don’t feel in the humour."</p><p>Little by little the habitations got scantier and scantier, so pulling his horse round, (Hsüeh P’an) retraced his steps. The moment he turned back, he unawares caught sight of Hsiang-lien, and his spirits rose within him, as if he had got hold of some precious thing of an extraordinary value. "I knew well enough," he eagerly smiled, "that you weren’t one to break faith."</p><p>"You need not trouble yourself to time me," the other answered, sulkily; "my duty to the firm overrides private feeling. Miss Castlewood, I call you to witness, since Major Hockin is so peppery —"</p><p></p><p></p><p>"I wish I could," answered Mrs. Hare, breaking off a particle of her dry toast. "All I can remember is, that he appeared to be a gentleman."</p><p>"How many times did I tell him," the Sawyer replied, without much discontent, "that it were a risky thing to try the gulches, such a night as that? His own way he would have, however; and finer liars than he could ever stick up to be for a score of years have gone, time upon time, to the land of truth by means of that same view of things. They take every body else for a liar."</p><p>"The other day," said Madame Wang, "the doctor mentioned the name of some pills, but I’ve forgotten what it is."</p><p>"No! I come from the Atlantic seaboard in the north of Brazil," replied Fragoso.</p><p>"Quite true!" acquiesced dowager lady Chia, in reply to this suggestion. "I was afraid that if I left, now that you’re all in exuberant spirits, I mightn’t again be spoiling your fun, (so I didn’t budge). But as the idea originates from yourselves do go as you please, (while I retire). But," she said to Hsiang-yün, "don’t allow your cousin Secundus, Pao-yü, and your cousin Lin to have too much to eat." Then when Hsiang-yün had signified her obedience, "You two girls," continuing, she recommended Hsiang-yün and Pao-ch’ai, "must not also have more than is good for you. Those things are, it’s true, luscious, but they’re not very wholesome; and if you eat immoderately of them, why, you’ll get stomachaches."</p><p>Mr. Gundry had only been trying me, perhaps. But I did not see it in that light, and burst into a flood of childish tears, that he should misunderstand me so. Gold had its usual end, in grief. Uncle Sam rose up to soothe me and to beg my pardon, and to say that perhaps he was harsh because of the treatment he had received from his friends. He took me in his arms and kissed me; but before I could leave off sobbing, the crack of a rifle rang through the house, and Suan Isco, with a wail, rushed out.</p><p>"If you’ll have the kindness to stand on one side," said Mrs. Carbuncle, as she stretched Lizzie on the sofa.</p><p>"You lodged the gun against the wall—safely?"</p><p>The reasoning of Joam Dacosta was unanswerable, and Judge Jarriquez felt it to be so. He made the only possible objection.</p><p>So it will be seen that the position of the ministry, previous to the meeting of parliament in 1839, was somewhat critical. In the meantime, its various members, who knew their man, lavished every practicable social attention on Jorrocks. The dinners they gave him were doubled; they got their women to call on his women; and Sidney Wilton, a member of an illustrious garter family, capped the climax by appointing him one of the party to shoot the Blue Ribbon Covert.</p><p>"Isn’t that your business?" Mrs. Presty asked slyly. "Suppose you write a little note, and I will send it up to her room." The worldly-wisdom which prompted this suggestion contemplated a possible necessity for calling a domestic council, assembled to consider the course of action which Mrs. Linley would do well to adopt. If the influence of her mother was among the forms of persuasion which might be tried, that wary relative maneuvered to make the lawyer speak first, and so to reserve to herself the advantage of having the last word.</p><p>Pao-yü did not in the least heed what she said, being intent upon smelling a subtle scent which, in point of fact, emanated from Tai-yü‘s sleeve, and when inhaled inebriated the soul and paralysed the bones. With a snatch, Pao-yü laid hold of Tai-yü‘s sleeve meaning to see what object was concealed in it; but Tai-yü smilingly expostulated: "At such a time as this," she said, "who keeps scents about one?"</p><p>"Plenty of sticks, Jasper, that it may burn up quickly," said Mrs. Hare, in a pleading voice, as if the sticks were Jasper’s and not hers.</p><p>"This must certainly be the cat-tail rush!" hastily again replied Hsiang-yün. "Can this not be right?"</p><p>"But I do say it, my dear. Things sometimes are fixed which must be unfixed. You know your brother."</p><p>"That’s enough, that will do!" Li Wan cried. "The rhymes haven’t, I admit, been exhausted, but any outside words you might introduce, will, if used in a forced sense, be worth nothing at all."</p><p>"One more question, if you please, on a matter of fact. I have heard that you were married in Scotland. Is that true?"</p><p>Several years later a French traveler, Paul Marcoy, went out to examine the color of the waters of this tributary, which has been graphically compared to the cloudy greenish opal of absinthe. At the same time he corrected some of the measurements of La Condamine. But then the mouth of the Napo was sensibly increased by the floods and it was with a good deal of rapidity that its current, coming from the eastern slopes of Cotopaxi, hurried fiercely to mingle itself with the tawny waters of the Amazon.</p><p>"Archibald—dear Archibald, what can be done to clear him?" she asked, the tears rising to her eyes.</p><p>But that "perhaps" gave me sudden pause. I had caught up the letter, and stood near the candle to soften the wax and lift the cover with a small sharp paper-knife, when it flashed on my mind that my cousin would condemn and scorn what I was doing. Unconsciously I must have made him now my standard of human judgment, or what made me think of him at that moment? I threw down the letter, and then I knew. The image of Lord Castlewood had crossed my mind, because the initials were his own — those of Herbert William Castlewood. This strange coincidence — if it were, indeed, an accident — once more set me thinking. Might not this letter be from his agent, of whom he had spoken as my protector here, but to whom as all unseen I scarcely ever gave a thought? Might not young Stixon, who so often was at Bruntsea, be employed to call at Newport for such letters, and return with them to his master? It was not very likely, for my cousin had the strongest contempt of anonymous doings. Still it was possible, and the bare possibility doubled my reluctance to break the seal.</p></font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">如果这份工作关系,跟苏家没什么牵连的话,那苏天御肯定能耐着性子等余明远自己漏出狐狸尾巴,向他说诉求,但现在的情况不一样。苏天御自己就是个小光棍子,虽有能力,但在这个公司也无处体现,身上可以用的价值太少,那余明远对他这么好,一定是奔着苏家来的。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御肯定不能傻呵呵地拿着苏家的价值,整天跟余明远胡吃海塞,这样人情欠大了,以后也不好还啊。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">万般无奈之下,苏天御想了一个对策,那就是彻底躺平。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">你不对我特殊照顾嘛,那我就捋杆往上爬呗!</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">一连五天,苏天御不但迟到早退,频繁旷工,而且白天也很少在公司待着,电话不是关机,就是没人接,搞得连余明远也找不到他。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">这样一弄,效果还真就来了。余明远以为苏天御这是不想干了,想辞职,所以给他发了一条简讯,让他第二天务必到公司谈事。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">……</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">次日一早,苏天御按照正常上班时间抵达公司,龇牙进了余明远的办公室:“远哥。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“呵呵,见你一面挺难啊。”余明远扫了他一眼:“来,坐。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“哎。”苏天御大咧咧地坐在了椅子上。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“这几天忙什么呢,怎么不见你人呢?”余明远坐在办公桌内,轻声问道。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“在公司也没什么事,我正好有几个战友回龙城了,这几天聚会来着。”苏天御随便找了个借口。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“小苏啊,公司刚刚创立……。”余明远还想用很含糊的态度与狗六子交谈。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“远哥,这几天我琢磨了一下,这整个公司上下,就我是闲人,我在这儿待得真的难受。正好我几个战友回来也想干点事,所以……要不然,我办个离职吧?”苏天御面露为难地说了一句。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">二人对视,余明远突然咧嘴一笑:“呵呵,你跟我玩路子?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“远哥,咱俩到底谁跟谁玩路子啊?!”苏天御顺着话茬反问。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远停顿一下,伸手指了指苏天御:“哎,本来我想着等公司稳定稳定再跟你谈,但你小子……也太没耐心了啊。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“不是我没耐心,是你整得我太没底了。”苏天御笑着回道:“我一度以为你想睡我呢。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“哈哈哈!”余明远一笑:“你这个体格,放不下我那把枪。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“那到底是因为啥呢?你得跟我说一声啊,这样我才能更好地为你效力啊!”苏天御追问。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远端起茶杯,斟酌半晌后说道:“其实啊,我让你当总经理助理,真的是看中了你的能力……。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“快拉倒吧,你别铺垫了。我在这天天就是喝茶睡觉,能体现出什么能力?”苏天御摆手:“咱直接聊干的。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远瞧着苏天御,突然拽开自己办公桌的抽屉,从里面拿出了两盒香烟:“认识吗?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“认识啊,大九香烟,以前九区的老牌啊。”苏天御心里疑惑地反问:“怎么了?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“你知道这烟在龙城卖多少钱一盒吗?”余明远问。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“好像是11块钱一盒吧。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“那它在华区卖多少钱,你知道吗?”余明远又问。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“这我上哪知道去?我从记事开始,就没去过华区。”苏天御摇头。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“它在华区卖3块5。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“……!”苏天御听到这话,没有立即回应。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远拿着烟盒,轻声说道:“一条超过五十块的烟,进口关税加消费税,定额税,要多交进货价的百分之五十左右的税额,再加上运输,批发,零售几层扒皮下来,最后摆在售卖柜台上,这个烟的成本,要比在本土贵近三倍。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御静静听着。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“龙城的民众多以华人为主,我们的很多生活习惯是改变不了的,尤其是烟和酒,我们更喜欢家乡的味道。”余明远耐着性子继续说道:“你也清楚,海外这边的香烟多以混合型为主,而我们习惯抽烤烟。酒也是一样,这边以洋酒,红酒,葡萄酒之类的为主,跟我们的口味不太一样。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御心里已经猜到了余明远接下来要说的话,随即立即问道:“口味不一样了,自己生产就好了啊。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远看着苏天御,眼神一亮:“你真得很聪明。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“呵呵,你别老捧我了。”苏天御轻声说道:“龙城的土地规模也不算小,自己生产,自给自足,应该没啥问题吧?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“自给自足没问题,但税收是问题。”余明远一句点题:“不管是纪元年前,还是现在,烟酒的进口税收额都很大,而我们的口味又很东方,所以这类贸易每年产生的税收远超乎你的想象。咱都不说现在,你看纪元年前,哪个烟草的纳税额不是上万亿?它都可以跟军费开支打平啊!如果你自给自足了,那这类产品的进口税额,龙城以及一区就拿不到了,你懂我意思吗?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御一点就透:“明白了。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“龙城自己有烟草公司,但仅限于官方操作。这个大蛋糕以我们的量级,现在还接触不上。不过他们做得也很烂,产品不行,所以竞争力很差,目前龙城的烟酒还都是以进口为主。”余明远目光兴奋地看着苏天御,低声说道:“我有渠道能进货,你们苏家的脏帮遍布闸南,可以充当脚力和销售。如果你们愿意,货从海上来,落地就散掉,你想想那会是一个什么前程?”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御眨了眨眼睛:“我二叔够呛能做,这事……!”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“先别着急做判断。”余明远低头看了一眼手表:“这样,你和我出去一趟,见几个人,你就明白了。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">“好。”苏天御点头。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">……</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">大约半小时后,闸南区一家安静的茶楼内。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">余明远坐在主位上等了一会,才笑着冲苏天御说道:“你有一个熟人,马上就来。”</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">苏天御怔了一下,立马猜出来是谁了。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver">果然,不到十分钟,包厢的门推开,一个熟悉的身影走了进来。</font></p>
<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" color="silver"></font> </p></body></html>